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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Thats why you vote for Maestro! he respects Halo lore! He contributes to Halo discussion VOTE MAESTRO(or Ash) VOTE FOR SOMEONE WHO CARES VOTE MAESTRO TODAY.
  2. AHHH YOURE RIGHT Now I remember I guess I repressed those memories.
  3. You're thinking of the wrong Mafia game. That was 3.0 (or whatever Mafian game Prime hosted)
  4. NUUUUUUUUU NOT DA SCHPY I vote Caboose The Ace.
  5. I seriously wonder how Yoshi is the medic when I have the same PM Only joking. Never trust screenshots (although Yoshi is the medic) Now being serious. Caboose and Delpen are confirmed Mafians. Church and Yoshi are clear. I'm obviously suspected and I don't blame Pro-Town for thinking that. I look at my own actions and they reek of Fishy. I thought Pro-Town was looking quite grim but it seems like we have a chance to win this. EDIT: That fake photo is seriously really sloppy. How did people fall for this in 2.0?
  6. I'm not Mafia. All I did was try to find the spy by asking people who the spy was. I can show you my PMs but we all remember Mafia 2.0 don't we?
  7. Voting Prime out worked! Not only did we have Caboose out himself as a Mafian but this has basically confirmed Yoshi being most likely Mafian or Crazy Pro-Townian. Either way I assume others are suspecting him because I am. Thank you for your sacrifice Prime. At least you can still contribute as a Ghost. Apologies for doubting you earlier in the game.
  8. I have a few questions to help us get you an answer quicker Have you updated MCC yet? After you updated the game ODST is going to be under Halo 3 in the Campaign tab. Just click on Halo 3 and another side bar called Halo 3: ODST will appear and another question is did you played MCC from November 11th through December 19th at least once on your account? If the answer is no then you won't be getting ODST for free.
  9. There could always be two Mafians on the list. If Prime is a civie that means Delpen and Yoshi are Mafians. Plus we know Delpen is one so why vote the confirmed one when we can risk taking out one or discovering one? We dont have the detective I vote Axilius Prime. We don't have the detective anymore so I rather not waste a vote killing off Delpen when we can possibly find out another Mafian by taking a calculated risk. Godspeed Pro-Town
  10. Im going with the bandwagon I trust Church and D_D I vote Axilius
  11. Wow Caboose and Prime were right. I feel dumb and look awfully suspicious Did the detective even investigate Ash? Either way HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH WE GOT THEIR TRUMP CARD WE GON WIN THIS MAFIANS. YOUR DAYS OR RECKONING ARE OVER.
  12. Since chances are we wont be getting a null vote lets pray that Ash is a Mafian. If not then oh well.
  13. It wont help us undercover individual identities but it will help us dwindle down the list of potential suspects 1.) Only a Mafian will not vote null. They want to find the Pro-Town roles so obviously killing off Pro-Townians they 2.)A smart Mafian will also vote null. This in a paradoxical way helps us also narrow down the list of suspects I would also like to remind everyone who was the detective that outed himself before Round 1 started and found out all the Mafian roles resulting in the fastest Mafian game yet? (rrhunt and EK remember all too well). The Mafians are playing all of you extremely well. Just vote null and screw them over. At least because of this we have two possible suspects for Mafians. Thanks Caboose and Prime.
  14. Please everyone vote null. We need to stop helping the Mafians.
  15. 9/10 times it is wise to vote someone out since we have a 1/4 and sometimes even 2/4 chances of voting a Mafian out But this time it is not wise. If we keep this up we are seriously going to give Mafians the advantage and they will snowball us easily. We could be voting out the medic at this point with the amount of civies dead. Notice how theyre targeting the quiet players. Everyone they have killed so far is usually not that active. Theyre doing this on purpose(or pure accidental madness) to get rid of the non-active players so those of us who are active cant be confirmed and therefore look suspicious when we attempt to speak our mind or vote. We're playing into the hands of the Mafia by bickering and voting people out. We're HELPING them find the detective and medic because we're killing off civies for them. If you seriously think voting somebody out with the amount of luck we have had so far now is a good idea then you really must be a Mafian(McCarthyism at its finest) Vote null and dont be dumb. We still have a chance to end this game with a win for Pro-Town
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