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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. You got it, nice work. I set it to that time so it won't cross over the Community Event.
  2. Blue Team Update: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32462-blue-team/page-15 Final Recording Date Change. If you are on the Team please read so you know the current details. This is open to all Members who want to take part, they will be credited. Thank you.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      What's this recording date for?

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Check the Updates.

  3. There will be no bribing, the choice is his to make. UPDATE Recording Date Change I'm sure this will be the last date change. It will be on Halo: Reach on Saturday 11 January 2014 at 7:30PM GMT. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  4. Blue Team Update: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32462-blue-team/page-14 Member Leaving. He will be missed and not forgotten.

    1. Guts


      Or maybe he left and is joining as a different GT eg rvb epsilon

  5. No language like that. I personally liked the scenes because they looked good in my opinion and also expanded on the storyline.
  6. There is no one on the Team that hates him. We believe him. We will help him if we can. We would never hate any Team or Forum Member.
  7. We would never do anything to get you hacked, no one in the Team hates you and we never will. Not too sure about what you mean by getting things thrown back in your face. We respect you and thank you for all the effort you put into keeping the Team strong. We are sorry about anything that may have upset you and will help you if we can provide it. UPDATE Blue Team Member Leaving Sergeant Connor Kenway is leaving Blue Team. This will be a major loss to the Team and he will be missed. He has given so much to the Team and I am grateful for that, I'm sure we all are. We have lost the best Support soldier we will ever have. Let us all thank him for his service with the Team. He will now be listed as M.I.A on the Blue Team roster. He is welcome to rejoin any time if he has a change in mind. We may be weakened, but we will keep fighting. For possibly the last time, good work Sergeant Connor Kenway, you have served us well.
  8. It's great to know that the community is becoming more alive now. I knew the Youtube Channels would return. The Community Events are going to be great fun!
  9. To become a CO? Commissioned Officer by getting a gold visor? Good speech. He was not asked to make this video, he did it voluntarily and deserves praise for it. Good. I'll tell you when necessary. You must request permission to begin recruiting Blue Team Members for training in this thread for a squad. It may mislead others thinking that this is a part of Blue Team. It would be great for you to train Members but there is no Domino Squad in Blue Team. Good enthusiasm to train other Members though. Squads have been discussed before and will be used if population rises high enough.
  10. You can still support the Team. Making the logo was a real help. Ranger447 uses PS4 only but still backs up the Team. I'm not sure how wearing Blue Armour makes it easier for people to join. The original Spartan-IIs has Sage armour. None of them had any Blue. He does not like doing what? What do you mean by a Blue Team Hero?
  11. I would be happy to attend the UK one. Thanks for being thoughtful Connor.
  12. I might be online for a bit.
  13. True. They didn't invade Reach to kill humans, they did it because a forerunner artifact they previously retrieved led them their. They had also placed a spy drone on the UNSC Iroquois which led them to Reach. The Covenant's main objective was to retrieve another forerunner artifact located beneath Menachite Mountain.
  14. Excellent work. I hope to be seeing it soon.
  15. I will look at your footage. Try get some in firefight against the Covenant. That means more. Especilaly Invasion. We will make several videos if possible, this isn't the only one. Unfortunately this must be against the Covenant. The video may not be released until next month, possibly later. There's time. Try work on some firefight footage. If you can do that with a golden visor in all sage, it may be used not only as a way to give you a speciality, but also for the video. Two birds with one stone.
  16. True. It seems like the gameplay would work out better in first person, especially when you want to see all the weaponry.
  17. I would be happy to help you test it. My Gamertag is: Spartan 343ICF. Add me and when we have time we can do it.
  18. We are nothing like Machinima Teams. The only Spartan-II in Noble Team was Jorge-052 and he personally customized his armour around the Fall of Reach. You can wear what ever armour you want, preferably have the Mark V helmet at least. They were all sage. Glad to know you're working towards your Gold visor. That's the right attitude. Never give up, always try.
  19. Good luck. I will post an Update soon. He only has access to the Anniversary Map Pack multiplayer at the moment. UPDATE Recording Armour Some members have requested that we do not use the required armour for the recording. I will accept this. All Members can use any armour they wish in recording footage. There are only 2 rules though. 1. You must use a gold visor. 2. In Invasion you must be Blue Team. If not in Invasion, you must have Sage as your Primary and Secondary colours. Besides that, you can use any armour sets you want. The Mark V set that I mentioned will now be the preferred armour set. I will be using it because it is the set worn by the original Spartan-IIs. I know some of you don't have the gold visor, but now that you know you can save up for it. Keep in mind this is only necessary for the recording. If anyone has any suggestions please tell me. Blue Team Member Video Connor Kenway posted a Video attempting to promote Blue Team. He has done this voluntarily by himself and I recommend that you all watch it if you haven't. I watched it late. Everyone congratulate Connor for his efforts in supporting Blue Team. I am sorry to have seen this late but I did not know it was being planned before. No one told him to make one, he did this by himself and deserves full respect for it. Good to all the Members that already praised him. Because of his efforts in Blue Team, he will be promoted to Sergeant. This video will be used for Blue Team. It wasn't at first, but then I noticed that a lot of effort was put into this and it's deserved. Congratulations Sergeant.
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