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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Agreed it feels like everyone and their dog is asking for something to be crammed into Halo 5. How about we let 343i decide what to do with the series(lore wise) Also I'm sure they will return somehow via comics, novels, main game, spinoff game, tv show, etc. I mean 343i told us what happened to Jun(Read Halo: Initiation its a neat comic explaining Palmers backstory and how she became a Spartan)
  2. +VII points for the iOS 7 joke. Well heck I hope every single goshdarn piece of Spartan program power suit armor ever created was put into a single Halo game. I love the armor!
  3. Not to mention the design of the ODST is just so cool.
  4. Would anyone be interested in making "fake" ghosts of Halo 4 videos with me? If the nogun glitch still works which makes you slide around like ghosts I am sure we can create something interesting.
  5. WHY DID YOU DO IT MAN You were supposed to keep your mouth shut now you know too much! 343i Bot is going to find you any second now! I didn't want you to get terminated I really didn't you were a great guy Zanny but you know too much you are now a threat to 343i. Don't try hiding at ForgeCafe either. Oracle will be looking for you as well.
  6. Consoles are much more then just PCs. There are going to be hardware issues I don't remember a single console launch that hasn't had one. We have improved I mean this is the 8th generation of consoles surely it won't be anything major but it still doesn't justify the reason to buy a day one console when you can easily get one a month later and avoid yourself all the trouble(Unless you want the trouble then go ahead and buy one but I am sure there wont be any terrible launch problems consoles have evolved) Also I don't why you mention devs should find it very easy to make games because if you want an easy way to make games then just look at the PC. I've heard that the ps4 is finally a lot more gamedev friendly but consoles arent the easiest things to make games for. If you want easy gamedev head for the PC and even then gamedev isn't close to easy. I would go as far as saying that game development is one of the most difficult creative process out there.
  7. Most ODSTs are now becoming Spartan 4s.
  8. When I was forging in Sandtrap with my little brother a Spartan Laser randomly killed me and it wasnt my little brother because we played split screen and when we went in theater to view the footage the laser literally came out of nowhere. My friend Ricky also had the same thing happen to him and someone was just sliding across the map. I hope 343i literally adds "ghosts" as a part of the game on purpose to freak people out.
  9. Um you are making a very big mistake buying a day one edition of a console. I highly recommend you wait until December and let all issues be patched so your experience will be smooth, functional and without problems. The few launch title games are nothing worth dying for in my opinion at least. You can surely wait for them. Seriously though launch consoles are never a good idea there are tons of things that go wrong within the first week of a consoles release, just play it smart and wait the storm and buy one shortly after.
  10. Please please please don't forget to ask a question as well. My favorite childhood hobby was playing with Bionicles What kind of music do you listen too?
  11. Dude is he really talking about this now? We have known about Halo Escalation since August tons of people have reported on it.
  12. Don't worry Caboose I only included people who I know would hate it. A lot, and want to get back at me somehow :----) You're all smelly members!
  13. Ghost is easily more maneuverable but the republic speeder bike is easily more superior but you didn't list it so I cannot pick it. Ghost it is!
  14. I shall now waste my unclever MoM wish on changing ONE of these members(Beckoningzebra1 The Gryffin Azaxx) titles(Admins/Mods you pick the victim so they cant directly blame it on me!) to the following: "Smelliest Member of 343i I stink really bad." P.S: Count Zebra twice so he has a higher chance of being picked since I totally have nothing against him :------)
  15. 2 Hours? Woaw this is going in my watch later playlist I'll give you feedback in a PM once I finally watch it. One thing I notice right away from skipping through footage is the camera work could improve and someone forgot to disable resample/motion blend their footage. Honestly one of my biggest pet peeves make sure you do so next time it will make everything look really smooth.
  16. I'm still trying to think of something clever don't rush your mother!
  17. I would first like to say is that I am extremely grateful for being chosen as the MoM of November(Being that it happens to be my favorite month of the year) but I would like to start this off by saying that EVERYONE on the forum is just as much as a MoM as me. Everyone here all contribute to make this the best Halo community forum on the internet and I wouldn't be the Mother I am right now if it wasn't for all of you who make such quality posts to which we can all discuss. It's really awesome to be part of the Halo community and to be talking to all of you smelly folks here on 343i. Thank you all so much again and again for letting me be part of the greatest Halo community to exist. I am very excited to see what the future has in store for all of us here on 343i xoxo -Mommy Bnus And with that over I present the party jam of this month! Have a wonderful November 343i!
  18. I think it might actually be laziness on the creative part. It sucks that these kind of little details aren't explained for the hardcore lore fans. Good job on pointing it out though!
  19. Thank you all so much and great job on the post Church it really wheated me up I honestly did not see this coming it makes me really happy knowing the time I put into the community was recognized thank you all so much! I'll be making the post soon y0. Edit: Here is the post! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32060-novembers-motherly-message/
  20. I used Halo 4 as an example silly, and yes I like the ranked/social playlists idea I mean Halo 4 was very broken at the start now it is much more balanced.
  21. Buns


    Well believe it or not D-38 Boss posts on here too. He is actually a dedicated member, and I am sure you will be just as dedicated on the forums Sev! Cannot wait to see you around!
  22. Spykinect? HAHAHAHAHA You're a silly goose. Games staying the same? Well the PS4 is too I mean at least X1 has Titanfall and the newest exlcusive PS4 has is....... KNACK!!!!!!! The again if you like Knack you're more then welcome to I heard it has really nice controls. PC Gaming isn't where your money is that is just your opinion. The gaming PC I want to build will cost me $600 and its an amazing rig its my dream rig meanwhile the X1 and PS4 are both cheaper options and can play all the games I wanted to play at mostly similar settings sometimes the same. I don't care for graphics anyways the $600 was just to be able to play newer games at good framerates. People have loads of fun buying a console and playing the exclusives the whole argument of "PC Gaming is where its at" is stupid. I love PC Gaming and everyone should give it a shot. Mods are great and so are the amount of games always available, but people don't like it and thats ok. At the end of the day let people buy what they want it isn't that hard of a concept to accept. This whole argument of which gaming platform is the best is just barbaric and we should all accept the fact that we're all gamers and we like playing games. People are going to have different opinions and thats perfectly fine.
  23. Probably some new ones but the old ones as well. You can still reearn them because it is on different platforms.
  24. I agree this community is a great example Halo 3s community was very invested in H3 and even back then we didn't have these kind of awesome forums While I don't really agree with 1-50 unless its for ranked playlist only I think we need a Reach Ranking system. Something very very long so people stay on the grind Most of the maps were balanced in Halo 4 par from a few exceptions but those are just gamemode specific and 343i has been removing them and making constant changes The bolshot isn't overpowered I have only died under 50 times but that weapon and that was before the nerf. It is only abused when used with Active Camo which I agree should only be a Armor Ability for custom games.
  25. If you vote for the Wii I will forever be shocked. The Wii U is a massive improvement from the Wii.
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