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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forums. I'm sure you'll make a great member.
  2. That would be good. Communicate with Ranger to see if you can help him.
  3. I doubt he will lose his mind. Cortana did not keep him sane. He would have been fine without here but he is just too used to her being with him most of the time. If you read the books than you would know what training he had gone through in his training, Spartans are too strong to fall apart. He could be damaged physically, but nothing will weaken his mental state. He worked fine with the other Spartan-IIs before he got Cortana, he can also work fine by himself. He was just shocked about losing Cortana. He was used to losing soldiers on the battlefield. When it was a Spartan though, he would do anything to save them, even if that meant risking his and others lives. It was different with Cortana though, he couldn't save her this time, he felt helpless. He should be fine on his own, his performance may not be as strong without an A.I though. Until then, we will have to see who his ally will be, if he has one.
  4. Thanks for still giving support. I would recommend you buy it, it's very cheap now. I have not yet seen the map but great work you two. If it's accepted you are both definitely going for a promotion. Good to know you are keeping your Team as a top priority. We fight together. I would recommend directly communicating with one of the Art Department Members. I heard JXZAW is skilled in image editing.
  5. Both codes I sent worked successfully. Now I know you weren't using them Dog.
  6. It is on Halo Reach. On Forge World.
  7. This is a good idea but there are no official announcements, especially in this thread, without permission from the Leader. We discussed this and I thought it was a good idea but ask beofre you announce. I agree to this but you will not be alone. Other members will be helping you. This is not necessary but preferred because it bonds the Team together even more and can improve the map by far. Nice work Corporal. Great to see we have members who are attempting to improve the Team.
  8. I'm not dead so no difference is made. What if potatoes were red?
  9. I'll send you the code right now.
  10. I will send you the code now.
  11. Signatures are free to the design of the user. We will not have any necessary profile customization. I think you meant "you're" and "Blue Team". it is your own quote and can be used in your own signature. It is a good quote is what I was trying to state.
  12. I doubt we will be seeing Chief going rogue against the UNSC. Spartans are far too disciplined to do this. I haven't heard 343 Industries say it will be a "dark" game, but if they did, they probably meant it will be very different to the previous Halo games because if the loss of Cortana. Many people theorize it may be set on the Ark, Installation 00, because of the scenery in the Teaser trailer. Well thought out post and we are all open to hear your opinions and views on things.
  13. No one is forgotten or left behind. I noticed your one yesterday and praised you for it. That was when you explained to me why it was vertical. That is an interesting quote then. It is necessary for all Blue Team members to show some level of discipline. This even means watching all punctuation, grammar and spellings. Nice quote though.
  14. Congratulations on the new signature Recruit and Corporal. You are both working your way to a promotion, not only with the patriotism, but the skilled gameplay. Recruit Joker, may I ask where you got that quote from? It interests me. Don't forget, Blue Team has caps on the B and T. Discipline soldier. Ranger, can't you make the logo smaller? My signature doesn't seem too big.
  15. We actually have 12 Members at the moment.
  16. Don't apologize, your signature is what ever you want it to be. Congratulations for the support. Members are always welcome. Hope to see you around lots then.
  17. I have to disagree with you there. Many people used and loved firefight and many people still do. Tons of people play it on Reach and ODST everyday.
  18. It is well deserved. Nice touch on your signature. I can rely on you two to always welcome new members. Nice work.
  19. UPDATE Newest Member I would like to announce our newest member, The Joker Is Here !. He has pledged loyalty to Blue Team and promised to always follow the rules and be as active as possible. He is also good friends with Yang Xiao Long. Welcome to Blue Team Recruit. Promotion Yang Xiao Long has been promoted from Corporal Grade 2, to Sergeant. He has been very active with Blue Team and has shown dedication and support. He has recruited members for the Team and is always trying to keep us in shape. He is also attempting to promote us and letting Members know about us and our cause. He also follows the rules well and participates in training and missions showing impressive skill. Congratulations Sergeant. Note: Spartan Ranger447 asked how many active members we currently have. Including me, we now have a total of 11 Members, some more active than others.
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