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Everything posted by Buns

  1. 1. A lot of people complain about 64 players. You may not be one of them and thats fine but others do and find it to be a huge balancing issue. Don't worry. If the maps are well designed then 40 players will be perfect(BFBC2 had only 32 and that game felt fantastic because the maps were designed for 32 players. You lived longer and the firefights were so concentrated and meaningful which meant that tactics like flanking or bombardment felt meaningful). Rather then jumping straight to conclusions lets actually play the game to see if DICE is telling the truth. 2. Space Combat nor Clone Wars-era was NEVER promised to us. Understand that DICE started the reboot from the ground up including graphical framework. They didnt reuse assets from the canceled SWBF3(even though I believe they had access to them) 3. DICE started this game from the ground up. This includes using Frostbite as a base but updating the engine and its performance(mainly the graphical framework) to achieve what they have so far. Is it a shame we're not getting as much content as the previous games? Yes I wish DICE was given more time to accommodate for this, but at the end of the day Disney is the one calling the shots. They want the game releasing around the same timeframe as Star Wars episode 7 so that the game sells more(argue what you want that it doesnt matter when they release it SWBF will always sell but marketing statistics and practices argue against your favor) Being mad about the game this early on isn't going to make it better. Let us wait and see what exactly DICE has made for us that justifys 44 player battles and lack of other eras. DICE has never been known to be dry on content(with or without DLC). Looking at all their past games they had plenty to offer so obviously some outside factor is at work here that must explain why SWBF may seem dry.
  2. It isnt illegal. Bethesda is in on this. Theyre the ones who teamed up with Valve to make this happen. Its perfectly legal. The profits from the mod are split among all 3 parties. I think the Developer/Publisher get the biggest cut.
  3. I'm a Ghost so my votes still count right? I vote Kakashi
  4. For now I am going to be ok with this. This has the potential to do some amazing things. Like support modders who are attempting total conversions and help them follow through and actually finish their mod(since a lot of mods always fail due to lack of time or money) Modding is hard work and while donations have always been a good thing this time around they can get paid for the effort they put into this. The problem comes with the pricing models. There needs to be a way to regulate this because I saw an armor set go for $2. Yes it was a very high quality armor set, but it is only ONE armor set for the cost of $2. Which is just silly. Yes you can argue "oh it isnt even that expensive" But what happens when you start to add things up? $2 for one set of armor? A lot of people can only afford one $60 game a year(I was once in this position. It sucks) I never got the chance before to buy DLC or map packs or weapon skins because back then even those "$2" was a tough sell. I know I may sound dumb for arguing over something worth $2 but the implications of these pricing problems could run deeper then intended. Although so far I've noticed a lot of the mods are "Pay what you want" which is something I think should be in place for ALL mods. And as Ledgend said. These paid mods also bring the problem of friends working together to create content. When money is thrown into the mix things get hasty. Like does the programmer deserve more of the shares then the modeler? Unless Steam has a way to equally split revenue among all involved I could see a lot of problems arising from this and potentially a lot of mod drama. But yes. Pirating mods will soon be a thing. Themoddersbay we shall name it.
  5. Honestly with the direction Star Wars is headed I actually feel motivated to watch the Star Wars Rebels show. Maybe I will. I hope the unfinished Clone Wars Arc gets some sort of small release or something. The Clone Wars is my favorite era and I would love to see more of it.
  6. I am really looking forward to the new Battlefront trailer. I am excited to see how exactly it looks.
  7. ITS ON IPHONES TOO BLESS I have a Windows 8.1 PC anyways. Regardless it excites me to see that Microsoft is pushing Halo(even if they are small mobile games) to other platforms. I never thought I would see a Halo game besides Halo CE on Mac. This truly is riveting. Next up. Linux!
  8. I think he is talking about whenever you play a gamemode that has AI in it with other people(like Firefight, Co-Op Campaign, Spartan ops, etc) the connection is far worse and performance drops far more common then playing regular Matchmaking.
