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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Overall good commentary and good audio balancing.(that means your voice wasn't drowned out by the game) although you should sound a little more enthusiastic also I recommend flying around in forge so you can get better angles and try to make the video shorter if its possible. Other then that good job for I am assuming your first commentary.
  2. Does that mean if I acted in a game you would buy it?
  3. I used to be in a clan back in during MW2 with at least 20 people so I answered the best that I could.
  4. The co-op horror survival shooter returns for its second installation since first being released back in 2004 as an Unreal Tournament mod then in 2009 as a standalone game! Developed by Tripwire interactive Killing Floor(A wave based co-op survival horror FPS, wow thats a lot of words) brought in loads of dosh(cash) being extremely popular within the PC community. Consoles would later get a taste of Killing Floor but only for the Ouya as Killing Floor: Calamity, a top down version of the game. So what is new in this version and why should you care? Killing Floor 2 introduces probably the most advance gore mechanic in any game to date, with real time rendering of all the blood effects on the map(once the blood on is on the map, it stays on the map for the whole game MUAHAHAH), now with 10 classes 4 weapons exclusive to each class, improved and more dynamic melee combat; Killing Floor 2 is going to be a must have for any PC FPS Fan. In addition to new content for the game, KF2 will be made even easier to mod for the already active Killing Floor modding community. Tripwire was able to motion capture over 3000+ new animations for almost everything in the game! The game is also being developed on Unreal Engine 3 so PC Gamers with older computers will probably still be able to enjoy it! No release date is set in place but the game will launch in Steam Early Access later this year, Source: http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/05/08/killing-floor-2-exclusive-first-look-co-op-fps-horror-with-the-most-advanced-gore-system-ever/ Needless to say I am very excited and you should be too!
  5. Although I am not interested in forming a clan this guide does seem very helpful to those who are interested.
  6. Buns


    From the album: The pictures of Buns

  7. Because he is deciding what to do with the leaker
  8. The game actually looks pretty fun like Dead Rising 3 + Team Fortress 2. I will pick it up for sure mostly because the X1 doesn't have many exclusives that interest me.
  9. I am somewhat excited I just hope the show isn't dumbed down for kids(even though it probably will be) I'm interested to see what kind of new stormtrooper types they add!
  10. This basically answers your thread lol Sledgehammer has been working on this game for 3 years now. They started work on this as soon as Halo 4 was announced basically so I don't see how they're trying to copy Halo in any way lol. Plus Activision could care less about Halo. The franchise doesn't make enough money to interest or copy it. Plus it is CoD we're talking about. They aren't going to be taking influences from an arena shooter. Halo 4 and CoD are two very different styles of shooter.
  11. @Prime Since you have managed not to read my posts I hope you understand that the leak was a big enough deal that I had to get mods involved + Sikslik7 even had to acknowledge as ruining game. Do I have to remind you again prime that a leak was the exact reason Mafia 2.0 was ruined? Luckly we caught it early and the Mafian members aren't very mad and have kept their cool. Now drop the issue if you're going to not going to read my posts(I've made it clear multiple times so your new reply confuses me greatly) Lets move on with the game!
  12. You call this forum dead yet you're looking at the most dead section in the whole forum lol. Don't be so quick to judge buddy. At least 20+ people login everyday and are active in both shoutbox/discussion For the past 6 months we have had a community event at least once a week(sometimes more) we haven't missed a weekend. We have a YouTube channel that has regularly uploaded content(99% time it is usually videos from the playdates since I am student busy with school and don't have time to make highlights atm) We have the BEST moderating team of any forum. They're fair, active, and helpful. I hate to be so quick to drop a hammer on you like that but it breaks my bread to see you call the 2nd most active Halo forum dead. We aren't a huge forum but we are active.
  13. Also I should add that last time a leak happened in mafia 2.0 all the mafia members got really mad. So mad to the point that it affected the actual forum, and temporarily affected relationship between members. Forum games are mean't to be fun. Once they start upsetting members and causing tension then moderators(or GM since he has ultimate authority in the game) need to get involved. Rules are rules not even Mafia can avoid them. I should also add that I am by no means discounting the GM or saying he is wrong(I don't know why anyone would assume that based on what I wrote but just being safe). The issue is that I merely want to prevent what happened last Maifa since this one is going so well. Also last time a leak happened as I already stated members got very agitated and I don't know how they will react again to see the same thing happen twice. Better to play it safe then risk ending another game prematurely.
  14. It is perfectly applicable I never said it wasn't The issue is doing it out in the public. It ruins the game. The whole point is to find out who is mafia and once everyone knows then thats it game over.(Lets just say Caboose had a legit list) I have no problem with a mafia member leaking mafia info because I did that in 2.0. The problem is when it is public, Caboose can reveal this info in private and no one will ever know except those he told(Which is basically the same thing but the mafia die a much slower death and there is still some fun left in the game) If you want Caboose can reveal the list again and the game can end(since everyone will know the mafia and will know who to vote against. The mafia can't fool anyone anymore once they are exposed)
  15. I didn't muddle it all up someone from mafia leaked it, all the members in my team got mad except me and someone else(we tried calming everyone down) they all quit so that made me mad too. So I have no idea what I "muddled" up. Prime u make no sense.
  16. I'll be making it, but I will be late. Also added the event to the calender! This should be some interesting fun!
  17. A word of warning anyone who makes anymore public posts such as Caboose will have their posts reported to the mods. Do not ruin the game like Mafia 2.0 was ruined. Keep such things private. It is one thing to make speculation, but it is another thing to post a leak.
  18. Sikslik7 does NOT put clues in his writing. Remember what happened with P34nut?
  19. No Anti-Smeeze? This will never reach 9,001 Smeeze
  20. Buns

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