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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Sounds interesting. Can't wait to see what happens next.
  2. Who know's a good pun?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Caboose The Ace
    3. Fishy


      I know a good pun, but you're too young to understand.

    4. Cooliest


      Where's -Sparky-?

  3. Great Chapter. Good luck on the next one.
  4. Those pictures look great! If you can get anything like that it would be amazing. I especially like the Jackal one.
  5. They are far too disciplined to break away from the UNSC. I don't think we'll see that happening. I guess that's just the lore of it. I personally enjoy reading about the Spartan-IIs.
  6. I hope things are better for both Teams. I wish you both the best of luck and I hope that you both support the Forums and each other. Good luck.
  7. I'm glad that some of you finally understand this. We were never enemies. Although I am no longer part of the Team, I suggest that Joker receives the promotion he deserves, and Shadow becomes the Blue Team Sniper. I was planning for this to happen but unfortunately it never did whilst I was in command. I hope things turn out well between both Teams. Good luck.
  8. UPDATE New Member I am proud to welcome Coldfreeze to the Team. Welcome Recruit. Promotions Unease P34nut has been promoted to Private for showing excellent skill in training and recruiting a Blue Team Member. Ruby Rose has been Promoted to Corporal and is now an NCO. He has been promoted for dedications and skill in training. Pbrabbit has been promoted to Private Grade 2 for showing skill in training and attempting to keep things positive. Congratulations to all. By Blue Team As many of you know. I will no longer be leading Blue Team. I can, but I won't. I have planned for many things in the near future such as Community Events and a successful Youtube channel that will help promoted the Forums. Unfortunately the videos may no longer happen. Hopefully there can still be community events hosted by your new leader. You are all great Members, even the ones that have left or never joined the Team. I will no longer be in the Team due to stress and pressure. I will never give up or fall but I do not want any harm to come to the forums or it's Members. Me leaving may make things better. I always tell members to tell me what they would like to have changed in the Team and I don't have many requests. You all have your freedom, we are all equal. No one is better than the other. I think it's time I go now. Thank you all for being loyal and supporting the Team. Don't forget, we fight not only for humanity, but also to defend the Forums. I wish you all the best of luck with your new Leader, JXZAW. Always remember that we have no enemies besides the Covenant and those who attempt to harm the forums. Bye. -Spartan Sorry if any Members have disturbed you. This shouldn't be happening. I completely agree and only hope that there is no more of this because it's really stressing. One of the reasons I left command, to try maintain peace.
  9. Congratulations Edward. You really deserve this and I hope you enjoy your month.
  10. I posted here before but some for reason my post didn't load properly. I chose Location 1 because I think it would best suit a 343.org City.
  11. I may be losing great friends because of pointless Team rivalry. I may have to leave command of Blue Team. Members are falling apart and feuds are beginning. I won't let this happen on the forums. I will post my final Blue Team UPDATE tomorrow. Thanks for reading. -Spartan.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      I think both teams should just go. I only joined blue team because I thought it would be fun, now all this pointless rivalry is making it anything but that.

    3. Yoshi1176


      Listen, the "rivalry" was not meant to be taken seriously.While a few of the people on my team did some unneeded things we addressed that immediately. As for Blue team and you quitting that is unneeded you guys are structured organized and do a lot outside of the forum. There is no point for you to leave because of this. The members that left left because they choose to not because we stole them so we are not stealing them from you guys. And you lost no friends that I am aware of. I t...

    4. Yoshi1176


      I am still your friend as far as I know and I am pretty sure the others are to they just simply left Blue team.

  12. You were all great Members. A great Team. We've been through a lot of training and work in those 3-4 months. I'll be back for my leaving tomorrow. I will post a leaving post then. It was an honour serving by you all. I may still serve by your side, but I may no longer be on the Team. Some of work may be wasted, and it's a real shame. Hopefully you will carry on well. I will always respect Blue Team and look up to them, but I may be leaving this one. I will be going now, expect to see a final UPDATE from me tomorrow. Until then, bye. -Spartan
  13. You were free in Blue Team from the start. We are mainly making the video to promote the forums. You were never trapped. I always tell Members to tell me when there is something they are uncomfortable with.
  14. We are currently waiting for Shockgazm to post one.
  15. You were always one of the the highest scoring players in training yesterday. You showed extreme skill and deserved these promotions.
  16. UPDATE New Member Everyone welcome Blue Team's newest Recruit, RiseAgainstCode. He has pledged loyalty to the Team and will serve by ourside. Promotion Unease P34nut has been promoted to Apprentice Grade 2. Congratulations.
  17. UPDATE New Members I would like to welcome our newest Members, Halo5willbecool and Unease P34nut. Halo5willbecool will start on Appprentice and Unease P34nut will begin on Recruit. Everyone welcome our two new Members. Promotions Astroboy 261 will be promoted to Apprentice Grade 2. Pbrabbit will be promoted to Private. ShadowFiend216 will be promoted to Sergeant. The Terminator will be promoted to Apprentice Grade 2. Congratulations to all.
  18. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

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