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  1. 343 probably won't put forge world in halo 4 even though they should. But you should use the grifball court on erosion, that's a big flat space
  2. New Halo multiplayer mode/ war game Hello, everyone. I would greatly enjoy to propose an idea for a new war game for Halo 5, or any other future Halo games. What I am proposing is a tag game, not like tag team, but the game that we all played on the playground as kids. I don't quite have a name for it other than tag, but I'll leave that to the developers. The rules of the game will be that it is an 8 player FFA, where the game randomly decides who starts out being "it" and the rest of the 7 players are going to not be. An icon reading the word IT will appear above the player who is it. When the player is it, he has to kill someone, whoever he/she kills will respawn being it. The game will go for 10-15 minutes, whoever is it for the longest amount of time loses, you don't have to win, just try to not be the loser. You could get a special medal if you kill the person who is it. You could have 3 different branches of this mode, normal tag, with a map and custom load outs, a tag pro mode where you only get the default load outs, and a fiesta classic version, where you get 2 random weapons and whichever grenades the game decides will be in it. I will be thrilled if this idea actually gets put in future Halo games. Please reply if you think this idea has a shot, and if the 343 workers see this and think it's a good idea please email me at [email protected] and tell me what you think. Thank you. P.S. forum members please do not use this email address for anything, ignore it, because I don't want my inbox filled with a bunch of random people's emails. Thank you again for your understanding.
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