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Ranger Intel

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Posts posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I think it would depend more on MCC on Steam if it releases before Halo: Infinite. We already know what the MCC games are all about, but they're gonna have to sell us hard with Halo: Infinite because it's an unknown quantity. I don't think anyone here is ready to fork over the cash for yet another false promise, or at least not in the beginning.


    Anyway, regarding PC. I think the problem with ElDewrito was because of its hard to obtain status, despite being the best Halo game to have ever been on PC. Though if you give people an actual, legit Halo game on PC, then they will come in droves. I mean, they literally spammed the 343i office with pizza because of the Reach on PC announcement. People really care about this.


    Will that affect 343iCF? Obviously yes, because we're in the top of the searches. If Halo gets another boom then there will be a load of people looking up 343i. People will come here thinking we're someone we're not, which I've always thought was wrong. If we were called anything else nobody would care as much.


    Though regardless of a name change, I think the community would grow enough to actually be bolstered again. However, it'd have to depend on the series being strong on its own without this community. If it's not then I guess we're just gonna be like this for good.


    Great outlook SD, really hope this is the case.

    • Like 1
  2. Personally I'm not too sure you know, but I don't think it will...


    Don't want to be too negative, but sometimes I remember this site exists, and it was kinda dying off once there was a platform divide back when MCC dropped on the new Xbox One (Project Scorpio still sounds better fight me). Some people couldn't join in on some of the community events because they didn't upgrade, and with the flop of Halo 5: Guardians, I think a lot of people just sorta drifted away into new games. Community events started to dry out and we'd be lucky to get six people for an event and at that point we might as well just play multiplayer.


    Now that the page isn't listed on the first page of Google, unless we plugged the hell out of this forums or got the site's overall views up to at least first page worthy, I doubt things will improve :(


    Whilst it's true this community may not return to it's previous activity, or even near, the Halo community in general hasn't been this active for a long time. I wouldn't say many drifted away into other games for good, possibly just temporarily. Many are returning with the good news of Infinite, and especially with MCC + Reach coming to Steam (and simply Reach being added to Xbox One). I know many who are looking forward to that, some still playing Halo regularly and others not. Halo's saved, and more, the fate of this site remains undetermined though.

  3. oAEBUiG.png



    Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 105...yes, I'm really back for it.



    Please, contain your excitement. Hold your applause. Keep your underwear on. Unfortunately both Yoshi and Maestro failed to uphold my legacy with the Site Polls that I greatly invested in, thanks guys (love ya really ;)). Honestly wanna thank them both for producing five more polls after I stepped down, it was much appreciated. I can't say for sure whether I'll be doing these weekly like I used to, but you can expect one every now and then. This community had and will always have a special place in my heart, and it's all of you, the people, that make it. Speaking of this awesome community, let's dive into Poll 105.






    Will Halo: Infinite reignite the 343ICF?



    I joined in 2013, just over over 6 years ago now. When I joined, the place was starting to buzz with life. It was warming up again after a previous period of inactivity. I can't speak too much for the 2011 to early-2013 state of the site, but from what I made out, 2013/2014 was the peak of this community's activity. Members were like family with each other, I'd come back home everyday to join my new-found friends here. We all had something in common, various things in common in many cases. Remember the days of forum games? Now we can't even get a flowing convo in the shoutbox. I'm guilty of inactivity as well, the already-present growing lack of activity here didn't give me anymore reason to return and stay for long. I always end up coming back though, because there's truly no place like home.


    Now Infinite is shaping up to be impressive, and we're getting a sick port of Reach to Xbox One and PC soon (hopefully). The Halo community is still very active, and will only get more hyped as time progresses. But what about our community? Waypoint's a nice house, but it's not home. Do any of you think the upcoming Halo content, namely Infinite, will bring the community back to life? Will it potentially bring new members that'll be here to stay, or have older members return for good? A familiar face is always nice, and a fresh one with passion is just as good. Or do you think the community has had it's time, and will begin fossilising soon enough? There's always potential for life to be breathed into this old dog. If Infinite won't do it, Reach and the MCC port to PC may.




    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

    As always, Spartan out.

