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Everything posted by Buns

  1. I still think it it a bad business decision. I still want the Xbox One but I could honestly care less about the Kinect. I don't even have space for it in my crowded gaming setup. I can see where Microsoft is going with this I just don't like that I don't get a choice in the matter. I could easily spend those $100 on Xbox One games and arcade games.
  2. Actually forgot to state this. The goal of this project is to make it a digital card game that you can play against your friends in but I am still learning programming didn't expect someone with programming knowledge to come along so early on so this helps a lot! But I would also like to make this a print out and play game so people who enjoy traditonal card games .
  3. I miss zoom too :c I think foreurnner interactive structures would be a great idea! Just imagine you push a button and a door opens(silly I know but it would make door systems in forge a lot less complex.) That is another amazing idea I love it! This along with the biome editor could really make an amazing atmosphere for some maps and adds a lot of depth for creating maps! Bravo!
  4. I've never done one of these long topics before so forgive me if it sounds boring. Heyo everyone and I've been working on a Halo Card Game(sorta) this idea came to my mind a few months ago and since then I've forged some ideas here and there and came up with a nice solid ground.(If you have ever played Scrolls or YuGiOh it takes some concepts from there) My original idea was to do this on my own but I quickly realized how much work it would actually be so I am looking for help from the Halo Community! So basically if you are in anyway interested in helping I'll explain how you can below. Also to note that I already have a strong sense of where I want this project to go and have addressed some major issues regarding balancing and such. You can help in any way too! Regardless if you have never played card games(Even if you just want to help make cards but ti would be nice if you knew the lore and have experience with Card Games that would be useful!) My overall goal for this project is to create an enjoyable balanced card game thats true to the lore and when it is finally finished I would like if the community could basically make their own cards as well! So heres the application thingyamob(I might add or edit this but its the best I could think of for now) What experience do you have with card games? What are some of your skill/talents? How would you like to contribute to this project? Cheese or Pepproni? Favorite Halo game? On a scale of 1-10(117) how well do you think you know Halo(This can be anything from concepts that were cut from games to overall lore)? Are you rebel scum? Just post your answers below and if I like your application I will contact you and give you more information on the project. If you have a Skype that would be extremely helpful as I would most likely be using Skype as a main way of contact. If you have any questions post them down below I'll make sure to answer them
  5. I'll give it a look when I can and tell you what I think. Sounds pretty good
  6. That biome idea is amazing! I can just imagine all the flood maps with an even better atmosphere! Or CTF maps with a blizzard! Oh glob it would go along perfectly with a terrain editor to basically make a new map altogether!
  7. I just hope that 343i learned its lesson and that the Halo 5 legendary edition has some sort of cool thingyamob. Like the Halo 3 chief helmet or Reach's Noble 6 memorial(Also some sort of cool lore content like Halseys journal would be amazing to add as well). The Halo 4 LE wasn't disappointing I just hope they do even better next time.
  8. I am curious to know what the community wants for Halo 5 Forge. I for one would love some sort of component similar to Minecraft Redstone(Imagine the endless combinations of gadets and doo hickeys and honestly it isn't far fetched. People have created awesome contraptions since Halo 3. Tricky to make but still amazing.) I would love a sleuth of other things as well but I'll save that for something special I have in store to show everyone. Some sort of terrain editor or ability to add Bots. So please leave your suggestions/what you want for Halo 5 forge down below!
  9. I would say never buy a console during release. Wait a few months first. I plan to buy it when Titanfall comes out(because that game just looks amazing)
  10. I guess you don't own a 3DS then do you? The 3D switch can sometimes be turned on without you noticing(The 3D switch is very sensitive and I don't remember something in the settings that lets you turn off 3D completely) Plus the $40 price difference is a big deal for people like me. It took me an extra 6 months to raise the $50 I needed for my 3DS. Nintendo knows what they're doing(sometimes) and this is a smart move. My little cousin can finally play 3DS games now because of this(she is only 6 so her parents don't let her get the 3DS but I let her use mine whenever I visited and she held it her hands with no problems I also have a protective case on the my 3DS too). Now if I may add that the games are meant to be played 2D or 3D. I play all my games 2D and it doesn't ruin the experience for me. So please don't be so violent towards Nintendo. I respect your opinion but remember the 2DS isn't going to affect your life negatively in any way.
  11. Buns

    Heyo everyone!

    Thanks! Love your name Republic Commando was one of my favorites. I actually beat it for a 2nd time 2 months ago. Thank you! Hope to see you around as well Caboose! I played outfield because I could run(I havent played in a year and a half I play volleyball since the local park has a court set up already) Thanks for serving in our military! I was in JROTC in my first 2 years of highschool(I'm a junior now and I reached the rank first sergeant but eventually I didn't like the class as much anymore so I left) I'll respect your klondike bars........... for now......................
  12. Hi everyone! As you clearly see my (user)name is Bnus, and I have been playing Halo since I was 4 (I would struggle to hold an Xbox controller in my tiny hands but I could play...... Sorta..... My older brother let me try....... for like...... a minute..... that counts...) I really do enjoy Halo the lore, games all of it! I decided that it was finally time to be more invested in the Halo community My favorite Halo game is Halo 3 ODST(I fell in love with the nighttime rookie missions.) and I wished Halo Wars was more like Age Of Empires :c I also really love Star Wars, Mass Effect, Minecraft, and YuGiOh. I used to be in Marching Band and the only sports I play are Volleyball, and Baseball. I hope to have a nice time on the forums and I most definitely will be active!
  13. Oh my goodness I loved the H3 trash compacter map <3____________<3 I'll give this a try and see if it's based off the one I always played(Since there were so many).
  14. Well the 3DS isn't really aimed towards you. The goal is to sell it to younger kids (3D hurts their eyes and to people who can't afford $40 for the 3DS). I agree that it'silly but it isn't a fail. I can see the 2ds doing very well.
  15. The gameplay seems really bland but the Aesthetics are nice(They could always use some work).
  16. This looks really awesome thanks for putting the time and effort to make this!
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