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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Buns


    If he doesn't announce one within the next week I'll take it upon myself to do it.
  2. Scarab Gun. A more ridiculous weapon for a more MLG age. Seriously there is nothing better then glitching through Halo 2's campaign to get it. So satisfying. Can we also pick fan made mod weapons? If so the silenced AR from Halo CE mods. Hehehehehe. (That isn't my actual vote)
  3. I'm not entering but I just wanted to say everyone who has so far has done quite an amazing job yes these are all very pretty on the eyes!
  4. Just added Zag and Boss My Friend Code: 1306-5672-9839 If you add me please make sure you say so.
  5. Ill be playing the Pokemon X/Y challenge but only if I can make it.
  6. WOOHOO MONTHLY WRAPUP WOHOO Great job as always D_D
  7. Very good post I'm glad youre putting this behind you HG As a reward you can have my horse
  8. Congrats Onso I cannot wait for all the Ninja events!!! And other events of course!!! Glad to have you on the staff side. It was getting lonely with all the dark colors.
  9. Don't be so sure of yourself your artwork will see the light of day again *soon* *wink* *wink*
  10. Congrats to everyone you all did a great job with the art! I wish we could use EVERYTHING but we can't sadly....
  11. Awesome post SikslikVista. I cannot wait to see the finished map and dominate the rest of the foru... I mean nothing never said anything.
  12. This is true beauty. Also Azaxx's post too.
  13. This isn't 343i we're just a fansite. Also you're new to online gaming aren't you? People say disgusting things all the time on the internet. Sometimes they get caught. Sometimes they don't. The only thing you can do is ignore them and report them BOOM problem solved. As for quit penalties I like them because I hate the fact people can leave my game.
  14. Greetings to the forums hope to see you around and enjoy your time here!
  15. 343i has already stated they would no longer be updating or supporting previous Halo titles not developed by them. So nope sadly no Bungie chest. Would be awesome though.
  16. I edited it out by the time you saw it. OMEGA and Dan were the only people who noticed LOL.
  17. The conspiracy dead man it was all a big joke.
  18. Buns

    New Avy

    From the album: The pictures of Buns

  19. Hello all of you!!! Welcome to the 343i YouTube submission thread, the number one place to submit your videos that can possibly be uploaded to the official 343iCF Youtube channel!!! Before you get started please make sure you're subscribed to the YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/343iCommunity (You get a cool award if you do. Contact the Cmods/Moderators once you do to earn your coolio new award!!) Well first off before you submit your video you MUST follow these rules if you want it to be uploaded to the channel. Rules are subject to change so please make sure you check everytime before you submit your video. 1. The video must be gaming related(We won't accept your makeup tutorials sorry) 2. CANNOT be offensive or racist in any way, also CANNOT touch controversial subjects such as religious debate, world disasters, etc.(No we won't accept your Halo Illuminati conspiracy videos) 3. The video must belong to you or you must have permission from the creator(If your friend made the video get them to make an account and tell us instead so the process is much easier) 4. CANNOT contain copyrighted material. Such as copyrighted music or video footage. unless you have a license to use the music/footage, which if you do then please state that in text below your video submission. Also if you need any music use Royalty Free music which is very easy to find, just do a quick Google search or PM me about it. 5. Just because your video follows all the rules does not mean it is going to be accepted. The video must be enjoyable to watch. HD footage/sound is not a must but it is greatly appreciated Well there are also a few other things you should know too. If we accept your video you will receive a PM regarding when it will be uploaded to the 343i Forum Youtube Channel, and note that if we wish we will remove the video from the channel too even if we uploaded it. Also please note you can still have your video uploaded to your channel if it gets accepted. Anyways please do NOT post unless you are asking a question or submitting a video. PROTIP: If you want your video to show in your post click the button that says "link" and post the URL in there. ALSO: NEVER! Be afraid to submit a video! You're your own worst critic! ALSO ALSO: If have ideas for a video feel free to PM me and it can become one of the Forum Youtube Video Projects(Basically the whole forum works together to make a YouTube video. Cool idea right?)
  20. This thread is all about going off topic. Anyways me too I would love to see MLG support return but with CoD still as the FPS king chances are still slim.
  21. Eh I would be saying yes and no. Of course MS wants more exclusives to sell their console but I also believe MS doesn't want another Judgement. Hard to say really but the short answer is yes(although that isn't a bad thing)
  22. i knOw something they aRe not BelievIng Stop what you're doing.
  23. Is Twam like an evil mayor that is power hungry and corrupt? also WHO BANNED DRIZZY_DAN?!
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