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Everything posted by davidnordquist

  1. 343 Industries I am fed up, normally I would just play and carry on but enough is enough. I have had 40-50 scorpion vehicle destroys not register toward commendations. And now in a single match literally evaporate 3 mongoose with an incineration cannon without a single addition to my commendation count. This is beyond ridiculous. The scorpions if I melee I have a high chance to not get vehicle destroy credit, pulse grenade same thing and a few other random times it never gave me a vehicle destroy. Capture the flag on Longbow using an incineration cannon I have found to be the best way for me personally to get mongoose kills. Hit them straight in the front or you'll just kill the people. That said I had three or four times that match that the mongoose survives a hit from the side with an incineration cannon. There were however 3 mongoose vehicles that evaporated and I received the kill points but not the commendation for vehicle destroy. If you don't believe me I've saved the video because I am pissed off. FIX THIS PROBLEM!!!!! And make it up to me some how because this is unacceptable. ~David http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/filebrowser/details/086c3289-e971-4625-a61b-048e42071f8f
  2. Do you have to win the game to obtain the commendation? I thought i was playing a game got to something like 22-8-0 but our team lost :/ Big Team Slayer I was using a mantis while it seems everyone else was running suicide missions lol. Wondering if that was the reason I did not receive the commendation???
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