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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Sounds a lot like the Mindcrack Marathon that raised over $100,000+ for Childs play! Thank you so much for supporting a good cause I wish I can go and watch but I'll be working on a chemistry project so sadly I cannot attend, best of luck raising money!
  2. How about we let 343i do what they want with the story. It is pretty obvious that since 2011 343i has been taking the Halo lore in a very good direction. Also Brutes are returning in a comic called Halo: Escalation coming out this December.
  3. Please don't call people idiots. They're just paranoid because of the whole Edward Snowden situation. If you knew the whole scale of what NSA did you would be paranoid too. Also some people don't want the Xbox One because they don't like the Xbox or the games it has. People have opinions if they don't like a system let them. It doesn't affect you or your life if someone chose a PS4 over Xbox One.
  4. Can you please post some pictures?
  5. No it isn't. Please refer to this list: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/31975-a-list-of-amazing-halo-4-machinimas/ and make a Machinima of your own before making any further comments about Halo 4 being a "big" step down. Is it a step down? Yes, but not a "big" one, because there are no flying UNSC vehicles or playable Elites which I agree did limit some things, but that doesn't mean Halo 4 Machinima tools are bad. 343i is aware of Machinima makers because they included the lower your weapon feature and they were going to (but never did) include the ability to lower your weapons in online. They even gave us a greenscreen which is an EXTREMELY helpful tool to Machinima makers and video editors(I am one I should know). I mean when they were showing off the greenscreen they even said "We have been listening to Machinima makers and here it is a green screen!" or something along those lines. Hopefully in Halo 5 playable Elites will return along with flying UNSC vehicles and greenscreens.
  6. Hey not everyone had an xbox or knew about Halo 2 years back. No need for that comment he just wanted to know if the rumors were true.
  7. Post this on Halocustoms. You will have a better chance at finding more people there. Since that site is dedicated to Halo customs
  8. Okok calm down man no need to be surprised, it is most likely just a glitch in the system or it could be the LE edition. Do you really think Microsoft is stupid enough to price a standard edition of the game this high? Next gen games are $60(or your regional equivalent) Microsoft would never dare hurt the sales of one of their best selling franchises like this I mean Sony and Microsoft already sell their consoles at a loss(Sony loses $60 for every PS4 bought) They make money on the software and services so pricing a standard edition of a game this high will only hurt them. Trust me Microsoft would never pull something like this(So the comment "Microsoft is the publisher I wouldn't be surprised" is quite off putting). It is most likely just a glitch in the Walmart systems which has happened before with places like Tesco or Target. My bet is that this is the LE edition of the game instead of SE Thanks for posting this though it makes me think that they are going to announce something soon
  9. Well they started off in Reach of course you're used to them there is only one "Lives of" in Halo 4. I wouldn't say its the fault of population Halo 4 did sell the best out of any Halo game I just think it's the lack of interest in Machinimas nowadays.
  10. So recently on the forums people have been discussing that Halo 4 is not Machinima friendly. I have come to shed more light on the subject matter because I don't think many people are aware of some awesome Machinimas out there. Please read the descriptions of the videos aswell and support the Machinima makers One time shorts Relic Master Chief: Pulled Over The lives of Prometheans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDECvi4MQqk Generic Halo 4 Machinima Derdect 2 Derdact rising Who you callin pinhead? And there tons more I have at least 20 more shorts I could have posted Episodic Red Vs Blue season 11 http://roosterteeth.com/archive/?sid=rvb&v=more Dues Ex Machina http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5oo2zFeUyI Shards Episode 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzpQfExVNNY Sadly this post is going to be long enough and I couldn't find enough series/episodic Halo 4 Machinimas that I thought deserved the attention. I will update the list in the future and probably make a 3/Reach Machinima list. Happy viewing!
  11. Thats an opinion but people who were saying Halo 4 ruined Machinima that is just vastly incorrect.
  12. I'm sorry that you feel the need to insult someone after they expressed their opinion. I mean didn't you ask us for our thoughts? That is a bit hostile just because people disagree with you.
  13. I agree maybe an hours worth of gameplay footage? All this art looks amazing thanks for posting Omega!
  14. From this comment it sounds pretty obvious you have never bothered to be imaginative with Forge in Halo 4 or even create a Machinima set in Halo 4. As Gryffin said have 4 DIFFERENT Forge Canvases is a vast improvement over Forge World. While I do miss Forge World we need to blame the hardware limitations of the Xbox 360. Not 343i Midnight is absolutely correct why should they leave a glitch in the game? This was never a feature it was an exploit. The same thing can be accomplished if you just took an energy sword and wasted all the charges. That is actually what people used to do before the no weapon glitch.
  15. I would never even dare touch a cactus. Besides I bought my own online and I am now growing one! Muahahaha! I haven't touched it ever since I put it in the pot. Those needles scare me..... Also I do not know how I'll sneak a cactus on the plane but didn't know they were protected by the state.
  16. Halo 4 could not render a world like Forge World. The Halo 4 engine was already too powerful for the Xbox 360 and having a forgeable canvas that was the size of Forge World would literally crash the Xbox into oblivion. The same response goes with Elites and Falcons they had time constraints/engine tech issues Also infection is already in the game(Through the thousands of mods that if you have not found by now is quite disappointing) if anything they gave us Flood Spartans which have helped TREMENDOUSLY So they only really took away Falcons and Elites being that they have given us 4 different Forge canvases each with its own unique piece set and gave us Flood Spartans which are helpful.
  17. This trailer seems really poorly put together. At least Microsoft took the time to craft something unique. Being a video editor I don't like how they just used a lot of 3d plane + optical flares as well as the music not syncing with what was going on the screen. Although I am looking forward to some of these games(Only BL:R, WarFrame, Planetside 2, and Killzone:SF I mean I can already play 3 of those right now if my computer wasn't outdated) I just wish Sony took the time to create something that stood out more. Thanks for posting Caboose
  18. Actually none of this can match what it is to drive in Hialeah(Florida) or Miami Beach. Spanish people, Road Rage, and the extremely shady drivers plague the streets. I went to Arizona this summer it was a lovely place cannot wait to go back. I am actually really jealous you get to see cACTUSES in your everyday life. I am literally quite obsessed with Cacti they're the coolest plant in the plant kingdom since Cacti.
  19. Not trying to be mean or anything but it sounds really obvious that you guy haven't taken the time to see all the amazing new Machinimas out there Have you seen shards? Have you heard of FTF? Have you seen RvB? Have you seen some of the work done by DigitalVirus? 343i gave us GREENSCREENS!!! Bungie never did that us Machinima makers had to come up with our own thing. 343i never ruined Machinima. You haven't been watching Machinima.
  20. Exactly most people think they know how to apply "logic" to these kind of situations
  21. Well done map! It looks pretty neato in my opinion! I'll try and play it one of these days.
  22. WOAW ACTUALLY HALO CRITICISM THAT DOESN'T MENTION HALO 3??? I completely agree a longer story would be very very nice, but multiplayer is what keeps people playing Halo after we have finished the single player so lets have the best of both rather then the best of one?
  23. There has been better arguments of the ranking system you just got lazy and didn't even try. The assualt rifle is still not that good of a weapon honestly if you die by it it is your fault. If you do not know already Halo 5 will have dedicated servers.
  24. I've never heard of this issue so Absolute Dog may be right. You might have to start the campaign all over again, really sorry to hear best of luck getting back to where you left off. Also since you formatted your hardrive by any chance did you delete your Halo 4 save file too?
  25. Nope. Rumors are false. Sadly there will never be a chance to get flames or blue flames again. Hopefully armor effects return in Halo 5
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