    • Like 2
  4. Nothing amazed me about it, but I liked it. It's good. What I like most, is that we start in the point of view a Pelican pilot, Echo 216's pilot. We get a representation of the average serviceman's struggle in this war. It helps grounds us. Instills the fact that these are just regular people in a war. People who suffer loss. Halo is what it is because of how grounded it's been in the past. The books do some things the games have never (yet) done, and that is put you in the shoes of others. Know what they're thinking, how they're feeling. Spartans. Navy officers. Marines. Civilians. Aliens. Halo Infinite has already had a pretty decent attempt, with just a few minutes of E3 footage. I see a bright future for Infinite. I don't expect, or want the same things we had in the first three games. We need change, it's necessary. But it has to be done right, and I'm confident 343 Industries will be doing it right when Infinite drops next year.

    • Like 2
  5. I don't mind if we have to unlock emblems, I kinda like the idea of earning them as Drizzy said. What I don't like is the randomness of REQs, they need to go. Earn them by achievements? Cool. Earn them in random packs? No.

  6. Been a year since i was on the forums, now am back. I hope the next halo will be on the PC this time. If not then i'll have to get my Xbox one ready. Cant wait to play halo again!


    Good news is that Halo Infinite will be available on Windows 10 for those of you on PC. Welcome back! :yay:

    • Like 1
  7. oAEBUiG.png



    Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 100!



    Last week I asked who you all thought would win in a fight between Thel 'Vadam and Ripa 'Moramee. Thel came out on top by the number of votes, though Ripa did have his advantages and would certainly put up a good fight if Thel was to win. Click here to view Site Poll 99, and here for the Twitter responses.






    What do you like most about the 343 Industries Community Forum?



    Now it was recently 100 years after the official end of the First World War, may all those who fought rest in peace. Centenaries are big this year. Besides WW1, we also had the Royal Air Force celebrating 100 years since its formation just over 7 months ago. Another big 100 is this site's 100th Site Poll. :yay:


    Honestly this community has come so far, and it's great to keep things buzzing around here. Many thanks to Twam for creating and hosting this site, the same goes to all staff members who have maintained it, and most importantly the members who come here and post content, form bonds, and share information. We've been around for over 7 years, and I look forward to many more to come.


    For this special site poll, I want to lay off Halo's lore for a bit (which I'd rarely do on this site), and focus more on this community in particular. I'm aware some of you voting on Twitter may not be registered on this site, but now's the best time to do so! A new member is family from Day 1. For those of you familiar with this site and the community it's created, tell me, what do you like most about it?



    As always, I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts,

    Spartan out.   :yay:

    • Like 7
  8. The arbiter would win lol


    Seriously though I think thel would win mostly because if I remember correctly ripa was killed by sgt forge because he got too cocky, so if a human could kill him then thel should have no problem


    Keep in mind though, Ripa may have been cocky with Forge simply because he's a human. As you implied in your post, humans are relatively easy to kill and aren't likely to do a lot of damage when it comes to fighting an elite. Put against Thel, sure Ripa may be confident, but I doubt cocky. He'd know his species is physically superior, and wouldn't drop his guard down as much as he did with Forge.

    • Like 1
  9. oAEBUiG.png



    Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 99.



    Last week I asked you all what your favourite novel/comics were, the victory goes to The Fall of Reach. I'm not surprised that TFoR came out on top, though I did think it would be close. Strong competitors were First Strike and Ghosts of Onyx. Despite all Halo novels being great, Nylund's three were the most voted for. Click here to view Site Poll 98, and here for the Twitter responses.






    Thel 'Vadam vs Ripa 'Moramee?



    This is is not a poll for who you like more, it's for who you think would win in a duel. Any weapon(s) may be selected, but both warriors must have the same weapon(s). Assume both are the same age in this duel. There have been many threads and videos on this before, but I want to see what members of this community think, especially in this day and age. There are advantages each Elite has over the other, and they're both exceptional Sangheili, but who do you think would win? Let me know how you think it'll play out and why.



    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,

    Spartan out.      :yay:

    • Like 4
  10. oAEBUiG.png



    Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 98.



