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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. UPDATE Ranger Returns Ranger447 has returned to Blue Team, officially. This happened yesterday evening. He has always been a Blue Team Spartan but wasn't officially part of the Team. He wanted to keep giving us his support. Now he is officially on the Blue Team List which can be viewed on my Profile Page. He will hopefully continue to support us. Everyone welcome back one of our only Spartans.
  2. I do not understand what you mean by "Reds". There is no reason for the Covenant to have attacked Blood Gulch, there has been no activity at all there for a while. Spartan is the highest rank besides Blue Team leader. JXZAW currently holds the highest NCO rank. He currently outranks everyone besides the Blue Team Leader and the other Spartans. There are to be no arguments between Blue Team Members. Is that clear? I'm not too sure why you decided to go to Blood Gulch for no valid reason. The Covenant would not have been there. We don't set the missions, the UNSC do. They would not send us to Blood Gulch. Reach is our main priority at the moment. You do not do what you "feel", you do what you are ordered. I will report anything necessary. I expect you to be more mature then to argue about Ranks. If you would like to talk privately, then you know where to do it. There will be a new Blue Team Update tomorrow. It may be short.
  3. I see what you mean and I considered this but all Spartan-II's are equal in armour appearance.
  4. You will be an elite. For the Blue Team shots you can be in a UNSC Scorpion.
  5. UPDATE Blue Team Video Details For the video you must have a golden visor, Mark V helmet and shoulders. Everything else will be default. This will be in Halo Reach. You can only use sprint and no Covenant weapons at all. Full UNSC. There will be a scene where three Military Police soldiers are being killed by Elites with a darker colour effect on the screen. This will be done in forge so we may need around 6 people for this. Then it will go onto another seen with a few of us lined up reloading our weapons. All the footage we have shot will then be played after each other. We may need to arrange a time for this. Promotions Three promotions are going to be awarded. JXZAW will be promoted to Corporal Grade 2. Yang Xiao Long will be promoted to Corporal. Prometheanpwner will be promoted to Apprentice Grade 2. These three members have shown good skill in training, and on missions. They have been dedicated and active. Congratulations.
  6. I will not be getting a PS4 so I can only hope that you get an Xbox One. By uniform do you mean the necessary armour? You must have the necessary things for the video. You may have to earn them. We're glad to have a skilled soldier like you on our Team against the Covenant. It might be used for the Video but can definitely give you the Tank speciality. If it is in your Halo Reach fileshare I will view it.
  7. You will always be with us Ranger. We hope to see you on Xbox One.
  8. Welcome! You will love the 343ICF. We have the friendliest members and staff. Hope to see you around often.
  9. Blue Team Update: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32462-blue-team/page-3 This has details for any member willing to provide footage.

  10. UPDATE Blue Team Video It seems that the Blue Team video is receiving some attention and we have details on what is expected. It will be on Halo Reach Multiplayer or Firefight and must be against the Covenant. We will be using a full set of Mark-V armour. If you do not have it then you must train for it. I do not have it yet. The Mark-VI will not do. Our Primary and Secondary colours will both be green. Unfortunately this limits members that might not have Halo Reach or the Mark-V armour but if you have Halo Reach, you will still be able to shoot some footage as long as you get Mark-V. You must use UNSC weapons all the time and can only use Sprint as an armour ability. You can share this on your fileshare and upload it to you computer then send it to me by Private Message. If you have any questions please ask. Good luck Blue Team.
  11. Nice to hear this from both of you.
  12. Good to see your motivation. Keep on it. Time to load up on ammunition. Keep training and prepare for our big mission against the Covenant.
  13. We will have a Blue Team mission against the Covenant soon. Possibly next month. We will all have to fight together. Make sure you get some good training.
  14. I agree. Very thoughtful. The SMG and SAW both look really nice in my opinion but the SAW has a better performance in damage and range. I think it's rate of fire may also be faster. If you want to be really overpowered, try out dual-wield SAWs.
  15. UPDATE New Member Connor Kenway has joined Blue Team. He has proven himself worthy of earning the Support speciality. Just yesterday the UNSC set us a task to defend some of the cores that are hidden in Reach. Several elite squads attacked and tried to steal a few of them but none of them were successful. Connor Kenway was an important part of the Team. He was always backing up other Spartans in every way. He showed impressive skill in preventing the elites from retrieving the core and was always supporting the team. He was helping from the air, ground, and with stealthy assassinations. We could always rely on him to back us up. he has also achieved the rank of Private for his outstanding efforts. Not only in training, but against the real Covenant. Keep active Blue Team.
  16. Agreed. We are ready to get the real killing on when we encounter the Covenant. Hope everyone who attends enjoys it.
  17. You may have misunderstood. Blue Team are not against any others besides the Covenant, the Flood, and the Rebels. We are not against any forum members. Unfortunately I will not be joining the event because it starts at 12:30am GMT.
  18. All members of staff on this forum are respected and appreciated by all members. It is the staff members to thank for keeping the wonderful 343ICF in shape. The Admin, Moderators, Community Moderators, News Group, Art Department (sorry, can't find the exact green), 343ibot, and the Legendary Members are all to be thanked for their efforts in making the 343ICF an amazing place to be.
  19. I've seen this video before. I would call it fake but I can't judge because the truck driver actually got out like something actually happened. It could have been planned, someone could own a truck and go out late at night. Then throw in some special effects. Who knows? It could be Science or God or what ever you believe. Interesting video though.
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