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Everything posted by Buns

  1. 40 Gigs? Wow remember when games used to fit on 2MB cartridges. 40g of 500g is almost 1/10 of HDD space for a single game BUT IT IS WORTH IT.
  2. Congrats to all of you!!! Swaguroth wanted no one but me on the list and I had to tell him that February is my least fabulous month of the year.
  3. I should be the one to see we are NOT 343i and if you want to give them feedback please head over to HaloWaypoint We are just a community forum.
  4. I was trying to come up with a new gamertag since I didn't like "Turtle Vs Puppy" (my old one) and my friend suggested Warm Bnus and we laughed for hours and it wasn't taken so I took it and haven't wanted to change it since.
  5. This actually looks really awesome great job all of you! Hope to see this continue I still need to learn Spanish before I can move on to another language though
  6. No because I don't know what counting is. Did you know the demo for Aliens Colonial Marines was not made by gearbox and that the demo was better then the actual game?
  7. That looks gorgeous well done! Reminds me of something from UDK instead Thanks for keeping us updated I really like the direction this project is going. Wow something I can actually help with! But I am very busy with school :c What kind of plot are you guys interested in taking this though?
  8. Well 360 Titanfall is delayed by a week and a few days anyway. Good job on the article Ed!
  9. To be honest the modding community has made some of the best maps for BF I & II so I just want dedicated modding support. I also want larger scale battles, offline bots, some minor loadout customization and more variety of troops. If I had to pick a battle though I would say: Battle Of Wookieland.
  10. Dude this map idea looks so great! I am going to add this for my upcoming playdate great job man love the concept hope it plays well!
  11. Yes, because all the cool new armor options that came with them and how much they added to Halo lore. Do you like horror games?
  12. Nice news Yang I really do hope this is true. This might actually make me close the deal on a Wii U if it is. I mean Smash Bros Brawl had a level editor. Also I want a track editor but I want to make sure I can share the tracks all over the world not just locally. Dude Mario Kart just keeps getting better. I've played them all and have never been disappointed(except from the gameboy ports)
  13. Interesting article great job Yang! There will be. Aka Campaign Multiplayer. Basically there will be a gametype called "campaign multiplayer" and that is how the story is told.
  14. The reason they are promoting Sony is because Sony paid them. Just like MS bought Bungie to develop Halo for Xbox and not Mac. It's business man.
  15. Another great job as always Mr.Dance. You really did a great "break down" of the wrapup
  16. XB360 sold more units overall. PS3 sold more units in Japan. Also at this rate I don't think Microsoft will ever past Sony, but is that a bad thing? Haha no Microsoft is still doing a great job regardless. They're still making money unless they pull off a Nintendo which being as they are a software/OS/console/a million other things company I cannot see that happening for a long time.
  17. I dislike this nice guy stuff I want our forum dictator Azaxx back.....
  18. It looks nothing like from the trailer. Resembles more Zilla.
  19. Well terrain editing did happen in Far Cry 2 (did a very good job too it puts Halo 4's forge to shame) and it is happening in Project Spark so it is possible on a console. I don't think 343i would want to do it though purely out of resources and possibly time constraints.
  20. They outsourced CEA to two different companies so I don't see why wouldn't they. Yes I would love H2A because more breathing space for Halo 5(as long as they outsourced it that is like JL said)
  21. Crouch jumping does make you harder to hit. Looks like I won't ever be taking your advice if you don't know a simple trick from Halo 2
  22. A Halo ring? Warthog? Bread Butter? Im wrong aren't I.
  23. It's awesome that you decided to stay and I'm looking forward to that steam event! Also just report someone if you see someone breaking the rules. Thats what the rules tell you to do. RULES(they're located at the bottom right of the site) Section 3: Posting d) Do not "backseat moderate". Simply report the topic and move on. This is to prevent useless posts and members starting flame wars.
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