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Posts posted by BrandNewClassic

  1. me and my friend thought about this when forge island first came out. We literally thought that 343 was drunk, made a crap test map with 3 crap islands, and then posted it free online... Then the next morning, they were like Oh **** and regretted it lol... But yeah, forge world all the way.

  2. As we all know, Xbox One is not doing so well. I am not going to buy the new Xbox One, nor do I know anyone (in real life) that is getting it.

    Getting to the point, how do you think the sales of Xbox One will affect the sales of Halo 5?

    Let me know what you think, and tell me if you're buying the XB1.


    I will probably buy the XB1 when it is slimmed, kinectless, and ESPECIALLY when Halo 5 is out.

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