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Everything posted by hope09

  1. radar on hud and mini map on holographic display that is displayed by pushing the select button or a direction on the + pad.... it would give commanders an ability to see and direct action on a map for large battles.... as long as the map showed real time troop placement of enemies and the team it would be good.... if it doesn't have such capabilities it won't be worth having....
  2. the gun goose is awesome, just hope you can still carry two people so you can snipe off the back of it....
  3. load outs would be good if they included sniper rifles and other power weapons as options.... to balance it out maybe allow 3 weapons, make it build specific, or where specific achievements must be unlocked to get the power weapon of choice so that it has to be earned. It gives achievements a practical purpose in the game. upgradeable weapons like upgrading missile launchers to be heat seeking.... sniper scopes that can see invisible players as well, or quick reloading.... you can make the game innovative and divide the game into game types that give people the option to play standard load out games, heavy load out games or standard halo without load outs... its ok to do new things and stil give the old schoolers what they want.... there is no need to choose or be limited with the next gen gaming system.... the key to keeping millions playing is making it as customizable as possible so as many people can choose how they want to play the game and give them game types they want.... giving the players control to choose the way they want to play adds a level of uniqueness that will keep people interested.... halo 4 ad a great campaign and a great story line but what keeps a game playing for months on end is innovative matchmaking.... halo can have it all so why settle for anything less..... big team battle 8vs8, 12vs12 and 16vs16 with appropriate map sizes with games designed around load out options or classical gameplay that people get to choose before entering matchmaking or in a voting system. Diversity gives the room for innovation but also allows for classic gameplay that the die hards know and love.... you can please them all as long as you give them the power to choose their own adventure
  4. 12 vs 12.... wow talking about pushing the envelope.... you guys are sure to keep halo from redundancy with your innovative fearlessness....
  5. these objectives would help coordinate gameplay as well so that strike teams would have specific duties within the game as a whole and it would give it more of a concerted effort than just a large group of bumbling idiots killing each other without any specific goal or tactical teamwork..... It would also give more purpose to clan rank and in rank gaming so the hierarchy would serve more of a purpose than just street cred.... you could have highest ranks be in charge of strike teams and let the players decide which strike team and objective they want to work with.... In clan matches it can even become more organized and deliberate..... if you add that with the ability of forge to create bases for each clan to use during clan battles it would even be cooler.... you could have a game type called invasion and each team gets one round to destroy the opponent's base by reaching the detonation switch or carrying a bomb to the designated area.
  6. you guys should start reading some posts for suggestions.... this has bee brought up a few times and if you used it with clans they could do large scale battles online, with specific objectives and map based objective that change the advantage and gameplay so the objectives have purpose and influence over victory.....like objectives that open gates or portals that give more access and advantage to the team that unlocks them or closes force fields.... or communication terminals that allow headset communication to be turned on or off for the apposing team.... THAT WOULD BE INNOVATIVE
  7. 16 to 32 players on each team for large area maps.... you could just add a new game type and call it war and leave big team battle alone and have the best of both worlds.... No need to compromise and you add more choice to the game to give it more appeal..... It will also let you test the server capabilities on this game and give you a bases to add the same game type to halo 5..... The large battle has always been a dream of halo since halo 2 and the realization didn't make it through because of limitations in the system.... Now that the game will run on dedicated servers it will be more practical to make the transition..... GO FOR IT and I will buy an xbox one just for the collectors edition and halo 5. I have been waiting for a next gen game or something innovative in halo that makes it worth my time and money. I just gave my original xbox 360 and 15 games to kids in my neighborhood who can't afford a system and I bought it the year it came out.... I have never seen an xbox last that long but mine was a tank.....
  8. you should add the original concept of a large battle ground with 16 or 32 players on each team.... bungie wanted to do it but it was too difficult to do without dedicated servers.... but now you have them you can create it and learn how the dynamics work so you can get a head start on developing and perfecting it for halo 5.... It would motivate social networking and clans.... that is sorely missed in halo online games.... I used to have the most fun when I had buddies that I would playing matchmaking with and it was necessary to rank up in the old ranking system.... halo isn't as much fun when you play with random players continuously and it sucks when you depend on strangers to rank.... halo 2 and 3 had the best ranking systems... every other one gave credit no matter your true skill which watered the game down a took away a lot of motivation to even play it.... it went from a game millions played for years to one that was put on the shelf in three weeks by many.
