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Everything posted by Buns

  1. You're joking right? There is no confirmed release date you do know this was seen long ago and it has already been confirmed that is just a placeholder date. Do you really think 343i is going to release game in a month while giving little to no information on the game whatsoever? It was nice that you took the time to make the video but you also took 0 time looking up your information and are providing people with false news. Have a more reliable source before doing something like this, and please do not make such a misleading title.
  2. I will poop on you if you ever say the PS4 is better. The Xbox One and PS4 are both gaming systems made for different gamers. You cannot compare them because at their core they are both fundmentally different. While both are gaming platforms the experience of using them is different. They are both unique the PS4 is not superior to the Xbox and the Xbox One is not superior to the PS4. I understand this is your opinion but you should not be supporting any console being superior. Consoles are a medium for which gamers can play the games they want. They are not a tool for which to promote discussions on which is better. The PS4 is cheaper but it is not better. Both are amazing because both systems provide unique gaming experiences to the user. Remember just please avoid using words like "better" when discussing your opinion because no console will ever be better than the other. The experience you had could have been more enjoyable/better but the actual system can not(Unless you're stating that the PS4 has better hardware or that the Xbox One has the better camera peripheral then the situation in which you used the word is different.) Also " But... do you NEED Halo for a great gaming experience? We all know... that the answer is NO" That is your opinion. So please never say "We all know" because everyone has a different view on the subject. I had to rant about this I am sorry the inner gamer inside of me is tired of these "zomg console Z is better than console U" If you enjoy the PS4 more that is fine but remember that the experience for you is better. I just want to make sure that we all know I am talking about the actual physical systems.
  3. I agree with Zebra why not have a forge world sized map but all different and built around several themes? Like one in the arctic, or space, or grassy hills, or even dense rainforest. I love forge world but I also love what 343i did with different forge canvases.(Considering the 360 couldn't handle forge world with Halo 4 that would crash the system. Heck it couldnt even handle sandtrap.)
  4. As few of you may be aware of, but today comet ISON will make it closest approach to our sun at around 18:25GMT(or 1:25 P.M EST) I do not know if it will be visible during the daylight but this is the only chance in your LIFE to see comet ISON. It will probably never return to our solar system. Some important links for more information NASA Google+ hangout: https://plus.google.com/events/c8t7i5dbr1k50oq89giloiqe8rc and a video concerning the subject. The video explains the topic in a little more detail and also provides more details and links if any our interested. I just saw this today and thought it might be interesting to any space/astronomy fans on the forum like myself.
  5. Agreed. Also make your chapters a little longer not to mention you barely used any commas or periods. I like the concept of Hunter and would love to read more but for now Silent Orbis might be good as an editor so you can avoid grammatical mistakes and do some writing exercises to avoid using a single word too often. Overall a step in the right direction just a few mistakes that can be easily fixed. Here is a writing exercise I use quite often. Get an image of something it can be anything, then describe it. The description can be as long as you want but you should aim to make it quite intricate and detailed(Remember that is for the writing exercise)
  6. I have a strong feeling that your EMP-Burst will be in Halo 5 as an AA
  7. This map is looking beautiful I would try to ruin your moral so you don't finish this map and I can win this competition but that probably wouldn't work. Oops I spoiled my master plan No seriously this map looks very very nice I like the use of the grass area in the middle. Good job Zandril!
  8. I agree the concussion rifle and scattershot are much more balanced power weapons for this map. This map also looks beautiful I love the Impact forge canvas very very good job! EDIT: Why not a concussion rifle and sniper?
  9. The members that won the war for you were Bnus OMEGA JXZAW HaloGeek My friend who still needs his computer to work to join The Dumb Marine You are welcome young citizen, but the war has just begun.
  10. The day is finally here! Bungie has released another wonderful episode of their podcast in which they discuss all things from Bungie, to the core of Destiny. It is a very entertaining podcast and you can listen to it here: http://downloads.bungie.com/podcasts/Bungie_Podcast_Nov13.mp3 Or here: http://www.bungie.net/7_The-Bungie-Novembercast/en/News/News?aid=11301 It is also available on iTunes. I am not going to spoil what they talk about you're going to have to enjoy that for yourself fellow guardians!
  11. Buns

