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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Break the system!!! I say we continue where we left off!! 119!!!
  2. Skip 118 since TDM didn't know that you can counter smeeze. 119 #NoOneCanStopUs
  3. That is the spirit Ruby! Death to those who oppose the almighty Bnus! This his crime for voting against me. Only a mafia would want me dead because they know I know them in and out. Yoshi can be 100% Pro-Town but he voted for me out right. I am almighty. I am all knowing. I must strike down those who oppose the mighty fiber of Pro-Town.
  4. No Halo 5 will be an X1 Exclusive and that is an AMAZING thing. The 360 is old, outdated, dying. the X1 is new, powerful, not so beautiful, and gives Halo 5 the potential to be the best Halo game yet. Also M$ wants to sell more X1's and 343i doesn't want to work on old hardware.
  5. Hello fellow members of the forum!! Here I bring you the first ever Monthly Video Wrap Up. In this special slow cooked wrap up I will showcase to you all the videos posted on the channel in the past month. Sorry there hasn't been much but life is busy as always. Hopefully you find some enjoyment in the following works of (not)art If you haven't subscribed to the channel already then please do: https://www.youtube.com/user/343iCommunity If you want to showcase your awesome videos to the channel then please submit it here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/33215-343icf-youtube-submission-thread/ Have any ideas for the channel? The submit them here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/34318-343icf-youtube-idea-thread/ Up first is the channel update just in case you missed it. I discuss some future plans for the channel. Next up is the first match of Ninjas Vs Forum which you may have seen already! And finally last is my favorite match from Ninjas Vs Forum which is a MUST watch. Like seriously RUSH RIDGE. And a special thank you to all the members for always being supportive and making this community what it is! I hope you enjoy what is up next for the channel in may. See you next month monkeybutts~
  6. Last time I checked youre not an expert on Flood YOU DON'T KNOW HIS INFECTED LIFE.
  7. Hmm I knew your medic thing was a lie and I think it was my fault that the mafia knew not to go for it because I accused you of lying Anyways I believe you. Delpen is not mafia sorry about that Delpencil. You will suffer the consequences for going against the almighty Bnus No one should ever dare challenge me not even the mafia for I will kill them personally with my own crumbs.
  8. I don't I actually like Yoshi and was hoping he was a good guy but anyone who directly attacks me must die. I may be a Civie but I will not be voted for.
  9. I am scared of me dying because I know I am innocent. I can provide proof but you already know I can fake evidence + staff is working on a bunch of secret projects which is like all of my inbox and members can't know about those yet.
  10. I'm not trying to destroy your confidence because that is mean and against the rules and my goal of the game is to make everyone have fun.
  11. I have to agree with Mayh3m here You have an odd playing style Delpen you randomly accuse people with no prior evidence then when voting starts you immediately latch on to the popular vote or the potential popular vote then when things start going south you start using your "evidence" to attack members and accuse them of roles you have 0 proof of. Sounds a lot like adaptive mafia behavior to me. Way to go off topic there buddy.
  12. I don't know mafia very well? I am the mafia member that fooled everyone last game. I got Prime to believe Fishy was mafia. I made Prime not trust anyone this game all because one person fooled him I can also translate your actions into dozens of possibilities too you aren't special I mean anyone can don't hold yourself high and mighty for using logic. Also Sikslik7 replied saying he would take that into account and based on the obvious patterns I have seen(gotta read all the posts man) some potential mafia members are not only active but are doing a great job of holding their ranks. Also stop editing your posts. There are multiple staff on here that can see your edits but quoting you should prevent that from happening.
  13. The mafia back the mafia up so you would have people backing you up. Also how do we know you're not loudmouthing as part of your plan? If you really weren't mafia you would be dead by now. I mean Prime was killed round 1 because he was a loud mouth last game(no offense Prime I like your playing style it would be interesting to see you be the mafia next game) also I PM'd Sikslik7 to pick really INTERESTING/Active mafia this game(back when signups were happening.) You're an interesting/active member so yea..... You would honestly be the perfect Mafia member. I wanted you on my team back in Mafia 2.0. Bravo Delpencil you earn Mafia member of the year award.
  14. Because you're mafia and you have always been mafia. In the dictionary the definition for mafia is "delpencil pls" Yes there is. I was able to fool the "mighty" Delpencil so much that he must vote against me. I DEATH TO THE DELPENCIL NO.9
  15. Why would Yoshi randomly attack me? I mean it is standard mafia tactic to randomly attack someone or vote null and change later on. I change my vote to Yoshi. I hope you die by eggs you cute green dinosaur. I would vote Delpen but everyone already thinks he is mafia and the mafia haven't killed that loudmouth yet so once I gather more proof we can finish that contender class AI. The Bnus from Mafia 2.0 would be proud. Also Yang remember how I saved your life the first round? It would be greatly appreciated if you saved mine right now.
  16. Ruby has all right to be mad at Delpen. Silent never talked much last game and she was medic. She isn't the most active forum poster to begin with. That Bnus guy sucks but he is fun to have in the game so we should keep him. I vote null. I no longer trust the writing for clues.
  17. I use the Halo 3 ODST Limited edition controller.
  18. WHAT?!?! Why wasn't I MoM?? I call hacks Congrats TDM it is well deserved and you have no doubt earned it. Also congrats on being the first ever "dumb MoM" and first ever "Marine MoM" You really are "The MoM"
  19. Welcome to the for- *Bnus is now Flood Combat Form* If you have any questions just ask glad to have you onboard!
  20. Anything that lets me kill Delpen or people I don't like is ok with me.
  21. Yes because I only lie to you guys not to fellow bread.
  22. Well Self Destruct is a hostile Welcome to the forums we hope you enjoy your stay and see you in the shoutbox/at upcoming community events. If you have any questions just ask!
  23. heheeheheheh Ok now you're making things up. I have never once said I was credible or even indirectly started that. Don't you guys remember what BZ1 said? Never trust Bnus. I even told you guys I could be wrong and if you choose to believe me that is your choice and you understand the risk. Actually that was kind of his motto from November - February
  24. Halo CE PC Modded needlers rs with ungodly rate of fire > Life
  25. Oh lawdy this is awesome thanks for showing us Zan! I really wish I could make mods like this :c
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