  9. I would like to use my hope09 account again but microsoft has had it locked since my email got hacked. they should make gamer tags identifiable by the xbox's own serial number online so that I can use my old gamer tag.
  10. the other Spartan is cortana, resurrected as a mere AI into a perfect specimen by the librarian meddled with the genes of the for runners and the ancient humans they fought against or in a complete mech body just like the prometheans possessed.
  11. Forge should keep the innovations coming with more options, endless budgets, gear, weapons and ease of use. It would be good for making maps multilayered, a cool use of space, and dimensional.
  12. you need to give some power to the players to innovate games and maps and make them public so that they could choose to play custom games built by the community. The most popular maps and game types could be added to regular matchmaking or just make custom games their own category like snipers and capture the flag are. a description of the gameplay, the objectives and starting weapons would help players decide which custom they would like to try. It would keep things fresh, inspire creativity amongst the halo community and give people the opportunity to play things in the community that others have created. It would boost the purpose of forge and allow the forge artist a great way to display their art and skill. It would give players more power and freedom of creating and playing the games that they want to and it would provide them a community to do it with. It sucks to spend large amounts of time on creating cool maps and not being able to play full matches on it, unless you happen to have a grip of friends playing with you. It would also give you the ability to earn credit and level up in competitive game types.
  13. 343 if you want any more ideas just send an email to my email address and I would be happy to give you some ideas that might be worth looking into. I am not a designer, but I generate ideas from the hip and have loved halo games for years and have been waiting for a revival and evolution in the game for years.
  14. Halo 5 would serve itself best if it had a clan battle mode that allowed clans to make their own maps and battle intense large scale wars. It would give players an insentive to become part of a team and it would boost social interaction and competitive play. It would bring back life to the gaming system and it in itself would sale Xboxes and halo games. Imagine a halo game with 100 vs 100 on a humongous map with vehicles and spawned equipment. Tie that together with objectives that weaken enemy defenses, like stations that provide hud maps to players, communication links to different squadrons, destructible barriers that make penetration to vulnerable targets more accessible, or that opened up spawn points closer to enemy objectives to give quicker access to their defensive points and spawning equipment. If you linked all this with the ability to diversify communications between different squadrons, higher ranking commanders that have access to real time field hubs that give them access to the full field of battle that help them coordinate attacks between squads, and their squad leaders, it would organize gameplay and communication, and give it a level of coordination and direction that has not been seen before. It would give next gen gamers a game that is worthy of a 500 dollar console and it would bring lots of players to the table. With the computing power of servers the game would be able to run smoothly online, and it would add a level of coordinated gameplay that is needed and wanted by many.
  15. Halo 2 kicked butt because it had all of the glitches built in that would super jump you into great sniping positions and it was fun to master all of the hidden tricks. Easter eggs and glitches that provide advantages are sorely needed and bring more diversity and dimension to the game. Using the map as a tactical advantage is what made halo so fun.
  16. Halo 3 had the best ranking system. It made it challenging and addictive. It provided something to strive for that had more value than an unlockable helmet. Guys aren't fashionistas and if it doesn't provide an advantage in game, then it isn;t that big of a deal. It was hard to climb the ladder but it gave more cred based on skill than just a number of games played or credits earned. The competitive nature of halo made it more worthwhile for halo die hards and made the gameplay last years instead of weeks. Now halo is put on the shelf after 2 or 3 weeks of matchmaking because there is no incentive or challenge to peak interest. Ranking systems made choosing team mates more critical, and promoted clans, and real community effort beyond just playing with random players all the time. I would rather play with a real team and friends than with random strangers. It strengthened the halo community and provided a competitive framework that many people long for in the gaming community. It would bring back the old schoolers that started on halo 1 &2 competitive gameplay. we used to have parties and link four Xboxes together in different rooms and have team battles galore. It was a blast and the best gaming had to offer. I never got past 36 or 37 in the ranking system but it gave me something to work for and kept me playing.
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