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Everything posted by Buns

  1. That can be said for any game including Halo What you said is opinion based, and plus how do we know? We haven't seen any Machinima nor any attempts, while I admit it might not suit the same role as well as Halo does. No one knew Halo was going to be a Machinima type either its very hard to predict this kind of thing.
  2. Heyo man! First off my BEST BEST BEST advice is NEVER buy a console at launch. Wait at least a month or two. Second the Xbox One has a lot of cool features including the snap function(Which lets you connect any other device to your XboxOne and have them both open at the same time) Next Xbox Live is a lot better then PS's paid service but I here they are improving which is a good sign And lastly I highly recommend buying both consoles. Both have great exclusives and communities even if you buy them a year or two apart. You do not want to miss out on all the awesome exclusive games. If you're not going to play a console for exclusives then I highly suggest purchasing a PC In my opinion the Xbox One has a lot better exclusives not to mention is that this is also a mainly Xbox forum because we all love and play Halo Halo, Titanfall, Dead Rising, Forza, Gears Of War(I am very positive that the franchise isn't over yet I think it might actually see a return in next gen) Halo for its expansive universe, amazing games and community Dead Rising for its zombie killing fun and unique experience Forza because it is vastly superior to Gran Turismo in terms of Cars, and customization Titanfall because Microsoft has confirmed lifelong exclusivity with Titanfall and is the birthchild of the creators of Call Of Duty. Gears Of War for its learning curve and brutal action with a very heart wretching story. With that being said the PS4 has some great exclusives too like Killzone, Last Of Us, Uncharted.
  3. I don't seen an "Elephant" option in the vehicles bar. I want everything to be honest.
  4. Yaaaa. Nope UNSC Smelly Spartan- II
  5. 1. Check 2. Pending........ 3. Pending........ 4. Somewhat check 5. Check The community is great and you're posting on the friendliest Halo forum which is awfully ironic seeing that you're a dedicated member too.
  6. Fallout 3 is a great game and if you already have ranger armor why not the minigun? It is unique isnt it? SPECIAL ITEMS FOR THE WIN!!!1
  7. If they include it as a glitch it is actually a "feature" You can't glitch a game on purpose, but that is a very good point the extra marketing will really help them out.
  8. The short answer is probably no since no theater mode has been announced or discussed. Everything is also supposed to be seamless so that further gives me doubt but based on some neat features like lowered weapons and even greetings/taunts(So far we have seen greetings aka waving. I'm not sure if there will be more but hopefully there is). Even if there isn't a theater mode that hasn't stopped Machinima in the past. CoD4 had no theater mode on consoles(PC had the demo mode which is essentially the same thing.) but if you removed the HUD via hardcore mode and took out a C4. The result was a theater mode of sorts. From what I've seen Destiny doesnt have much of a HUD and doesn't really have the habit of showing players name unless you have your weapon unlowered. With some simple cropping and angling you could basically have a camera of some sorts while it would be hard to use I really do think Destiny Machinima can be possible. Now the question is what do you guys think about Destiny being a tool for Machinima makers? Edit: An a interview Bungie when asked about theater mode they said they will not be discussing that feature yet so maybe it is in the works? Also there will be multiple gestures/taunts like dancing, waving, etc.
  9. It looks a lot like Franks sig. I mean it even has mister chief! Congrats on the awesome poster.
  10. The original Spartan Assault had Sarah Palmer I think the flood levels might be a whole new single player with its own lore which honestly would be awesome. Thanks for posting this Zebra I saw it on twitter at school and got so excited to finally play it with a controller. The game is honestly pretty fun.
  11. I dont like Halo follower he never regards the Halo community only his comment section and website. He brings up obvious and dead points that have been discussed into oblivion. While I know he just wants Halo 5 to be the best Halo ever and dont we all I feel as if the effort he puts into these videos is very poor. If I saw him active on community sites like this one or waypoint or forgecafe or forgehub. Then I would consider him actually caring about the community, but until then in my opinion he is just a generic Halo news giant that regards the comment section as the Halo community(Which of course still is but he should say "My comment section or this corner of the Halo community" Not speak for us as a whole)
  12. That is very nice of you but trust me the channel is fine and we upload footage that includes the whole community not just content from a single person The best you can do is attend community events and record footage(Like I did which I submitted to Church so he may do what he pleases with the footage and upload a highlights) Remember it is a "community" channel and in my opinion should only include events that are hosted by the community and involve the community. You can always focus on your channel.
  13. Really? To me it looks more like sand. Well anyways this is still a great forge technique that is going to make some really neat forge maps.
  14. Go for it. That is one interesting costume!
  15. He got the oceanic helmet from Halo 4 GOTY edition since it comes with it. Halo 2 and 3 had at least 5 times the amount of cheaters that Halo 4 had, and there are barely any cheaters so that says something about what you define as a "cheater".
  16. Going to ruin Ye day UNSC Spartan-II
  17. I am going to be very brutal with my critique only because you should improve Some of the clips aren't anything amazing. Like the double kill noscope or the assassination. If this was a CoD montage that would have been accepted, but the standard for Halo 4 clips(If you want people to notice your tage and get it posted on the bigger channels) is much higher. Keep your clips at a triple kill or higher. A good amount of clips were nice. Another thing is the length. I found it very offputting and I have to write this while watching. Making it too long can lose a viewers attention. I recommend 3-4 minute tages instead. This tage could have really benefited from some color correction. The render settings are good. Your cinematics could use some work. You had the right idea some time but it was poorly executed. Look at the more popular Halo 4 montages and see how they do it. I know you're a beginner at video editing but you should really start using different transitions and playing around with masking. All of your transitions were very basic. You did not sync the music with the clips very well which majorly messed up the flow of the montage I'm not sure how much work you put into this but I assuming you're a beginner because you did make a lot of newbie mistakes which is ok I just think you should take even more time with your edits and be more careful. I was a lot worse when I first started off. Thats all the advice I can give. Look at other Halo montages and see what they do good and put it into your own montage, develop your own style and eventually you can be making some good stuff. Another smart idea is to look at Call Of Duty editors because they usually have a lot of editing tutorials you can use to learn cool different techniques I have been video editing for 5 years I have a lot of confidence in the advice I am giving you. Good luck.
  18. The ingame fileshare is, but the bungie.net fileshare is gone forever.
  19. Im going to ruin your day Um anyone!
  20. No stop you're doing it wrong. This post was made to bring awareness of Halo 4 machinima not to compare what would happen if one machinima was made in one game or another. All of the Halos are good for making machinima heck even Halo CE or Halo 2 if you're aiming for a classic feel there is not one that is better then the other. All just have different features or assets that the creator can use. Halo 4 is just as friendly as Reach. I would never compare a Halo machinima in Reach to one made in 4 for the sole reason that the game which the machinima was created in is not relevant. A machinima maker who wants Elites will not use Halo 4 as their canvas. The opposite goes with someone who wants flood. Remember this post was made for awareness not comparisons. Both games provide different Machinima tools both games provide great machinima end of discussion I made this post to support Halo 4 Machinima not to start comparisons.
  21. This map looks really good! It seems a bit camper friendly though when I get the chance I'll host a lobby with it.
  22. Thanks I'll link those two soon! Also pitbull is the same ethnicity as me which is quite embarrassing
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