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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Thank you for the very detailed breakdown, even though I strongly dislike Halo5Follower.
  2. You can build a computer better then Alienware with lights and still be cheaper. You just gotta know what you're buying.
  3. Oh goodness relax Nintendo has done worse before and they're going to have to do much worse to actually fail. Although 3rd Party support is a MUST, making another console would be useless and take ages(research & development isn't cheap ya know) and yes making a new game IP would help a lot. Hopefully they follow 1 & 3 of your suggestions. 2 is just a no no. Which article are you referring too? The source or user created article because the user created article is a lot less bias than the actual source.
  4. Yep noble team would easily dominate for obvious reasons. How about Wizards from Harry Potter vs Team Majestic?
  5. Nah turns out the mobo fit just fine but thanks for helping!! This guide is really good maybe it should be a sticky + I'll be bookmarking this for later use.
  6. I recently got a new case for my computer and I am planning on moving all of my components to this new case(along with a new PSU and GPU). The case I currently have is a Mini tower and I am upgrading to a Medium tower. What if my motherboard doesn't fit? Is there anything I can do to make it fit?
  7. I loved Frozen best movie of 2013 in my opinion. Everything was so well done its cray.
  8. This really looks amazing nice job!! Can you please keep our forum updated on future progress of the game? I am sure everyone here will love to see it progress!
  9. The art department is going to get through with making the channel look pretty and the about stuff/affiliates channels didn't cross my mind. Thanks I'll get straight to that! Thank you everyone else for their amazing suggestions and keep em coming!
  10. Funny enough I would be that person to record and edit! Not a bad idea perhaps we can work with ForgeCafe for future videos? *WINK WINK WINK*
  11. As some of you may know I am now in charge of the forum Youtube channel and I really want to breathe some life back into it and help get the members involved as well! This is what leads me to my question what would YOU like to see on the Youtube channel? Of course it has to be gaming related(I mean it's not like we're a gaming forum or anything) If you don't already know some awesome projects coming to the channel are: Community Event Funtage, and Podcasts. I am also interested in exploring the possibility of featuring member created videos on there too. As for getting the members more involved. Well if you want to be in the Funtage my best advice is to attend Staff/Member hosted playdates as someone will no doubt be recording(Usually me but I won't even mention it) . I am also considering the idea of a machinima made by the whole forum! I look forward to great 2014 with the forum and hope you guys get involved too. If you have any ideas please leave them below! If you don't want to share it you could always PM me. Also don't forget our super cool Dog is helping with communications too so give him a round of applause as well Also you haven't already please subscribe to the forum youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/343iCommunity You get a cool award if you do!
  12. Very good article. Looking forward to finding out what it is. I enjoyed New Vegas.
  13. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is going to be funfunfun.
  14. Dog was always communications. It's just that now we finally have our own color.
  15. Really? Bnus? Really? That guy sucks!!! Well congrats to all I am really looking forward to working with the forum in the future!!!
  16. I hope you do know that Spoiler Alert and Rumor are two very DIFFERENT things A rumor is something that is unconfirmed/untrue and it is NOT a spoiler A spoiler alert is when you are potentially revealing facts of something that IS true and is NOT a rumor. So please tell me why you put spoiler alert when there is clearly no spoiler in your article of any kind?
  17. How the heck am I going to figure this out I don't have a 01010 translator!!!
  18. I remember playing Quake Wars Demo and it was loads of fun.
  19. There is a lot of issues with using Tali's full name. They should have named her Tali and that's it.
  20. Maybe I'm just playing along? Maybe I'm not? MUWAHAHAHAHAHA
  22. There is a ranking system. It's called CSR and it is 1 - 50 and is only viewable through Halowaypoint. Just look it up you will find loads of forums/info about it online.
  23. This is awesome thanks for letting us know!
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