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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Aiden isn't mafia because he would have killed Caboose first thing, and I know them both well enough that this is 100% true. They are mortal rivals If this was the "truth" you basically ruined the whole game for everyone for publically exposing them all at once. The fun of the game is the mystery and confirming each one and the suspense of people dying and finding out who to vote for. Mafia or not you're acting just like them "Fishey"
  2. Vote 1: Connor Kenway or w/e his new name is(Sorry man I promised Caboose I would vote for him) Vote 2: Fishy
  3. We aren't 343i, we're just a fansite so there is nothing we can do to fix these gametypes for you buddy. On the other hand I actually quite love all the gametypes in Halo.
  4. I keep my promise. Caboose you get to PM me your future voting choices when the next round starts.
  5. Just so I can keep people on track this is based on no Halo campaign. I fixed the order of a few things maybe that should help. All the clues are hidden in the details.
  6. No it is too big. Good job smart AI
  7. You're very sharp. Although you might want to reread to see if some of your theory still holds(I updated some info) Yes The Thursday War has been inspired some of this writing. Also all of this takes place in the Halo universe. When and where is something YOU need to decipher first.
  8. Thats the spirit!!! I don't expect anyone to make any sense of it till more //Entrys are written!!
  9. Poopnuggets Take that you mafia scum.
  10. Yellow is- ********** This weird color are personal journal entrys Figure out the rest \\Unknown craft spotted. Entrance vector on route towards ********* \\Initial warning sent \\Warning ignored by vessel \\Targeting Sensors online //Entry 000 //30 Minutes after crash landing. //Location: ******************* from galactic center. Time: 0100 Various systems have sustained critical damage. Unable to signal ******** cause is most likely a communications error? Major electronics can no longer function, perhaps they are beyond repair. Must investigate other crash sites. There must still be survivors. My team must still be alive. They must be. I will scavenge any usable supplies left on my craft. Time: 0300 Wildlife on this ********** is strangely nonexistent. Time: 0500 Progress towards crash sites is slowed due to the geography of this *********. Time 0545 ​I think it is available that I continue docking significant events in my datapad. This will prove useful when further research of this place can be conducted. \\Reports sent. \\ All Ancilla have said to allow the lifeforms to wander, and collect Biometric data. \\Maximum Surveillance required. \\All facilitates placed in standby. Attack if provoked. \\Blocking internal communications //Entry 001 //Location: ******************************* from galactic center. Time: 0800 Crash site located just beyond mountain. Still no contact from the others. Communications seem to be down on all devices, could be result of the artificial gravity. Time 0900 Strange metallic creature was located in the sky. Results in contacting failed, seemed to take no notice of my presence or persistent shouting. It was heading in the same direction as the crash site hopefully it is non hostile. Time: 1100 Found strange fruit growing out of a charcoal bush. Saving for further study. Plenty of water sources readily avaiable and remaining food portions will last 3 months if used in moderation. Still no sign of wildlife. ||Contact from: ******** has been lost. ||Last known transmission was a rebroadcast from the warning signal provided by the structure || Search teams will be sent to the possible exit vector in 10 days. //Entry 002 //Location: ******************* from galactic center. Time 1300 Approaching crash site the mountain has been easier to traverse then I first suspected. Time 1310 Attempts to engage in close range contact failed. Going to look for a better view to scout the area before approaching. Still no sign of main vessel. Time 1330 From this vantage point it looks as if there are two survivors. They seem to be setting up a camp site near their escape crafts. \\Monitor has been alerted of situation ​\\Surveillance must be increased. \\New focus shifted. Determine whether these lifeforms are subject to contamination \\Facilities now moved to defense mode. No lifeforms are allowed to enter Research Facilities unless access is permitted. //Entry 003 //Location: ******************* from galactic center. Time 1400 All is well. The survivors are high ranking warriors respectively named Eek-Bahk and Sho-ken. Although these survivors were my research team their skills will prove useful in surviving. We have started discussing plans on where to search for next crash sites. The smoke clouds will be our clue and we have begun marking the direction of these clouds. Time 1445 Eek-Bahk wants to continue searching until nightfall while Sho-Ken refuses to leave this post and set up a base of operations first. Sho-Ken is the superior officer so we are following his orders. Although I fear the rest of the crew are in dire need of our assistance. I do not like working with warriors. I want to work with my team. Time 1535 Eek-Bahk is rude. He does not know the value of this discovery. He tells me to stop taking photos and collecting samples. All of these plantae are new species. Some resemble that of home. Some of these might have the potential to fix our homeworld. Luckily Sho-Ken acknowledges the value of my research and the original purpose of this mission. The start of my new Halo fanfiction A hint: The terminals from Halo CE will be your all seeing light. Good luck figuring it out Some text will be revised and updated and corrected to fix any errors. to be continued.... later All updates will be posted on THIS post. So it will be easier to read for newcomers.
  11. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 HEHEHEH 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 THAT WAS SO EASY IT ONLY TOOK ME 1 MINUTE You guys are pathetic I win.
  12. Spartans in Halo CE, 2 & 3 couldn't sprint = Non-cannon It is a twinstick shooter. That was done for gameplay purposes.
  13. Fishey knows too much. *stabs you with educational textbook*
  14. That is so wrong. Almost nobody here is a game developer and has 0 idea how difficult game development is. Some fans sometimes suggest amazing ideas but those are very rare. One good example of this was the idea for "plauge" orignally created by Insamiac(A Halo youtuber) it later became the most diverse and amazing Flood mod(created by a modder inspired by Insamiac's video) While the Halo community always makes good ideas a lot of them are not original/have tons of flaws. I've seen ideas that say Halo should have 64 player battles. Now it is obvious those fans have 0 idea how the balance of Halo works or what an Arena shooter is. The idea is "good" but it does not belong in Halo. Also 0 fans came up with the promeatheans. 0 fans came up with the idea for Forge. 0 fans came up with the idea for Moas. I could go on for days but you get the point. Designing a game is extremely difficult and just because an idea sounds good on paper doesn't mean it is good.
  15. I guess this announcement was "shocking"
  16. Um we have the medic, detective, AND sniper left don't we? But with Caboose gone that means...
  17. The animations of Halo 4 were the most amazing/fluid of the series. Of course whether they are the best is an opinion but from a technical standpoint they were very well done. Same with the models in Halo 4 I want that quality of art assets that 343i did so well to return even better. I really love the environmental examples you used. I would love to see the type of variety we saw from Halo 2/3 with some more dark ubran environments like in ODST. I am also a big fan or more diverse Forerunner environments maybe even Forerunner cities? Great music examples, listening to the Oblivion soundtrack makes me want to play the game again. Although I loved the Halo 4 OST. To Galaxy and 117 are great examples.
  18. This is very sad to see such a good member go. We're going to miss your quality posts man :c Hopefully you resolve any issue you have with life and come back to us sooner! Thanks for being a quality member and even if you weren't so active, everyone knew you regardless. Catch you on the far side.
  19. What if Delpen9 is the mafia AND moderator?
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