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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Butch meant the exact War Sphinx's that protected the Didacts Cryptum not just any War Sphinx.
  2. Mendicant Bias? Can I answer twice? I've never played this before if so then how about Human Spirits who have been composed and trapped within humans(before the firing of the Halo rings of course)
  3. I'll do my best to make it but I might be watching Godzilla that night. Added to calender.
  4. There is a very high chance I will make it. Woohoo cannot wait! Added to calender
  5. I would honestly roam around all the bad neighborhoods and catch the awful criminals. I'll also play pranks on everyone.
  6. The strongest human weapon ever created is actually humans. The nuke or anything wouldn't exist without them, and humans create humans. So yea..... It counts as Biotech right? is actually Sanic. Gotta go fast
  7. I'll make it! Oh wait... I am one of the hosts.
  8. Does anyone notice the tag "#PatCity" *saving space for long post*
  9. I'll do my best to make it since I really wana play some of these classic customs again. Added to calender Also if you have Ghostbusters or Micheal Jackson Manor I would love to play those too!
  10. Buns


    It is really depressing to see you leave. Best of luck to everything in your life and I hope it gets good enough again that you can once return to the forum. Your fish tank will always stay cleaned in the meantime. We'll make sure to always send you invites during playdates. Until next time Fishy. *flushes toilet*
  11. Seeing as Platinum doesn't own the Metal Gear, or Metal Gear Franchise I highly doubt it. Metal Gear is something usually shown at a Sony conference since the franchise has always been more Pro-Sony.
  12. I already know how I would do it its just actually making time for it is the hard part.
  13. If this lineup is true just omg Microsoft will win so many people over.
  14. Thats very difficult for many reasons. I don't want to waste these peoples time plus I would loose a lot of interest if I did it this way. The amount of Halo Youtubers I could interview would be very low since some of them are not up for dual comms. I prefer this way because of the amount of time it saves, and how many more HaloTubers I could actually interview with this method. I want this to be active I could do so with this method. Plus less technical issues. Although thanks for the recommendation. I might do a spin-off of this on the channel with different questions.
  15. Submissons closed. I had the loadout picked a long time ago and I have the footage all I need is to actually do the commentary.
  16. That is why we have playdates.
  17. I'll do my best with getting in contact with who I can but I already got all the interviews lined up for the month of may!
  18. Greetings forumians! Welcome to the first ever HaloTuber interview. Similar to previous interviews on the site, but this time focused on youtubers from the Halo community. This is your chance to get some entertaining new content for your subscription and to learn some insight of these great Youtubers and some interesting things about them! For the first week we have none other then our very own ForgeWorldMaps(Brett on the forum, but now known as HaloUpdates so make sure you get that right or else >:c ) Lets move on to the actual interview then shall we. Questions/info are in yellow Answers in white Halo Updates is a Halo news channel covering the latest and greatest in Halo news. He is also a good friend of the forum and your number 1 place for quality Halo news. He also runs a Watch_Dogs channel which you should also check out if you’re interested in the game. Halo Updates aka Brett: https://www.youtube.com/user/ForgeWorldMaps His Watch_Dogs channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/WatchDogsCentral Twitter: https://twitter.com/HaloXboxOne Forum Profile: http://www.343industries.org/forum/user/67023-brett/ 1. In your opinion what Halo game has the biggest replay value and why? Halo 3. The formula was nearly perfect. Bungie also added Forge into Halo 3 which played a huge rule in Custom Games. If we’re talking about replay value then definitely Halo 3. 2. If you could add or remove any feature in the upcoming Halo game what would it be? Hmm.. I think the next Halo should definitely focus on a spectator mode. Competitive gaming is a huge part of Halo. As far as removing a feature, I’d say removing armor abilities in loadouts. 343 Industries should make something similar to Halo 3’s equipment system with armor abilities. 3. What advice do you have for anyone to start their own Youtube channel? Have fun and spend time on your content. Make sure to watch other “Big” Halo YouTubers and see what they’re doing in their videos and apply it to your own content. 4. What do you love about the Halo community? So many answers to this question... Let me change it “What do you hate about this community?”. Nothing. 5. If a grunt was a rapper what would his rap name be? Lil Swift’ Grunt 6. What game are you most looking forward too? Watch Dogs is definitely up on the list,and what kind of Halo fan would I be if I didn’t say Halo 5 or Halo Xbox One? I also can’t forget about Halo 2 Anniversary! Haha, but seriously any Halo game that is coming to us this year. I cannot wait. 7. What other games do you enjoy playing? Open world games! I really enjoy playing the Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row series. I’m also a fan of Sleeping Dogs and just about any open world game. Here is a small taste of some of the awesome content Brett has to offer: Thank you so much for taking the time to read the interview. Hope you enjoy and please be sure to check out Brett and support his videos and some of the great things he does for the Halo community. See you next friday.
  19. I believed Santa Claus was real, and that the moon was made of cheese. Then I became bread. The end.
  20. SA and Halo Wars aren't even the same genre. Plus no halo Spin off is innobative
  21. Yeah you're not taking college exams or focusing on school. It will be up when I know I have the time I am not going to do a bad job.
  22. Really good find! Although I hope it isn't actual Infinity Slayer on Haven. PLEASE BE FAKE PLEASE BE COMPUTER GENERATED BY SOMEONE WHO HAS NO IDEA WHAT HALO IS.
  23. We don't know yet but who knows maybe! These new consoles are very powerful and can probably run Killing Floor 2
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