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Everything posted by Kazadure

  1. I honestly dont know man if you didn't mod then try another playthrough
  2. the stats will update eventually remember 343 are only human and will likely make errors in their games
  3. yeah its great its finally solved
  4. i am confused on if it works or if it will just clear my whole xbox profile and data
  5. it is most likely your router but if it isnt then i highly suggest installing your halo 4 disc to your harddrive
  6. i get average 20-40 kills a game and i definitely dont cheat I dont even know how to
  7. if you haven't already i highly suggest you install your halo 4 as the disc may be the problem
  8. yeah it does get recolonized (hopefully no more boomboom)
  9. I would definitely go with the brutes they are mad men that make the best weapons and are strong boned. They are deadly with shields and heavy armour (as shown in ODST) also i love duel wielding spikers making brute noises
  10. no help goes unthanked good friend
  11. chief kill flood, covenant go bye bye, arbiter has sex
  12. thanks Bnus you are always good help YOU ARE LIKE A GOD
  13. Hello i have subscribed to the community youtube channel, liked 343's facebook page and followed its twitter I just wanted to know if it takes a while or if anyone can give me the awards
  14. hello i am going to be making custom game lobbies for halo 3, reach, , wars and ODST i will be reminding everyone when i decide to do these I am doing HALO 3 custom games on Friday at 6:00 GBT if you are interested in being a regular for my youtube channel leave a reply or message me on xbox GT: Kazadure PS These videos will be on youtube and I will recommend your channel if you have one and also the forum Youtube: Kazadure
  15. i just usually back out then go back on it and it is fine
  16. As some of you may know Yoteslaya a very important and famous youtuber has died Him and his 2 friends were in a car accident He died in a car wreck while supposedly trying to get across a train crossing It is believed Alcohol is a factor at this time Lets take a moment to remember YOTE and EVERYONE THAT ALCOHOL HAS KILLED We can make a difference, We can stop anything like this happening ever again. Remember this topic as you have the power
  17. I would like to know because on xbox I sent a friend request to both the accounts MY GT is Kazadure if anyone could please give me any information i would be truly thankful
  18. I liked the 343 facebook page, the communities youtube channel and 343's twitter but i haven't got my awards yet i guess it just takes time as the people are very busy well at least you got your awards
  19. Hello i am inviting you to custom games for halo 3 i urge you to have the heroic map pack which is currently free. We will be playing maps I made, maps my friend made and maps fellow members made We also have some fun game mods such as Jenga Wall Satans Demons Dead Gombies Snow Infection YOLO and much more if you would like to take part MSG Kazadure on XBL these games will be taking place on thursday at 6:00 PM british time if this concerns you i can make it a little later just let me know if you are interested
  20. which is better the gravity hammer or the energy sword?? feel free to just vote but if you wish comment a special reason mine is the gravity hammer cos i just have a lot of fun with it
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