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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Yeah you don't have to use the Kinect. It comes with the Xbox One, but as Rupiefield said, it is optional to use. It used to be but they changed that a while ago.
  2. I would've been your daddy...

  3. Yes! How are you so good at this? Caboose the Ace?
  4. Exactly! Why don't they do this? Are they just not bothered? Sorry because I didn't get to see your awesome post.
  5. You also got to love dual wield pistols in the campaign.
  6. Why not? You're probably right, but they can find a way to fit it in whilst still keeping it balanced.
  7. When your site develops more and is accessible to play, it will be more likley. I don't think 343ICF will link with a website still in development. I'm sure they will when it's completed though. It's all up to the Admin or Moderators.
  8. ...I couldn't have put it better myself. If I want to play them it has to be online with randoms, not many friends have Halo and all the DLC. Good post.
  9. I also joined the website and subscribed to the youtube channel.
  10. It's ok and that's great to hear. Looks like you are progressing one step at a time. You have all our support all the way. Good luck and, as always, keep us updated.
  11. Those are some really good rank design. I think you should make some really similar to the Halo 3 ranks. I didn't say ignore all the small useful features, I just asked when you will do bigger things more related to the game itself. Like the rank designs. You must of misunderstood me.
  12. This is great! It really builds up and spreads the community. I dropped of a like on Facebook.
  13. Now I won't feel bad for not posting a picture. I felt it was necessary.
  14. Can we view our shout count? I'd be surprised to get 100 in one day...no chance at 1000!
  15. Yeah I agree. When will you finish with the smaller features and move onto the big picture? By the way good work on improving communication. Will we be able to use these features before the real game is released?
  16. That's a very good point. I didn't notice that until you mentioned it right now. Everyone in Halo 4 use different things and it's fairly balanced. You don't see everyone using the same loadouts as eachother. I'm sure some of you are familiar with a popular Call of Duty Youtuber named Ali-A. He used to make Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 loudout tutorial videos. Eventually you saw at least one person with one of those loadouts in each game. That's one of the reasons why I will never buy a Call of Duty again, ever. Good point overall though. Halo has fair loadouts, nothing is really "Overpowered". Everything could be balanced.
  17. Such as the M6D from Halo CE, the M6C from Halo 2, the M6C/SOCOM from Halo 3 ODST, the M6G from Halo 3 and Halo Reach, and finally the M6H from Halo 4. Even though the M6G fired Semi-Armour Piercing High-Explosive rounds, I think we can all agree that the M6D was the best.
  18. Yeah, in Halo 4 everyone was distinct in terms of loadouts. You had no idea what you could be up against, which is kind of a good thing.
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