    Last week's poll had us asking ourselves which Alpha-Nine member we liked most. This included all past and present members of the fireteam. There was a lot of competition, but Spartan Buck ultimately came out on top. Interesting to see who people voted for and why. Click here to view Site Poll 97, and here for the Twitter responses.






    What's your favourite Halo novel/comic?



    This was one of the first poll ideas I originally thought of, but wasn't going to do this one because I thought most people wouldn't have read any novels or comics pertaining to Halo. Looks like many people are well-educated with the lore and have read a lot material, especially with those on Twitter, so I've had a change of heart.


    The external media is what really defines Halo. The way I see it, the games are only a small add-on. Regardless of how good they all are, I'm sure there are some pieces that are more favoured than others when it comes down to person choice. Which novel, graphic novel or comic did you like most and why? There are many to choose from, and I can imagine it'll be a tough choice for those of you who have read a lot, so if you want you may list one novel and one comic/graphic novel.


    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,

    Spartan out.     :yay:

    • Like 4
  11. oAEBUiG.png



    Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 97.



    We had some nice suggestions on last week's poll, talking about a potential replacement for John-117. With Locke being a controversial option, Jerome-092 was a popular choice. Many others thought we should have a different protagonist for each game, as suggested in the poll. Click here to view Site Poll 96, and here for the Twitter responses.






    Which Alpha-Nine member do you like most?



    We may end up seeing the old fireteam back in the newer games, considering they're reunited now. These guys know how to get the job done. They make one hell of a team, but who do you like most? This includes former and current (as of 2558) members, ensure you avoid spoilers from the books. State your choice, and why (spoiler-free).


    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,

    Spartan out.    :yay:

    • Like 4
  12.  he always did so with a skeptical mindset and questioned everything. 


    Source? Don't say Halo 5. Good point mentioning is disobedience in Halo 4, forgot about that. I don't recall him always being skeptical and questioning everything at all though.


    And also for pretty much the entire halo series, MC did his own thing and basically the UNSC/ONI just sat back and supported him.  If an order was "given" it was an order for something he had already decided to do.  THAT is what made MC so great....


    That's because a) he's a good leader, and more importantly b ) there usually isn't anyone around to give him orders. Look at his situations throughout the Halo games, he's usually operating alone or with enlisted marines. All Spartans are similar, they're all able to take up the mantle of leadership, it's in their training. Some are just better at leading than others.





    Edit: have to put a space between "b" and ")" or I get an emoji...again.

  13. Can we not have a replacement? Let's just make a ton of new characters who don't necessarily "replace" the Chief, nor would Chief necessarily be gone. And I personally have to say that Locke is a terrible replacement for Chief. He follows orders far too strictly, and is even less interesting than Chief, if you ask me. I hope Locke isn't Chief's replacement.


    Keep in mind, all the Spartan-IIs spent their lives following orders "far too strictly". Orders are orders, and if the chain of command orders you to do something, you do it. Chief going rogue was very unusual, and ONI (as well as the UNSC, maybe to less of an extent) feared that. When have we ever seen John not follow orders? Only once, in Halo 5.

  14. oAEBUiG.png



    Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 96.



    Twitter tore last week's poll apart, and there were some strong thoughts on the future of the Reclaimer Saga here on the site too. Many thought it won't all be about John, and will move on to someone else in the same saga. Others thought he's too valuable for MS to let him be killed off. Click here to view the last poll, 95.






    Who would replace John-117?



    This poll was inspired by last week's. Now Halo will either die with John, or continue to live with someone else (or other people) representing it. As iconic as the Master Chief is, unfortunately Spartans do die. Now assuming Halo continues to live without him, who would be his replacement?


    Spartan Buck? Could Locke come back in? How about another Spartan-II? There are many possibilities. It may even be someone completely new. Again, this is assuming Halo continues to live after Chief dies. Anyone specific you all have in mind? Or, would it not follow a single person? Would the future of Halo be a series of spin-off games, with someone different each time? That may be unlikely, because it probably wouldn't sell too well to newcomers. Thing is, there may always be an icon. Chief has been that icon for a long time, but if Halo is to survive without him, who'll take his place? Would it even be an individual, or a group of people who have their own series? Imagine if Alpha-Nine had their own series of games, for example.


