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Everything posted by Buns

  1. I was actually shocked when I saw my icon. Amazing wrap up as always Drizzy!
  2. Read the armor descriptions or the essential visual guide for Halo 4 All the armor will make sense then. Although I think we need mor exotic pieces like Jun's chest piece and the return of armor effects
  3. Isn't there already Sonic games on all consoles? Sega will probably just end up being a software company I wouldn't be surprised Nintendo bought them out.
  4. You don't understand what I mean. The weapon with the attachment would be a entirely different weapon. Like the SMG/ Silenced SMG they're different weapons. I actually wouldn't mind flash lights but silencers should be kept out(At least from starting loadouts maybe as an on map weapon thats ok)
  5. Whoever said you need to use a lot of big words? I literally gave you a sentence long of example of what you could have said without coming off as a Halo 4 hate thread.
  6. It happened to me with my world at war disc like 3 years ago. I honestly thought my xbox was going to explode.
  7. I agree chaingun hogs don't feel as dominant as they used too. Loadouts are great and the PP for secondary slot ain't that bad it's just the Plasma Nades that are a big problem. Although Rocket and Gauss hogs are really annoying and frustrating to deal with because how easily they destroy infantry
  8. Halo 2 Vista works perfectly fine on windows 7 and above. I've tried it on 8 and it works fine too. We should be giving Halo 2V our full attention not some graphical remake. Also the MM of Halo 2 was very broken and glitchy and um ya not as great as you would think at times Another cool thing they could have done is include a free copy of H2A with the legendary edition of Halo 5(if they had one) I mean its just a graphical remake? Redoing the multiplayer is not in anyway a very good idea.
  9. Hopefully weapons I can destroy you with
  10. FleshBack never said anything bad he just used a bland choice of words to describe his disgust towards Halo 4. I wouldn't call this a hate thread, and he is allowed to have his opinions on the game I would just prefer if he expanded his vocabulary so this thread does not come off as a Halo 4 hate thread. You could have easily said. I hope Halo 3's population surpasses that of Halo 4 because 343i needs to remember the classics! It comes off a lot friendlier in my opinion. It was rude of me to say you were being immature though.
  11. Cooliest liked this because me and him are so not working together and I am so not mind controlled right not secretly being a double agent so we can find out who will rebel against us. No not at all.
  12. No!!! Not you Caboose they have you too? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  13. Hey this line of text is here to remind you that this is just a joke. I come here to preach to you my fellow citizens of 343i! The news group have mind controlling capabilities and wish to eradicate all of 343i! Please hear my plea, I have evidence of my claims! They gain their mystical powers from the news articles and other sources of information. Each time one of their post is promoted to an article they get stronger! Just today Cooliest convinced me to go make hot chocolate just by typing in the shoutbox. I even drank the hot chocolate and added whip cream, it was madness!!!!!!! If it wasn't for the valiant hero JXZAW I would have turned into one of their puppets, but sadly Cooliest's wicked power turned JXZAW against us for a brief moment, but he fought it off, but I am afraid to tell you all that this is not the end. The news group will not stop their tyrannical march into our minds. Their powers will grow! They will keep updating us with the latest in gaming! They will keep posting NEWS! We must deal with these fiends immediately or all of us will become nothing but a newspaper for them to step on, but be weary of who you trust because we do not know who has already succumbed to their indoctrination. Please understand that this is just a joke that happened in the SB. The news group are a nice bunch.
  14. The Pacific Rim game is absolutely awful. It's just as bad as Aliens Colonial Marines.
  15. I can't check right now but Infinity Slayer is on average 1000 or below. While Big Team is always near ten thousand. I think they recently removed the DLC requirement or they are going too(I've heard people saying this but I can't check until the weekend if they did or did not)
  16. Grunts because me and YipYap went to nipple school together. P.s Thats a Halo 3 easter egg/joke
  17. Um free for all variants in Big "TEAM". Yep that just couldn't work.
  18. This is in the wrong topic. Please delete the post and put it in "Halo clan recruiting/ advertising" topic.
  19. Really awesome work you guys are doing! Can I get a link for the custom Halo 2 campaign when it is finished I would love to play it.
  20. DLC armour just doesn't work in Spartan Ops, well at least from my experience I've had no problems in other playlist. The community support has been A M A Z I N G. So much better then Bungie's don't believe me? I mean heck BSangel always replies to tweets and emails and on the Waypoint forums the community following is great they always promote any Halo related creations they find interesting(that can be a map or machinima or tutorial) Plus Certain Affinity gave us Forge tutorials? Did Bungie do that? Don't forget the constant playlist tweaks, community events, acknowledge of other forums, respect towards modded gametypes, and fanmade Halo games. I seriously hope you were just joking with that........ You could always just say "Keep improving on community support", but don't just say "better" because it sounds like you're not acknowledging what a nice job they have done already.
  21. 1. Social and Ranked playlist 2. Forgeable Firefight 3. The ability to play as different alien races/UNSC Troops(This will allow more options for Custom games and Machinimas) 4. Even more armor options(I like what they did in Halo 4 with different camo patterns but we need more options) 5. More skins
  22. Glad I could assist captain.
  23. Praise this! Mods have done so much more then just hacks and cheats.
  24. When I was in Arizona this summer. I went to a art museum and they had a special video game art exhibit going on. There was a cover for Halo if it was made on the Atari 2600 it was called. bUM BUM BUM Halo 2600. I'm glad Halo came out on the Xbox thank goodness for that.
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