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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I'd be happy. What if Ranger447 did splat?
  2. Blue Team Update: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32462-blue-team/page-20 Final Recording Date Change, Promotions, Upcoming Map Tour.

  3. Agreed. Frank said that they know the Team's weaknesses and will correct their mistakes. They should put all effort with the time they've got left into Halo 5. It's all they have left to show if they really know what they're doing. Lots of people are giving them a second chance, they can't risk losing it. I think they'll do great if they give it the time. I would like to see Halo 3 again but some people get sick of remakes. Halo 3 on Xbox One may not be worth the time spent to make it. It may not get enough sales worth making. I say go with it only if there is not a main Halo game in development. We wouldn't like it being weakened because of a remake.
  4. Great Update. Seems like you're building it to become a great community. I like the "Fleet" section. I see you there at the top of the leader boards. Great work.
  5. We will eliminate them, one by one... What if I jumped out of a window 7 feet high. (lol, looks like I typed "Windows 7" )
  6. Maybe it will be. As long as we get a lot of footage and complete this recording, things should be fine.
  7. @SʜadowҒɪɛɴd216 Blue Team Update: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32462-blue-team/page-20 Final Recording Date Change, Promotions, Upcoming Map Tour.

  8. UPDATE Final Recording Date Change I have decided a final date change for the Blue Team Video recording. It will be on 8 February 2014 at 8:45 PM GMT on Halo: Reach. It will be a short scene and only requires a gold visor. It is open to everyone. Promotions JXZAW is being promoted to Sergeant Grade 3. Ruby Rose is being promoted to Private Grade 2. Congratulations. Blue Team Training Map Tour There is not much to be said but there may be an upcoming tour on Blue Team's Training Map. It is still currently in development but will not take long to complete. There tour will take place some time after we have completed the recording. I will set a date when necessary.
  9. Gamer award from Ricochet event (Great fun by the way ). So which one should be handed out? I was given the star one but not the other one that actually says "Top 15" on it.
  10. UPDATE Promotion The Kilburnator has been promoted to Apprentice. All Members in Blue Team should be treated with equal respect. We are all the same, no one is worse than the other. Ranks are meant to represent dedication, leadership, and skill. Will all these factors, you can easily be promoted just like Ranger said. People begin on recruit, but that means nothing. They can get to a much higher rank. Rank doesn't mean everything, Teamwork does.
  11. Well, favourite Spartan armour? I'll go with either Mark VI or Mark V.
  12. Agreed. I personally loved them all besides AC I too. Only played AC I once, didn't enjoy it much though. Assassin's Creed is definitely one of my favourite game franchises.
  13. I'm sure there is no one here that would offend any other Member. We are all friends here, we avoid rudeness.
  14. Sounds great! I'm glad you've read these books. I myself have only read the first series and am currently reading Ghosts of Onyx. I hope to see some more soon.
  15. That is fine, the choice is yours. We wish you luck with your clan.
  16. UPDATE New Member The Kilburnator is Blue Team's newest Recruit. He has pledged loyalty and will fight by our side against the Covenant. Everyone welcome The Kilburnator. All Members begin on Recruit (unless they have offered previous support) and can work their way through the ranks. You can become an NCO if you try hard and can then become a CO then possibly a Spartan.
  17. Good on explaining. Thanks to Moderator: RedStarRocket91 for taking post count off whilst keeping the thread in this section. Some posts were unnecessary to be counted, including mine. Well explained as well.
  18. 1-Memorial to all the Spartans (mainly IIs) that died to fight for humanity. 2-The Unggoy Rebellion 3-Spartan Boot Camp 5-Flood 6-Ghosts of onyx I'm really looking forward to seeing some of these. I also can't wait to find out what the unknown ones are.
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