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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. This...looks...AMAZING! Seriously this would be great fun and I would stay up hours playing it online with other people. Unfortunately there will always be that group of haters saying that 343 are ripping of another game but I would support this. The UNSC side looks a bit stronger though. I'm sure a squad of marines equipped with Assault Rifles could easily take out a group of Grunts with Plasma Pistols. 343 could easily balance this though. Great idea!
  2. Please don't hate but I've only played Fallout New Vegas. It seemed like a great game and my cousin said it lasted him for ages. He didn't even mind playing the whole game again. Apparently it takes a long time to complete every thing. That makes it worth paying for. I think Fallout 4 will be amazing and I'm sure many people will enjoy it.
  3. I think you can find some on the official RWBY website. If not then you should be able to find some around the internet. Make sure you type for Windows 8 though. I don't think they all work.
  4. I knew Halo 4 was an overall successful game to most people. I never used to be a jetpack person at the beginning of Halo 4, but I choose the jetpack. I have been using it much more recently and it's really useful. I can use it to easily navigate through place, get on top of campers and save time by flying up to places instead of taking a while to walk up the path or stairs which would've been much longer. It also helps get to get to some vehicles and ordnance drops quicker.
  5. I think he is alive because he is immune to the effects of the composer and we hear him talking at the end of Halo 4. I bet he will return eventually. Master chief only wounded him slightly with the pulse grenade. No where near enough to kill him.
  6. Woooh! Congratulations on becoming a Dedicated Member!

    1. тυcкєя


      Thank you, hope to see you become a Dedicated Member too :D.

    2. Ranger Intel
  7. It has been an honour serving by your side as part of the courageous Blue Team. We will destroy anything in our path and be the ruling coloured team of this forum. Happy 1 year Anniversary!...for last month.
  8. They seem perfectly fine to me. If anything I think they should be bigger. You can always play Team Slayer (4 vs 4), the maps are much smaller in that. I don't think sprint ever was a problem.
  9. That's way too late for people with GMT. I might of been able to make the original time but now there is no chance of me being there.
  10. You guys know exactly what I mean. If a Spartan can't sprint, then they aren't a Spartan...not even human. I understand they have heavy armour but it is light for them due to their super strength. It will only be normal for sprint to remain a permanent feature in future Halo games.
  11. Happy 1 year anniversary! You were one of the first members to add me when i joined. Thanks for all the help and keep up all the great work you produce around the forum.
  12. Some of us may have the real RWBY names...I'm stickin' to Spartan! ;)

  13. Team RWBY has almost been formed!

  14. Sorry but I don't think I will be able to make it. I will try but I am busy today.
  15. Ranger Intel

    Halo 3

    Those don't contribute to getting Recon anymore. There is no longer any way of getting it.
  16. Exactly. It just depends on the skill of the player. 343 did a good job of balancing the weapons in Halo 4. Some people just can't accept that they aren't good enough and begin saying that the weapons that are used by other players against them are "overpowered".
  17. Yes. That's exactly what they did in Halo Reach. You had to have the pistol. They actually did do this in Halo 4 but it didn't happen in all of the matches. I think it depends on the type of Big Team Slayer that you vote to play.
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