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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Spartan-052 sounded British to me, although I'm aware he speaks Hungarian. Must be how he picked up English when learning it. There isn't much to differentiate the characters with besides voice, appearance (rarely shown), and skills. I guess it doesn't need much consideration, I only want 343 not to mix things up and have different voices for the same soldier. Spartan-087's voice in FuD isn't that far from the one in the Opening Cinematic, and it makes sense that there's a noticeable considering there is a big time period between both years.
  2. Sustained internal injury on right thigh during hand-to-hand combat exercise, non-lethal.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unease Peanut
    3. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      @P34nut: I assume it's a non-lethal injury.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Nope, his finger developed an infection that will now devour his flesh from the inside. (Incidentally I actually did get this condition from a leg injury but killed it with antibiotics before it could kill me. Thank God.)


      That sounds all right then. Gym training is definitely important, especially when you can't spar, so it's good you can do that. I have sparring partners only rarely so it's basically my only training these days.

  3. I'm not asking as if against it, I am curious for confirmation. We can read on a Halo Wiki about a Spartan, and may receive information as to where their origin stems from. For example, Fhajad-084 'may be of Arab or Indian descent'. The wiki uses name and physical characteristics to determine these most likely true assumptions. I'd assume Kelly to have European or American heritage, although there's no clear way of telling besides the voice received in this cinematic. Although voices can be inaccurate when judging where a person originates from due to them adapting to another accent, Kelly clearly maintains an English accent. She must have kept it after abduction and training at age six. What do you think?
  4. After seeing this, I've almost never been prouder. Too bad there was no combat. Osiris' cinematic looked good, up until they dropped and engaged in combat. It was unrealistic, not too far, but still definitely wrong. Osiris have been 'over-hyped' in their opening, which is a shame considering how well things were looking prior to engaging in combat. Some combat was perfectly fine to be honest. Just one thing, why does Kelly sound British? Was Spartan-087 originally from English descent? We get no insight of this from the books (as far as I'm aware). Otherwise, I'm actually happy with what 343 have done here. Also something interested I'm sure you all noticed, both sides are co-operating with the UNSC Infinity. I like this, kind of drives away from the whole 'rogue' . Nice find Caboose. Soldiers from different nations often act differently. Some nations have a more disciplined military than others, and soldiers aren't the same everywhere. Osiris are more casual compared to Blue Team, this is most likely why you posted the statement above.
  5. Knuckle conditioning can prove to be irritating when skin peels off.

  6. Welcome to the community.

  7. Is this because the metal 'reabsorbs' a magnetic field? I would also like to confirm if it's correct that all transition elements are metals?
  8. After a metal is brought to the state of superconductivity, would it then lose this ability when returned to room temperature? (Note: This does not involve metals or alloys specially developed to maintain superconductivity at around room temperature.)
  9. Is an electrophile the same as a cation, and a nucleophile the same as an anion?
  10. Sounds great, nice call. Respect to the staff team who will be checking all threads and posts non-stop until November 30th.
  11. Are only covalent compounds called molecules? Apparently ionic ones aren't, not sure about metallic ones. E.g. There are H2O molecules, but no such thing as MgO molecules.
  12. Not enough intel on each soldier for me to give a fair selection, I'm going with Buck. Edward Buck has the most combat experience between the four and was a vital asset during the Human-Covenant war.
  13. When atoms share electrons, they essentially gain one or more of them. Why don't all atoms become anions when sharing electrons?
  14. If I've bought and installed a digital game from the XBL marketplace on Xbox One, will that game be stored in the cloud for me to reinstall if I possess another Xbox One? Would it only be saved to the hard drive of the console I installed it on?

  15. I was going to mention the FOTUS armour, but I didn't want to upset P34nut. Good thing it's non-canon, and doesn't actually exist.
  16. Why is the Hydrogen positively charged and Oxygen negatively charged when water is a covalent compound? Basically, why is the water polar? I see, as more Na dissolves into the water its pH increases due to Sodium being an alkali metal. Why is the water better at separating at a neutral pH?
  17. Congrats Fishy, sorry I wasn't there for it.
  18. Congrats on MoM Melody.
  19. How you been OldWoman? Congrats on the promotion to Trusted Member when I was gone, nice to see you active here.

    1. Wam


      Hello, friend. I've been spendid, and especially busy with school, so I've been hit and miss on forum activity. However, it's nice to see you back here, buddy! Oh and Thanks. :)

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Thanks. I know how you feel with the studying, just give it your best and don't blow it when it comes to the tests. Knowledge is power, along with health and fitness. Hope to be seeing you around here when possible.

  20. I'm afraid sugar is a covalent compound, not an ionic one. What would determine the 'proper' balance of the water's pH? Does water being polar separate the ionic compound because the + and - sides of the water molecules pull the ionic compound's ions apart?
  21. Liking the newer armour designs, looking forward to suiting up in some of them. Thanks for keeping this updated.
  22. Can ions in an ionic compound separate from the compound? E.g. Can the Na+ and OH- ions in NaOH solution separate from the neutral compound of sodium hydroxide? If yes, how would they break off into their ionic state and leave the compound? What would cause it?
  23. Personally I'm happy with Halo 5's customisation options. Halo: Reach tried out newer ways to armour up the Spartans, but the efforts undergone by the game developers were slightly pointless. I'm not too desperate for visor colours or wrist pieces. I like the idea of some things such as the TACPAD, but Halo 3 was a massive enjoyment and it had very limited armour customisations in comparison. To many, Halo 3's multiplayer was "better" than Reach's overall, yet it had far less options when it came to selecting armour. Things can begin to get a little stupid when customisation gets taken too far as well. I like things practical and realistic, any armour option should have a militaristic purpose. I'm fine with what Halo 5 has in store.
  24. Congratulations Melody, this is very well deserved.
  25. Congrats on the promotion to Community Moderator. Keep it up. - Spartan

    1. Ash


      Thank you very much, and welcome back Spartan. ^.^

    2. Ranger Intel
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