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Everything posted by Buns

  1. I'm not suprised honestly, but I would love if different kinds of prometheans came into play, and the flood returned too.
  2. Well if the only thing you want is the lore then you're completely missing what a makes a game unique. The interactive experience(which includes lore, gameplay, mechanics, etc)
  3. More people play Firefight then Spartan Ops sometimes. I personally love Firefight and it had a much stronger backing then Spartan Ops. I have also put more time in Reach Firefight then I have in Reach Multiplayer.
  4. I personally will buy it just because it is Halo and I have never been dissapointed with any Halo game so I don't see why I would be with the next one on new hardware.
  5. Warframe is a great game and the more people who can play it the better. It is just super grindy if you don't buy anything.
  6. Actually if you knew what an anniversary was you would know it can be even in 2015 or 2016. If Halo 2A came out in 2015 it would be an 11 year anniversary and not a 10 year anniversary.
  7. If you want a nice book on learning Blender there is always Blender For Dummies. or you can try this book. http://www.amazon.com/Blender-Foundations-Essential-Guide-Learning/dp/0240814304/ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_y If you go to the Blender website they have a link for tutorials which is probably the better option. http://www.blender.org/support/tutorials/
  8. This isn't 343i this is just a fansite. I think Team Throwdown should stay. It is the best competitive playlist for Halo 4 and it at least helps the small Halo 4 competitive community. Very selfish of you to want to take that from them.
  9. Its funny because TitanRawr was the first to make a video about this and a lot of people on the forum are part of that channel. Including me
  10. It was hard rooting out just 15 people. Me and Zag debated quite furiously over the subject. Sometimes we debated to the death, I won btw.
  11. You have been doing a good job with quality posts this month you deserve it.
  12. I am very debated about this one. Sure playing with friends is fun and now with the ease of multiplayer it is even more convenient but there is a certain enjoyment in playing a co-op game with your buddies and eating a whole bunch of poop. You can't recreate those moments from skyping. Some of my favorite gaming moments are from playing Super Smash Bros Melee at my friends house every saturday. Not to mention its healthy to leave your house every once in awhile.
  13. I told Zag that the only person who should be on the list is me. Congrats to all who made the list it wasn't easy choosing anyone!!!
  14. Why don't you post pictures about it so people can help if they can't join you.
  15. Then delete your system cache and delete the armor from your hardrive then redownload it. Everything should work fine.
  16. Go to your download history and redownload your armor then boom everything will be fine no need to worry. And you MUST have it in your download history because how else did you download it? This was probably the easiest issue to resolve ever.
  17. Now that is correct but Halo 4 was the best selling Halo game. Microsoft did rush them which is sad so Halo 4 wasn't as well recieved as expected.
  18. Now that is true but it won't be coming to any Sony platform so don't hold your breath.
  19. Ok what you just said made little sense. But thank you for proving my point anyways. Halo 4 didn't fail because of lack of MLG support, but here is the thing. Halo 4 didn't fail. You need to know what it means for a game to "fail" when a game fails it means there won't be another one like it and no support for said game. Halo 4 had support and there is going to another Halo. So no Halo 4 did NOT fail. Halo 4 just had a terrible launch and couldn't support the population like previous Halo's. That is NOT failing.
  20. Classification: Signature Format: A picture that doesn't move Size [Default: 600x200]* Style: SciFi Primary Colors: Whatever you want. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Honey_badger.jpg Cut the badger out http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/031/a/8/t_rex_playing_ukulele_by_defy_gravity_42-d4oa4sv.png http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30500000/Halo-4-Master-Chief-halo-30585560-1671-1920.jpg http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.artinaid.com%2F2013%2F04%2Fearths-atmosphere-the-magnetosphere-and-outer-space%2F&h=0&w=0&sz=1&tbnid=5fEoOmPMCVOmVM&tbnh=194&tbnw=259&zoom=1&docid=TkBImxnGLc0z0M&ei=Pwu5UurINcbK2wX7qIHYBQ&ved=0CAgQsCUoAw No writing thank you .................. Make it cool like theyre having a war with lasers. Locations: do what you want
  21. May I remind you Ensemble spent 6 months designing a RTS control scheme for controllers and then Microsoft later approached them asking if they would be interested in developing a Halo RTS for consoles. I would love Halo Wars on PC but in its current state it isnt even a good RTS for the platform. Good for consoles but not PC.
  22. You do the reason people left Halo 4 was because how unbalanced it was at the beginning right? Halo 4 didn't fail because of lack of MLG it failed because lack of polish. Also the game isn't even dead you're not playing Halo 4 so you have no right whatsoever to say that. Also MLG doesn't bring polish. Look at how unbalanced CoD is and that is the main game for MLG.
  23. While listening to the Halo 3 OST again the other day i came over probably the most chilling song I've heard in the Halo franchise. Sounds like something straight out of an old SciFi movie. This and one final effort are no doubt my favorites. So what is your favorite song from these games? I cannot wait for Martins work for Destiny and what Neil has in store for Halo 5.
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