    multi team

    Now that is correct but game development is difficult. Even more difficult for a studio that is trying to juggle DLC, fixing issues, working on the next Halo, and hosting the Halo 4 Global Championship. You have to remember what was going on during that time and the fact that this was their first game as a company. Not to mention it was a AAA game. Halo 4 could have been so much better but everyone makes mistakes and unless you're in the game development industry yourself none of us are in the position to really shun them for being late. I still think they could have done it sooner but the title update did including the weapon tuning patch that lets them balance weapons on the fly which in turn was well worth the wait. Did I forget to add the amount of backlash they were receiving during this time? It was insane and it no doubt decreased the moral of the 343 studios team. At the end of the day all this negative backlash helped them fully realize their mistakes and they know never to make it happen again which I hate to say it but I'm glad the Halo community expressed their dislike for the game. I wish it was done more maturely and constructively but as a result 343i now has a better grasp of what the community really wants, and I hope they hold true to their promise with the next title.
  12. Agreed with this. I have no idea what 343i is thinking when out of everything we ask for the most we ask for DLC playlist but they can't seem to hear us. I personally like the current map rotation but thats just my opinion. They're not the best maps but hey I know them all pretty well so its fun to play on them.
  13. Thank you! I thought it was quite interesting neat find so I wanted to share. Kotaku reports on a variety of intresting things.
  14. Buns

    multi team

    343i isn't paying attention to the game? Well when the game first came out yes that was true but as of recent you're not paying attention to what 343i is doing. 343i has done an amazing job with feedback heck they even updated Griffball because the very niche Griffball community has been requesting some changes. I understand you don't keep updated with the game but please do not say such things at least ask someone who does or view Waypoint first. Multi-Team was a rotational playlist that lasted only 2 weeks it might come back in future rotations. Express your concern on the Halo Waypoint War Games feedback section Team Throwdown is going to stay because it is the most competitive playlist Halo 4 has and a lot of the remaining competitive Halo players really enjoy Team Throwdown since it is the perfect playlist for them. Think of it like this: People enjoy it, you don't/ It is also a great way for 343 to better understand how the competitive community.
  15. Relam Lovejoy the environmental artist for 343 studios(As of June 2013) who used to work for Valve on games like Portal, L4D, and Dota 2 recently released a science fiction novel entitled CLAN "CLAN is a science-fiction tale about a young member of society of human clones on an alien planet" You can purchase the book here: http://www.amazon.com/Clan-Realm-Lovejoy/dp/1493639544? You can also view her blog here: http://realmlovejoy.blogspot.com/ All royalties earned this Thanksgiving week until 11/28 midnight PST will be donated! The donations will go to a homeless childrens charity so it is for a very good cause! source: http://kotaku.com/what-do-you-do-after-helping-create-portal-write-a-boo-1471479967
  16. Regardless if this is the UNSC vs Modern Military there is no doubt in my mind that the UNSC will dominate solely through interstellar superiority. This is a battle and you're not supposed to hold back on your opponent. Although that is a good point with the Air but wasn't a saber in Halo 4? Or was it something else? Eh whatever that spaceship that you drive at the end of Halo 4 can easily destroy some of our best jets of today. Not to mention it can go tO SPACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  17. It isn't the dominion playlist it is your Xbox. I played around 10 games of Dominion today zero problems whatsoever and you're the first to actually encounter this so it is most likely an isolated incident. The same happened with my little brother back during launch and it turns his disc was scratched and he couldn't play slayer for an awkward reason(Maybe different cases) try installing Halo 4 to your harddrive and see if that works. It could most likely be your connection or NAT type since I've never heard this happen before. Best of luck finding the issue!
  18. To be honest that is such an awkward time in such a short time frame. Perhaps you could delay it a bit if not many people come? This was on very short notice. I'll try my best to attend
  19. Very interesting topic allow me to share my thoughts Space You forgot to count this in. UNSC wins right away no question. Air UNSC wins because Space!!! Plus energy shielding technology that greatly improves the durability of any aerial vehicle. ALSO HOW CAN WE FORGET THE VULTURES, HAWKS, AND SABERS MAN. Vehicles Well to be fair. We have a Mammoth they don't. Not to mention rocket hogs and gauss hogs will easily penetrate any modern armor of todays. You have to remember the UNSC use much more effective materials then tanks of today. So the scorpions will provide an even match. I mean have you seen how great the UNSC Vehicles really are just play Halo Wars and find out. Infantry The Assualt Rifle is actually a lot more effective then you think. Did we win this war only using Spartans? They played an extremely important part in winning the war in fact they basically won the war. Special Forces Yep I think it is safe to say we got this downpacked. It is very safe to say that the UNSC puts up a very good fight in all categories. The UNSC also has like quadrupled the resources and population We won't even need the Spartans and we would probably put up one heck of a fight.
  20. You must be confusing this place with Halo Waypoint. 343 Studios doesn't come here often. Best of luck with finding your answer!
  21. Well first off this isn't 343i this is just a community forum If you have any questions regarding Halo 2 Vista please ask @bsangel on twitter or the waypoint forums because I am sure they will have answers for you And as for the servers being taken down it was supposed to happy back in July or something but 343i love you all so much they decided to not let that happen.
  22. Forge World but it would be better if Forge World had a snowy setting.
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