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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I hope to see them both in different years. Preferably Halo 2 Anniversary in 2014 because it would be 10 years after release and Halo Xbox One in 2015 because it will come out far better.
  2. Christmas Day in less than 5 Hours for the UK. ;) Merry Christmas to Australia and New Zealand.

  3. Those are two really interesting ideas. Three way Invasion seems complicated but fun. The Prometheans could be A.I's and the Elites and Spartans could be allied with each other against them. As long as the Elites aren't Storm Covenant. I also like the idea of dropping down from a ship. That would be fun and interesting to see.
  4. I love the Pelican and the 3D modelling seems great! Merry Christmas to you too.
  5. True. They have given them a set date for Halo Xbox One and that is 2014. If 343i want to, they could make Halo 2 Anniversary in 2014 and make Halo Xbox One in 2015. Unfortunately that is not up to them, it's up to Microsoft.
  6. Up to you. It's your choice. If you want to then go ahead. Like what Yoshi said, you've earned it.
  7. You got it. I thought that one was quite obvious, I mean, what else could it be? Axilus Prime - 9 Ryu♥Hayabusa - 1 Beckoningzebra1 - 1 JXZAW - 3 RC-01/271 - 1 RedStarRocket91 - 1 Elite Sniper - 1 JL - 3 Church - 3 UNSC Spartan-II - 1
  8. I disagree with most things you said there. As I stated above, the population dies affect the actual game its self. You can't say Halo is not doing well if its population is low. Halo 4 is not a "dead" game, it has not failed. It is actually a very successful game. I already have seen the charts and have already said that I know that MLG make an impact on Halo's population. My main point is that MLG are not necessary to make Halo a good game.
  9. ...Well I finally decided to come back here. No. Ranger447?
  10. Wow, you are progressing fast. Good work. Can't wait for the testing. Nice work on the 3D designs. Keep up the great work and progress.
  11. I'm not saying MLG doesn't help, I clearly stated that Halo doesn't need MLG to continue. I did not say I don't want MLG, I said that I would like to see how the next Halo game will get on without it. Halo 4 is not at all "done". Many people still play it and many love the game. Not everyone has Gold membership or Xbox Live to play online with other people though. Halo 4 is still alive without MLG. I know that MLG increases population and I never said they didn't, I would like to see how Halo gets along without them. They are not what makes Halo what it was, what it is, and what it's going to be. They only affect the population and not the game.
  12. I will be attending if I am free on that night. I am likely to be there unless I'm out.
  13. My point exactly, well for Halo 4. It's possible to continue in the next Halo games but in a different way. They might use the comics to continue the story line, but through different people and at a different time. I ordered the first issue of Halo Escalation earlier on today and can't wait to read it.
  14. I am only seen once on a mission at night, I use my brute strength to help me fight, I am found in an important planet, The swamps are where I inhabit.
  15. Very true. We may be receiving more than expected from Halo Xbox One. Seems like 343 will be keeping these surprises until around mid-2014. I would also like to see gameplay because when we look at Destiny we are astounded by the gameplay. If Bungie can do this in 2014, 343 should be able to pull something impressive off too. Unfortunately they have no where near the amount of time Bungie have and I believe they will satisfy us with the next Halo game. This is something I like about 343 Industries, they are hard working and won't give up no matter what time they have left. They deserve more respect than they actually get. Bungie have had years to create Destiny, they were hinting at it since Halo 3: ODST. 343 Industries have nowhere near that amount of time. I still think they can make the future Halo games memorable and I have complete faith in them.
  16. Lol. The proper name for the "Fire Grenade" is the Incendiary Grenade.
  17. New Gamer Tag: Spartan 343ICF. First time I changed it. #Blue Team is not against any other Team unless it's the Covenant or Rebels.

    1. Guts
    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Forgiven. You should know the real current enemies though.

  18. Then I agree with your point. That would be a very advanced feature to add into Halo and would definitely make a memorable difference to the game.
  19. More like the best way to send them out...with a bang.
  20. For some reason the weapon despawning really annoyed me. As soon as I go back to pick up my weapon or ordanance after I die, it's gone. In a way I guess that's more realistic though.
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