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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I've only played ACII, ACIII, AC Revelations, and AC Brotherhood. For me it's a tough choice between. ACIII and AC Revelations. The others were great games but those two are the ones I enjoy most.
  2. He won't, he knows what's right, and what's wrong. What if there were no coloured videos or images anymore?
  3. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forums. Enjoy your stay.
  4. This map looks great! Nice work. Really creative and planned out.
  5. Less complaints, more positive gamers. What if, Amazons drones begin crashing everywhere?
  6. The Arbiter is a highly requested comeback, it's possible we may be seeing him soon. I would like to see how his armour looks in-game. It could look very different to the comics. I was really surprised when I first saw the Arbiters new look in Halo: Escalation #1. Halo: Escalation #2 is out on January 8 2014.
  7. I hope you can make it. It will be filmed on Forge World. Hopefully you can get Halo: Reach sometime next month. Some Sniper footage would be good. Not sure how you can provide me with it though. Will you be using another Halo?
  8. Blue Team Update: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32462-blue-team/page-12 Date Changed For Video, Rules and Expectations, Welcome Our Newest Member.

  9. UPDATE Date Change For Video There has been a date change for the Blue Team Video because it may not be a suitable time for some members. It will now be on Friday 10 January 2014 at 9PM GMT. Blue Team Rules And Expectations If any of you remember, once I posted an Update called "Discipline and Respect". I just want to go over some of the rules that is expected from all of you. -Show complete respect to all Members of the Team, and the forum. -Do not start, or participate in any form of conflict what so ever. Avoid it or attempt to end it, don't get included and do not make it worse. -Do not offend any Members in any way. There is no form of bullying in Blue Team, or on the forums. -Treat all Members well. If you don't like a Member for a certain reason, try work things out. If not, then don't treat them badly. We should all be friendly to each other. -No swearing on the forums. It is up to you if you swear outside of the forums but there is no swearing here. Especially to other Members. These are only some of the Rules. If any one continuously disobeys these rules, they will no longer be on the Team. They will first be warned, depending on the action. They will then be demoted. If necessary, they will no longer be on the Team. Being a part of this Team means you also follow the forum rules. You are expected to be at top behavior at all times. Anyone who goes against these rules will be punished. We have to pull ourselves together and become more disciplined. If you have any questions please ask. New Member I am happy to welcome our newest member, Spartan S106. He is also new to the forums so everyone give him some warm welcomes. He will begin his journey as a Recruit, then work his way through the Ranks.
  10. Blue Team Update: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32462-blue-team/page-12 Date Changed For Video, Rules and Expectations.

  11. UPDATE Blue Team Video Recording Date I have decided a date and time for the Blue Team video recording. This will be held on Halo: Reach, at 9PM GMT, on Saturday 11 January 2014. I hope you can all make it. We need to work harder on this video and I'm sure many of you are ready for it. I will post if there is a date or time change. Next-Gen Issue Some of us may be getting the Xbox One or PS4. This seems like a major issue because we all may be separating and breaking up. I might be getting an Xbox One this Summer. It does not have to be an issue though. Spartan Ranger447 has a PS4 but still provides positive support to the Team. Some Members don't have Gold or can't train with other Members but they still contribute to the Team. Next-gen consoles should not be an issue for us as long as we stick together. We can always communicate through the forums. If I move to Xbox One and many of you are still on Xbox 360 or on PS4. We can still communicate with each other and keep this Team running. There's still plenty of Covenant to kill on Xbox One, it may not be like the Covenant on Reach, but the Storm Covenant is still Covenant. If anyone has any questions regarding this UPDATE, please feel free to ask. We do not currently have a Sniper or anyone attempting to become our Sniper. To achieve this, you have to be quick, aware, and accurate. Accuracy is key. The rounds have to be placed in the right are for a direct, or quicker kill. Anyone can be a good Sniper, but not anyone can be Blue Team's Sniper. If you have read the books, then you would know Linda-058 in Blue Team. Now SHE, is a Sniper. If you can get anywhere near her skills, you've got the speciality.
  12. Blue Team Update: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32462-blue-team/page-12 Video Recording Date Announced, Next-Gen Issue.

  13. That would work, some members do the same with their profile page. Try use something like Photobucket for your signature. I said what do you mean by pull? I understand what it means, I wanted to see how you were using it. It should not be used as a way to threaten, even as a last resort.
  14. If you can get some nice shots of you killing Covenant, that will be used in our Blue Team Video that we are working on. The required things for the video are: Mark V helmet and shoulders, a golden visor, sage for all the armour, only UNSC weapons, no Armour Effects, and only Sprint as an Armour Ability. This is only necessary when recording. To join just send me a Private Message (on the forums), saying something along the lines of "I pledge loyalty to Blue Team". You can also provide promotional support to Blue Team. Ranger447 is on PS4 and can still provide support. The full Members list and Ranks is on my page. You incredibly skilled in many different ways and would be consider "lethal", to me. I'm not too sure what will suit you. Like Spartans, you are specialised in many different things. For now I would like to ask you if you can make any use out of our Team Logo. What do you mean "pulled rank"? I understand you are aware of the rules and what is expected, I just want the other Members to know that you are aware of them. I can not check your poster at the moment but I will soon.
  15. I know this already. http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Jun-A266 Go to the bottom of the Biography section and you'll see what I mean. He was alive after Reach, but it is likely that he died later if you read what the link says. As I said, it's not confirmed. I think you meant Palmer.
  16. It may be soon. Gold is pretty cheap now. Try Amazon. You do not need Gold Membership to be part of the Team. Some of us don't even have an Xbox 360 anymore or can't even play with other Members. You can still support the Team and provide footage from Campaign. You can upload it to your fileshare. I was planning on having our as our Explosives Specialist. I think you should get some Gold because as I said earlier, it doesn't cost that much. The choice is yours. What do you mean pull rank? As a Spartan you should know that we are all equal. Rank represents knowledge, leadership, support, and skill.
  17. He's a friendly member. You should get to know him.
  18. I agree. I will definitely be getting all future Halo games. I also love the Campaign. The story is amazing, especially with the books.
  19. Fair enough. He has his own personal reasons for changing it.
  20. It is up to him what he does with his profile.
  21. Yeah you only get blasted back a little. It won't actually kill you because it will slow down the game. It wasn't meant for this gametype.
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