    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,

    Spartan out.   :yay:

    • Like 5
  15. oAEBUiG.png



    Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 95.



    Last week we talked about your favourite Spartan-IV, and one soldier came out on top by a mile. There were some competent rivals in Poll 94, such as Palmer and Buck, but Thorne was the community's favourite. It was great to see such a large response from users on Twitter, which more than made up for the underwhelming number of answers left on the site here. Click here to view the last poll, 94.






    The future of the Reclaimer Saga?



    Originally named "The Reclaimer Trilogy", the Reclaimer Saga is currently at a standstill, to the public eye at least. Halo 4 was beautiful. Five years after we last saw John, was great to have him back. Halo 5 wasn't as well received, by most of us, but it expanded well in the Campaign. We know very little about Infinite, next year will be a lot of information, that's guaranteed. The way things are at the moment though, Halo's future is not clear. It'll certainly clear up when we know more about Infinite, but for now, the Reclaimer saga's up in the air.


    The name of this week's poll isn't clear, what I'm looking for is your thoughts on this saga. A big questions to be answered:


    How many episodes will it include? Infinite would have been the last if it was a trilogy, but it's not. The thing is, due to its name, John-117 must be included. I can imagine the four installment being the last, as if Halo 5, Infinite, and the one after that are their own trilogy. It's really hard to speculate, and I personally don't care too much for speculation, I'm more eager for time to pass so we know what's happening. Something that's essential is how long the saga will be, what do you all think about that?


    Things you could cover are how and when the saga will end. Would it be the final end? Will it be a long, but final saga? Would it ever be able to top the original trilogy?


    Many things to be said here, go nuts.


    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,

    Spartan out.       :yay:

    • Like 4
  16. My favorite Spartan IV is the dead one....period.  Kill them all....and let Halsey sort them out....


    You realise Halsey was a monster, and became psychologically unstable towards the end of the Human-Covenant War? She's a 26th century Mengele, though maybe a little less intense. Whether she's regained her stability by 2558/2559 or not is irrelevant, she was never a hero when it came to Spartans. She's done many great things for humanity, and yes the Spartans were vital, but she can't be justified for what she did to create them. Ethically, the Spartan-IIs should never have been made, no matter how useful they ended up being. She wouldn't sort out the Spartan-IVs, the Spartan-IVs are the way it should have been from the start, with consenting individuals who wouldn't have their quality of life affected against their will. Unfortunately biochemistry at the time wasn't as good as it was around 40 years later.


    As for your answer, I'm afraid it doesn't qualify for the poll.

    • Like 1
  17. oAEBUiG.png



    Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 94.



    Last week we talked about your favourite Captain/Shipmaster. Many honourable men were mentioned, but the clear favourite was Captain Jacob Keyes, and for good reason. Click here to view the last poll, 93.






    Which Spartan-IV do you like most?



    Now the truth is, most of us admire the Spartan-IIs and IIIs over the IVs. This is because they have more history, and in most cases a rougher background. Most of them have more experience, because they've been fighting for longer, and that leads most of us to respect them more. Thing is, that last statement about more experience isn't necessarily true. Many Spartan-IVs were previously ODSTs or ONI agents, and also have plenty of experience. The Spartan-IVs aren't respected/appreciated enough, at least this used to be the case a few years back. I was also pretty prejudice against them, mostly because of their lack of discipline compared to the IIs and some IIIs. Thing is, the IIs aren't all that disciplined killing-machines themselves to be honest, John-117 depicts them that way though. They can be talkative (some more than others) and speak casually with each other. They just do this a lot less than the IVs do, due to their background.


    I learned to appreciate all of the IVs (apart from a few, Scruggs for example), and they deserve as much respect as the IIs and IIIs. Keep in mind at least one Spartan-II also went turncoat, don't think any IIIs did though. The Spartan-IVs are generally more expressive and slightly less disciplined compared to the IIs and IIIs, for the reasons mentioned above, but they're great soldiers nevertheless. Considering the IIs and IIIs get most attention, which is understandable, I'd like to focus things on the IVs this time. Which Spartan-IV do you like most, and why?


    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,

    Spartan out.      :yay:

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