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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. By environment change do you mean like rainy, cloudy, sunny, possibly even snow? Weather changes? Or do you mean that there should be a variety of different map environments to play on? I agree with a bigger variety of maps and environments. Lots of people don't like the re-used maps that are in War Games and Spartan Ops.
  2. I hope everyone enjoys what they receive and has a great Christmas.
  3. My main point is that Halo does not at all need MLG to have a strong population. I would prefer Halo 5 to not have MLG just to see how it will get along but to be honest, we don't need them.
  4. Incendiary grenades would be something interesting to test on a Hunter assassination. Good idea. I don't know if Hunters require oxygen to breathe so they probably don't have a throat. I think they are just worm bonded together. A knife in the neck won't do the trick, grenades are the key.
  5. A bigger Blue Team Update: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32462-blue-team/page-6 Video progress, New Speciality earned, Several Promotions, and respect to our Spartan.

  6. I am pleased that you mentioned this. I am completely guilty for not being updated on all Blue Team Members and I apologize for this. Thank you for mentioning. UPDATE Blue Team Video Progress We are attempting to progress on the Blue Team Video. The map, gametype, and loadouts are ready. Many members attempted to participate in the recording but it was not shot. I would like to credit JXZAW for supporting the progression of this video. Congratulations to Luke Hales, Yang Xiao Long, prometheanpwner and Connor Kenway for participating in the planning of this video. There may be a set date for shooting one of the scenes in the video. When I decide I will give notice in an UPDATE. New Speciality Earned I am proud to announce prometheanpwner as our Blue Team Tank. He has exceptional speed, precision, and awareness whilst in a UNSC Scorpion Tank. His skills define what it takes to be our Tank. If we've got a tank and there's Covenant to kill, we can rely on him to get the job done. Promotions There are several promotions to be handed out. The promotions are to members that have: showed impressive skill and/or taken part in training and missions, earned a speciality with impressive skill, gave support to the Blue Team Video, and/or presented Blue Team in any positive way on their profile page or anywhere else. Here are the promotions. JXZAW is now Sergeant. Yang Xiao Long is now Corporal Grade 2. Silent Orbis is now Corporal. Connor Kenway is now Private Grade 2. Prometheanpwner is now Private. Luke Hales is now Apprentice. Congratulation all. Respect our Spartan I'm sure that you are all aware of this but Ranger447 is the only Blue Team Spartan, besides me. I would like to praise him for trying to always keep Blue Team in shape. I am glad he has rejoined the Team, officially, and lets all pay him our respects for keeping an eye out for things and trying to help the Team out. Keep up the great work Spartan Ranger447. Stay strong Blue Team.
  7. I never saw it as a bad thing. I am explaining why the competition keeps them improving their consoles and creating new ones and better/newer games.
  8. By "stab", I assume you mean using a knife. As I mentioned earlier, a knife will not do the job. A grenade will be suitable because the shrapnel will blast through and cut most of the worms.
  9. I think that as long as they listen to what their audience want, they will make Halo Xbox One a memorable Halo that will be loved and enjoyed by many. Who wouldn't buy a game with all the requested features in it? I would like many things like collectible skulls, firefight, a flying UNSC vehicle, the Arbiter or Blue Team to return, and possibly playable elites in multiplayer. These are only some of many requests from us gamers. We can't expect it all. 343 Industries will get many sales from Halo Xbox One as long as they make sure everything is balanced and attempt to please as many of their gamers as possible.
  10. I am currently waiting for a Private Message pledging loyalty. Ruby will make a great addition to the Team like every other member.
  11. I don't think a Hunter can carry 1000 pounds of Spartan in Mjolnir Armour landing on it from a high distance. In the games the Spartans seem lighter than they actually are. Hunter assassinations were probably not implemented into the game because it might have been to big of a feature to add in with whatever time they had left. It might of been hard to animate because of the size difference between the Spartan and the Hunters. It might have also made the Hunters seem underpowered.
  12. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forums. ;)

  13. It would still be slightly hard to assassinate them though, even without knocking some of their armour off. They tend to spin around and smack you with their shield. Maybe we have to air assassinate them if they still have all their armour on. A Spartan flying through the air will be quite heavy. I think the grenades will be the only way to do it. As thefish54501 stated, they are made out of giant worms covered in tough, heavy armour. Stabbing them might only cut through a couple of the worms, it won't kill the entire Hunter. A grenade will blast it to bits though.
  14. I'm not too sure if we'll see that happening in Halo Xbox One. We would be slightly over powered and they would have to change the game mechanic completely. The HUD, the vehicles, the loadouts/classes. These are only a few of the many things that will need to be considered. I loved playing Invasion in Halo Reach though and I would love to see it make a return.
  15. Sounds like you all had fun. I hope to attend the next one if it's at an earlier time.
  16. The Halo franchise is not at all at stake. It still holds a strong population but they are spread across different Halos. We can't only judge by Halo 4. Halo will still stay strong and grow even bigger when Halo Xbox One is released.
  17. Welcome to the 343Industries Community Forum. :)

  18. They pretty much use the competition as a way to make new games and better consoles. The competition is what keeps them motivated for more sales, and the money.
  19. I agree with you on that. Even with, or without MLG, it is likely that Halo Xbox One's population will be far higher than Halo 4's one. This is the game that people know will not disappoint them. Many are waiting.
  20. Good. True. When I'm not too sure about something I either search it first before I post, or mention that it may not be completely true.
  21. I've never seen it as a bad thing. My point is that the companies will continuously argue about the money if they join together.
  22. Good point. They will also keep arguing about the money. Lets face it, they don't care about their gamers as much as they say they do. They just don't want to have a bad reputation so they get more sales and more money.
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