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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I think the default weapons are balanced. I guess we all see things differently.
  2. Noble 6 is dead. He won't return unless they make a game set before the events of Halo: Reach, which is possible, but will probably not include Noble Team. Keep in mind Noble Team wasn't the only surviving team of Spartans on Reach in 2552, Bungie just chose to show us the story through their eyes.
  3. Lepidus? The brute that had Colonel James Ackerson beheaded?
  4. I don't think they will ever be free. There is no good reason for 343 to do this and I'm sure they won't. Champions bundle will only be available again in the Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition. I don't think you should get the maps unless they make a DLC playlist for them because now they are useless unless you want to play Custom games or Forge on them.
  5. Sounds fair. I have no option really because I will never leave Halo 4. Even if that means paying more money. The Xbox One is actually pretty good. It got a lot of criticism during E3 but it's actually a really good console itself.
  6. I could counter lots of these points. I personally prefer the Xbox One. I think it has better exclusive games. There is also lots of exclusive content on Xbox. The main reason is because of Halo. I prefer the Xbox controller over the PS controller. My vote is for the Xbox One. You seemed really bias, usually the original post wouldn't be biased because other people would feel more comfortable sharing their opinion if it isn't. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I see it.
  7. True, all RPG's are like that. Brink was a Bethesda game and it didn't last long at all though. Still a good game though.
  8. Exactly, I think they know what they are doing now and I'm expecting them to do the right thing in the future Halo's. I'm sure we can trust them more now.
  9. Just watched Gravity, good movie. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Minuette


      It started to tick me off at some points

    3. Maestro


      I would quote what Toronto Batman called it, but it's not site appropriate. :/

    4. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      It's not actually that bad, a lot of people that haven't even watched it criticise it. It isn't as bad as it looks.

  10. And again, I knew the jetpack would win...even by one vote. I will definitely go with the ranged form. Those things really annoy me. They keep shooting at me and are a pain to take down, especially on Legendary. Every time I leave cover I get shot at. A couple of well placed grenades can knock them down.
  11. I kind of enjoyed Spartan Ops but lots of people say it was the cause of Halo 4 having a low population. I can assure you it won't return. It is possible to see the storyline continued though. I think Firefight will come and take its place. Lots of people theorize that Elite Ops or Brute Ops will come. That would be interesting but so far it looks like Spartan Ops will not continue.
  12. I never really noticed the forearms much so it didn't really matter to me. It was the helmet and torso that stood out to me the most. Still good they did it for all the people that want to actually see every piece of their armour in 1st person view.
  13. What! Over 1000 hours!? I don't think I've been on Halo that long! So yeah, it really does last long.
  14. Welcome to the forums! This is the best place you will come across for discussing Halo with other friendly members. Enjoy your stay.
  15. Sorry I didn't notice there were more grunts. The Elites are bigger any way so I guess that would be balanced. Those are some great comparisons to how Halo had things before other games did! We had infection way before CoD MW3 had infected. I agree, the haters can't put anything on this.
  16. http://www.wallpaper404.com/search/label/RWBY Is this useful?
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