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Everything posted by Buns

  1. We're not 343i so please go to HaloWaypoint with an issue like this. Have you checked the expiration date? Did you put the code in right? Are you 100% sure it is brand new unopened? It has been nearly 2 years I highly doubt GameStop has an unsold copy like that.
  2. SW Battlefront isn't releasing until fall of 2015 I am getting Destiny but I am still more excited for the next Halo game and the new Binding Of Issac.
  3. So when is this going to start?
  4. I was so excitied the other day when NASA mentioned the newly found planet. Hopefully it really supports life We won't be visiting anytime soon though
  5. 56 The staff is waiting for you to get to a higher number. Plus Gryffin hasn't been on these past couple of days
  6. Yes you can still play Halo: Reach online and there are still a lot of people who play Have fun and enjoy the game hope to see you at any of our upcoming Reach events
  7. Welcome to the forum! If you really want to make some friends I suggest looking at the calender for community playdates(or the announcement box)
  8. Buns

    Halo 4 DLC Maps

    We are NOT 343i so we cannot help you.(We are just a fansite) Although 343i is adding DLC Playlist to their rotational playlist. If you need information please contact 343i @ Halo Waypoint
  9. Never tell GSD that he is actually a dog.
  10. Ship: The Composer Spartan: Master Chief I win
  11. This is fake I looked on the official page of Halo and 343i and there is no mention about this whatsoever. Looks like some fans are trying to start up some fake hype that will hopefully get 343i talking. Much like the fake Fallout 4 joke.
  12. Spartan Assault was on PC as well and that first released last year on Windows 8 and this year on Windows Vista, and 7
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcGOSGpVoao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLtlVBCXVB8&list=UUlGRncZLpZnk_47nPC8PhXQ Some good videos with some nice evidence. The guy in them seems too overly confident that he is right which is annoying but some of the evidence is quite supportive.
  14. Halo Reach compared to this one was simple because: Not everything was so clumped up on the screen(which is a big factor) Not so much text was shown on screen at any given time unless you clicked on something that displayed more information. When I say "simple" you need to understand basic UI design(the kind you would take in a UI design course which I never took but there is one at my school and my friend would teach me some of things he learned and I would impliment this advice into my games, editing, etc). If you don't understand that then you're going to misinterrupt what I am saying. Basically: Too much on screen at once. Allow more spacing and options to display more specific information.(I should point out I was talking about the custom game lobby not the whole thing.)
  15. Good now lets count to 200 and show staff who is boss 8
  16. Eh not really. I can see the similarites but after playing it I don't see how it rips off in any way. SA is a good twin stick shooter for short bursts of fun. Not better then Renegade Ops though,
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