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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Ok here are my reasons 1. Why would I be Mafia two games in a row. 2. I wasn't a very good mafia last game and I am one of the reasons the game fell to shambles 3. I am offering advice and my insight more then I did last game. 4. I am not trying to figure out anyones roles and have PMed nobody asking for them. All I did was PM Prime that I am a civie and give the same Peanut evidence. I also PMed Peanut saying I am going to destroy the mafia. 5. I betrayed everyones trust last game(since I was mafia) I would be pretty dumb to even try to be mafia again with the reputation I earned myself. 6. I always use I 7. This is my favorite number 8. I have barely participated in the game and only in these forums if I was mafia I would try to figure out everyones role. 9. This is the best reason. If I was mafia you would be dead by now and I would tell everone I killed you myself. Death by stabbing of course *stabs you with reasons*
  2. I have to admit I laughed a little on the inside when I read this.
  3. Last game of Mafia 2.0 Peanut told all of us that Prime would be a problem later game and suggested we killed him but I believe the medic protected Prime when we tried so we didn't try again until we got the medic, I find it very odd that the murder was done by food, Peanut is a suspect AND it was Prime that died. I could be 100% wrong but I could also be 100% right. The only way of finding out is to vote. Anyways it is just a game at the end of the day it doesn't matter who dies and lives we're all still friends. You're lucky there is no proof against you. Otherwise I will put my feelings aside and kill you. Nah but seriously I feel bad if you died twice in a row that just ruins the fun. Maybe during round 2 we can vote you off
  4. Yes I am well aware that doesn't mean I have to vote null. It is obvious Peanut killed Prime and all of you "Pro-town" claim you want to take down the mafia. I was mafia once I know how they work and it is so obvious that they're doing a very great job because none of you suspect a thing. Pro-Town isn't going to win by voting null and letting the mafia get away with murders. I am going to pull a Delpen and say: The fact that Caboose is reminding me of the majority votes make me think he can't be trusted either. Props to Sikslik7 for providing good clues in the writing.
  5. Voting Null is no fun. Plus I am a tiger with a large pinky toe Why is everyone voting Yang? Poor Yang will die round 1 AGAIN in the second game in a row. That isn't very nice plus there is 0 evidence against Yang. I vote Peanut Besides the obvious fact that prime died by food and Peanut is a food too, In Mafia 2.0 Peanut also wanted Prime dead right away. I told him no and we should kill Halo Frozen(I though at that time we could convince Prime to our side) Also Axilius in Mafia 2.0 I considered working with Pro-Town for the ultimate backstab. I'm sorry but there are no rules barring you from any faction. You can help anyone you want and unless you provide proof of your medic PM then I cannot trust you. You can easily fool Pro-Town since we know you're not mafia but that doesn't mean you're not working for them. Someone from Mafia 2.0 Pro-Town worked with me and the mafia. Also it was a bad idea to expose Ledgends role. What if someone from mafia convinces him to use his power against a Pro-Town member? We shouldn't be exposing anybody's rule except Mafia since the more roles they know the bigger advantage they have(I should know I was Mafia last game)
  6. Only the MAFIA would ever threaten to kill me!!! Are you Mafia!!! Also why should we trust Prime that he is medic? The roles are never revealed so it is extremely obvious that he could be lying. He could have said that to make the mafia feel safe. I don't trust anyone...maybe Delpen because he is no threat if he wanted me dead I would be dead by now.
  7. Dude do you know how easy it is to fake PMs? On this site it is even easier because of the single color. I literally faked the inside of PMs all the time last game and I can even teach you how(but I am reluctant to do so because it was the only way I got people to trust me last game) Also but just because someone doesn't reply to your PM telling you their role doesn't automatically mean they are mafia. They don't have to trust you despite the fact you're innocent. No one trusts me and I am innocent. I'm just saying to everyone becareful who you trust. I convinced BZ1 last game to join the mafia before everything went downhill so even Pro-Town can betray you. It is very easy to fake photo evidence. Not to mention I also caused the most havoc last game and fooled nearly everyone with my "real" photos. In the meantime I still think Delpen isn't even in the game. He is just some crazy guy who posts.
  8. It was ok but it was lacking that cinematic feel that the regular Halo music provides.
  9. Did you get 15 kills and no death? A perfection only counts if you have 15+ kills and 0 deaths.
  10. I am voting null but does anyone notice that Peanut is the only food based suspect and Prime was killed by food? I am not stating the totally obvious but since we only have this as evidence my vote will stay null for now. This is a great idea! Now the mafia won't ever know if they killed a special Pro-Town role which will keep them on their toes!!!
  11. For once I think you're right on that. I don't blame them. GO ON MAFIA SLAY THE BEAST. FINISH THE JOB I COULDN'T DO LAST MAFIA GAME, FINISH DELPEN10!!!
  12. Why would you claim you're a civie and then try to manipulate the game? Shouldn't you be helping us win? Aren't you in Pro-Town?
  13. I think Delpen is actually the GM.
  14. Welcome Back Rabbit I've been wondering what happened to you!
  15. Fishy was never mafia last game he had real evidence.
  16. Lets relax with the conspiracy theories right off the bat lets first find some proper evidence first.
  17. Halo Spartan Assault is a twin stick shooter. Halo 4 Dominion has more RTS elements then that. That is the nowhere near an RTS
  18. In Halo 4 humans win like less then 10% of the time. Halo 4 Flood is hard as heck although Halo 3 infection had a sense of "holy ****" For me I would no doubt pick Social Big team for all the times I got to drive the elephant on sandtrap.
  19. So NASA whats the budget for this ship? Less then the amount of money you make in a year. Oh and will this benefit the people of Earth? Yes it will be a breakthrough in science and technology. Well looks like I can't let it happen then. Thanks Murica
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