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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I think that if you try really hard, you can easily make it. You have the potential to get there. 10 days left. Always try, never give up. UPDATE New Member I am proud to present Blue Team's newest Member, Frankenzer. For those of you who were here from the start, you would know that Frankenzer was originally going to become an official Blue Team Member. Now he is. He will begin as an Apprentice. Everyone welcome Frankenzer.
  2. Some members took interest in the Video and I would not like to turn them down. Their help is appreciated. I'm glad you attempted though.
  3. Congratulations to all of you. You're all going to be a great edition to the Staff Team. Great work.
  4. I still haven't had the time to go through testing with you on this map but will be happy to do it when we are both online.
  5. The members that have the visor can participate. This is open to all members, not only Blue Team members. You can see this from the members that took part in the previous recording.
  6. This seems fun. I may not be competing but will be happy to give my vote.
  7. You can always support the Team like Ranger does. Finding ways to promote the Team is always useful. You could use our logo in more ways. Possibly recruiting other Members. I understand and that is ok. Thanks for attempting though. There are a few other Members that have the gold visor. Not many but there are some. I encourage any members close to getting the gold visor to try their hardest in these last twelve days.
  8. Blue Team Update: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32462-blue-team/page-15 Blue Team Video Progress, Blue Team Video Recording and Promotions.

  9. UPDATE Blue Team Video Progress The first part of the upcoming Blue Team Video gas been recorded. I want to thank Echo CT-21-0408, JXZAW, -Sparky-, RelevantEagle22 and Shockgazm for participating. I have recorded it at two different angles and want all of you to help me decide which footage to choose. They can both be found in my Halo Reach Fileshare. One of them is called "Blue Team pt1", and the other is called "Blue Team Video pt1". They are both for the video but they just have different names. After watching them both, choose which one you think is better and tell me. I understand that some of you couldn't make it to the recording and that is fine. I want to thank those who helped in the video and those who attempted to participate. Blue Team Video Recording The next scene will be recorded on Saturday 25 January 2014 at 7:30 PM. It will be a short scene and will only require one thing: a Gold Visor. This is a follow up scene to the one previously recorded. I hope you can all make it. Promotions JXZAW will be promoted to Sergeant Grade 2. Yang Xiao Long will be promoted to Sergeant Grade 2. ShadowFiend216 will be promoted to Corporal and is now a Blue Team NCO. Dexter Grif will be promoted to Private Grade 2. Ruby Rose will be promoted to Private. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask.
  10. Great news post. Seems like Titanfall is going to be an amazing game. The image look great.
  11. They're great books. If you have already finished the book I would recommend buying another one.
  12. We clearly discussed that there won't be one on the previous page.
  13. I am currently reading Ghosts of Onyx and would love to see your work on that. Great books. Good luck and keep up the great work.
  14. Can't wait for the testing. Good luck with your work on the battle system.
  15. At the moment it seems like 343 are mainly focusing on Halo Xbox One. It would be great to see Certain Affinity to come in and add some final DLC.
  16. Good thing you're making communication between yourself and other members easier. I meant that there should be no betrayal during the video, not about the code. That's why I separated them by using different lines.
  17. I feel the exact same way about playing with my friends and cousins on different consoles, especially considering Destiny is a well waited for game on both consoles.
  18. I hope to see you both there then. Well I hope you can make it. ShadowFiend gave you a code for a reason. There will be no form of betrayal.
  19. I saw this earlier. Looks great. I'm glad to see snowy mountains in the background. Something about it reminds me of Reach. Halo artwork is always breathtaking.
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