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Everything posted by Buns

  1. HEREHERE I call upon thee this day to happily announce the lucky 15 who have been chosen to deat....erm I mean top contributors of this month. Please understand this list was not finalized by me but by the following not so lovely people: Zaguroth, BeckoningzeBRA1, Total Mayham, and GreenMoonSpaceship19. So if you don't like it take it out on one of them not me. Also note that you cannot place on this list if you are the current month's MoM, or you are in staff. If you complain about the users we have chosen to put on this list, you will be barred from the next month's list. Continued complaints will have you barred outright from the list Everyone on the list was chosen because they contributed positively to the site in the month of January. They provoked discussion made good post and helped others. Also this list goes in no specific order you're all number 2's(Because I'm always number 1) Magical Love Sparky OMEGA(Edward Kenway) Tucker Yang Xiao Long lilsilmarillion Yoshi1176 Zelda VitaminPWN The Stig Unease Peanut Silent Orbis Spyro Maestro The Stampede Bashful Brute Honorable Mentions UNSC Spartan II SNIPEM101 Thank you all so much for reading and a nice round of applause for the wonderful contributors of this past month for making the forum such a fun place to be!!!
  2. Actually dont even bother buying a gameboy or DS when you can easily emulate both systems for free Get a 3DS or 2DS it is well worth the money and Pokemon X & Y trump any Pokemon game to date.
  3. I mean we had to have seen this coming right? I'm not surprised but I hope it is a open beta.
  4. Welcome back on the forums hope to see you around!
  5. 300 How many spartans does it take to learn the principles of quantum mechanics?
  6. Average speed desktop computer Also Sony products are not cheaply made my PS2 can take more of a beating then almost any other console I own. I highly doubt you own any sony products so please don't go around stating things Would you rather meet Azaxx or Church?
  7. WOW THIS IS SO COOL I'm actually a big fan of your edits and have been for sometime now. Welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay!
  8. I'm pretty sure the lite version of Final Cut is cheap
  9. Depends which version you use.
  10. Buns


    Welcome back! I don't believe we have ever met anyways nice to meet you!
  11. No because they're not free and that is illegal and you're putting the forum in a lot of trouble by asking for a link.(If you're asking for the link I think you're asking for) If you're looking for their product page then you can easily google search that. Want awesome video editing software AND a capture card? The Elgato HD/Roxio HD Game Capture not only bring video editing software but also a capture card. Also another editing software while not free but I was told is still ok/affordable is Pinnacle Studio 16 Ultimate (It is 50 bucks and can do a lot of things Sony vegas can do but it is harder to learn I believe I know a semi well knownHalo youtuber uses it.) Also Audacity is great for audio editing and its free/open source.
  12. Yea we're not actually 343i. We are just a fan site. 343i is on Halowaypoint.
  13. This may be a scrapped project but it is the first Halo edit I've ever posted. I actually used to edit Call Of Duty until I quit editing for sometime then returned because of how much I missed it. I have a few Halo edits and other projects that I cannot wait to show all of you! In the meantime have a look at one of my projects that never got to be finished :c *tear tear* Feel free to give feedback but this was put together in under an hour so I don't think it is very good either. Also "cine" stands for cinematic and the text in the video is placeholder and there would have been cinematics there instead of text.
  14. This is still a big shame the project is finally gone though. I don't love bounty hunters but I loved Star Wars games
  15. First off if you managed to get a brand NEW copy of reach then no the code should have expired by now. If the downloaded didn't work go to your download history and if it isn't there then the code wasn't valid to begin with. Also we are NOT 343i we are a community forum.
  16. Oh NOW TIME TO POINT OUT MORE THINGS 4. If someone wants their Just kidding I'll stop now great job on the article though
  17. We already have a community signature request shop here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14537-343i-community-signature-shop-v30/
  18. I'm going to play devils advocate and point out things in this post. 1. Disney abandoned this project when they closed LucasArts so this news is quite old. They even announced that. 2. DICE has already stated that Battlefront has not been delayed because of the BF4 issues. 3. WHY DIDN'T YOU STATE THAT FOR THOSE LOOKING TO GET THEIR STAR WARS FIX THAT THERE ARE 3 OTHER DEVELOPERS MAKING STAR WARS GAMES + STAR WARS ATTACK SQUADRONS + ALL THE STAR WARS GAMES ALREADY OUT ARE YOU EVEN A FAN GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Good job on the article though.
  19. Hey Ranger is there anyway you can make this smaller and more organized? This is a huge wall of text and its going to discourage a lot of people to join in and I know you put a lot of effort but do you mind just making most things a sentence long? Like don't explain the style just say it. If the person wants to know more they can search it themselves/you could always link the wookiepedia article. *I'm busy right now but im working on my character will post soon*
  20. Ahhhh sigh sigh sigh uninformed you are. Nevermind Ranger I am done explaining with you. Whenever you get the time go check out what custom game settings are. Anyways no point in discussing this anymore we went wayyyyyyyyy off topic and we already answered the question of the topic. Lets just leave it be Halo 5 won't have MLG.
  21. Orbis? Yang posted this not Orbis..............
  22. Welcome to the forums! Hope to see you at future community events! Also if we play together I'll be breaking that first rule a lot
  23. Halo 4 was competitive(UNDER THE RIGHT SETTINGS I REPEATED THIS AT LEAST 5 TIMES IN THIS THREAD ALREADY) CoD is more popular so until it looses its spotlight. Then no.
  24. Welcome to the forums we hope you enjoy your stay!!!
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