  9. Its a survey to gather a general consensus of the community. By putting "disregarding Escalation" He isnt disregarding lore as it never happened. He is merely asking you a question on how YOU would want events to turn out. Not HOW it turned it out, but rather how you, player of Halo, reader of lore, would have wanted. Its like if a writer at 343i asked "Hey I know we killed Black team in Escalation, but if you disregard that just for this question and moment. Which Spartan team would have you wanted to die?" Its a survey for a specific question. Its meant to gather data. He isnt saying it never happened. Hes merely asking what you would have done instead. Which is very useful data.
  10. I think killing off the Ur-Didact in a comic book would have been really lackluster. He's the main enemy of Halo 4 and even gets an entire trilogy of books with him in it! he is even mentioned in other books! He dies in 2 pages of a comic book! Huzzah!
  11. I'm one of the few people who support ONI when it came to UNSC v ONI
  12. Are you talking about Halo CE PC? The version they released those years ago was the finished product with more features. Since then modders have added more to the game. Not sure what youre talking about 2016. We have no info of any important Halo PC projects being released then
  13. Too ambitious with little time. A recipe for failure. Hopefully they fix all of the main issues someday. So far theyve been doing good
  14. I loved it! I really enjoyed the song and the angles. You did a great job syncing everything and all those subtle effects like the screen shake or RGB split in some places made it really great. The CC was also pleasing to the eyes too. Great montage as always Muggsy Also to other members. Don't forget to give the video a like if you enjoyed it!
  15. So the Mafians kill me When I was willing to work with them? Ok. Why rrhunt and EK..... Why?
  16. GrimBrother does Canon Fodder? I actuallly didnt know that woaw. They're cleverly written and thats great. #TIL
  17. The miniatures belong to the latest Halo tabletop game that is coming out. I dont think Kotobukiyas are making them All those Halo dart guns look so good. I hope the release is soon. Plus the Halo tabletop game is shaping up to be really great from what little we know so far. I really hope that also gets a release date soon. 343i is going to be taking a lot of my money this year.
  18. Yea I've seen a few of the mods on Waypoint actually be really friendly. (I think I played with one of them back in a HaloCustoms lobby in 2014) Its a shame everyone thinks theyre evil doers. Some of them are just normal people
  19. Congratulations on being MoM! Even if we always have debates in the SB you still have good taste in anime and games and always picking on Azaxx for not having as good as taste as us. Enjoy your month in Pink! Looking forward to your MoM wish! I also remembered you don't like The Last Of Us so even more of a reason why you deserve MoM
  20. I might be able to make it too. Depending on my plans that weekend, but since its going to be around Friday afternoon for me I should be good(7pm GMT is 4pm EST right?)
  21. Glancing up at the intercom I shouted "Sorry Boss, but Valentine is injured bad. Medbay first, then you can talk us to death" We reached the medbay. I placed Valentine on one of the empty patient beds. "The wound doesn't look that deep afterall." I say as the blood drips onto my hands "I'll get some Biofoam. You're going to need to take it easy for awhile until. If that jarhead cut any deeper he would have caused some serious damage" I reach over to grab the biofoam in the medical cabinets and inject some into Valentines wound. He screams in pain "Relax. This can't be the first time you've gotten a dose of this wretched antvenom" After I finish I keep him still until his breathing regulates. "You should be fit for efficient combat in a few days. For now take it easy with arm movements. Rest here for a bit too. I'll bring back a meal" I leave the medbay heading to my personal quarters to take a breather.
  22. "Yea, friends." I glance at the knife deep within his shoulder "After your patched up lets meet the Bravo Team Grunt shall we? Heard from ONI his name is Lucktuck"
  23. I run over to Valentine to get him back on his feet "Quite the team bonding? That knife is in deep lets get you to the medbay" I glance over at Eric "I'll deal with you later. Pull that f-ing trick again and that Grunt will be eating you for Lunch" I walk over to the medbay with Valentine slumped around my shoulder.
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