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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I knew ranged forms. I'm on a role! I'm going to have to say Forge World because of all the space and freedom. I've played many better custom games maps on Forge World than on Forge Islands. The forge was also better in Halo Reach in my opinion because of more vehicles that I liked. As a map, definitely Forge World for me.
  2. Finally decided to put up an "About Me" section on my Profile Page. :)

  3. I would suggest gathering up lots of units and rushing the Scarab after taking down all the power nodes. You have to be fast and try to be efficient with points and units. Upgrade everything and build different units. Always use mac blasts when you can. I think their is only one base on the 7th mission, Scarab.
  4. I remember you mentioning this yesterday online. Seems like a great idea and I hope 343 do something similar to this. Like I say to all good ideas, try post them on Halo Waypoint to get 343's attention.
  5. Sorry but this isn't the official 343 industries website. 343 own the Halo Waypoint forums, try post it their. This is a fan made website. We are still always open to your opinions and ideas.
  6. Amazing. This poem makes people really think. I believe that the Halo community will stand strong. Unfortunately many players will be lost because not all want to buy the Xbox One. They will always be with us. We will not fall, not yet, not ever. There will always be those of us that have been their from the beginning. Together, we will keep the spirit of Halo alive. Halo is not a game...it's a story.
  7. Seems interesting. When do you think we will receive a date and time for this event? Tomorrow it's the 24th. Will we receive any information any time soon?
  8. Just play the game and have fun, the credits will come to you. You'll be ranking up without even noticing if you're playing and enjoying it, trust me. I haven't played Halo Reach for over a year, not since Halo 4 was released. Fun game though, I might finally play it.
  9. They already can infect jackals, grunts and Spartan IV's but for some reason they were never in any of the games.
  10. Seems fun. Now that you announced this one earlier it's more likely for more people to join. I can't make it if it's too late because GMT is 5 hours ahead of EST. I voted for the 12-6pm one. That's good that you made it six hours long so lots of people will have the chance to join in.
  11. I live in the UK. 7pm EST is Midnight in GMT. I can't make it that late. Maybe a few hours earlier.
  12. Exactly. I sometimes see some people making a big deal over it. I accept their opinions but I don't see it as such a bad feature. I don't see anything wrong with it and I personally am glad it is a permanent feature in Halo 4.
  13. True but not all members are like that. Some of them are pure and still haven't discovered the 343ICF. The bad members will stay there but if the good ones stay following the light, they will find us.
  14. Don't make a girl a promise, if you know you can't keep it

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      "We were supposed to take care of each other, and we did..."

    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      lol MC promised Cortana that she'd be better if they got to Halsey or something. It never happened. xD

    3. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      @Beckoningzebra1 I can always rely on you to finish of the quotes ;)


      @Sιlεƞτ Ѳʀвιs Yeah, unfortunately he didn't have a chance

  15. Well explained by the members above. I think reach is now used for harvesting food or training UNSC. But yes, The Fall of Reach was a huge war and was known by many. It is still burnt during Halo 4 (2557) but recovers 10 or 20 years after. Some people survived in ONI's Castle base underneath Reach. I would recommend reading Halo The Fall of Reach and Halo First Strike, great books. They are really informative and you learn so much more about the story.
  16. Sounds great! You have really been pushing yourself and all this hard work is really paying off. Glad to see you're getting all the communication features done and dusted. Good luck with everything.
  17. I see what you mean, I still don't see them as being too strong though. I'm sure most if not all the ordnance weapons can overpower them.
  18. That's why we're here, much better forums and far friendlier community.
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