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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I have to agree. This is the first time Chief has ever disobeyed an order, ever. He did it for the right reason. ...call himself a Captain...DISGRACEFUL, that's what I call him! To leave one of the UNSC's best soldiers (Final Mission), unacceptable. But yes, I think that was a key moment because you see a different side of Chief. A Spartan-II would never do that, but the UNSC has changed now, all those people in the books that Master Chief knew better might not be seen again. One of the only people he know's well on the Infinity is Lasky. Apparently Admiral Hood has been on it to save the Arbiter so that's good that we hear of him.
  2. Yes...you're just too good. I'm going to take a wild guess...Caboose the Ace?
  3. Happy Birthday Halo 2! ...I'm a day late again, aren't I?
  4. Nice! Congratulations! I'm kind of late aren't I? How can the amount of shouts be viewed?
  5. True. Master Chief has been on many missions with the other Spartan-II's and has had amazing skills. He has never failed. I'm beginning to think that he has gotten too used to Cortana and he might not be as good as he used to without her. I think she's alive though. Everything in Halo makes sense so if she does return, it will have a reason as to why she didn't die. Either way Chief is likely to end up with an A.I. Whether that means Mendicant Bias or he is equipped with a new one by the UNSC, I'm sure he will eventually have one in Halo 5. The gameplay would be so different without one.
  6. Hope everything goes well. On what day does each weekly update come out? Is there even a set date or are they just random? Last week was Wednesday. Anyway, keep us informed. Thanks.
  7. Welcome! I also joined last month around the beginning of October. This is by far the friendliest Halo forum you will ever come across. It's great to hear that you are reading the books. The people that have great knowledge of Halo always read the books. I'm currently reading the Ghosts of Onyx. Great books! Anyway, enjoy your time here.
  8. God bless all those who risk their lives everyday to protect the people of their country. I was going to join the Air Training Cadets, but I still haven't. I might one day.
  9. There was something about the loadouts in Halo Reach that made it fun. I like Halo 4 because of customisable loadouts, but Halo Reach had something about them that made it more like Halo. Maybe it was because we were limited with option?
  10. Yes! I completely forgot about how useful the hangar was. It was great for taking of with a Falcon. I could spend hours playing with friends on Forge World and not get bored.
  11. I've also got Windows 7 and don't want to get Windows 8 so this is great for me. I will also be getting it on the Xbox 360.
  12. I don't need Windows 8 either anymore because of Halo Spartan Assault coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox One this December. Also saved a lot of money if I was going to buy it.
  13. I've heard someone mention this before, but how would it work? Would it be like an RTS game when you command units, like a Halo Wars 2.
  14. Same here. Eventually they will begin selling it without the Kinect so it will be much cheaper. I'll probably be getting mine arounf next summer hopefully.
  15. Thanks. I think 343 know what they are doing now so I'm expecting the ranking system we all want in Halo 5.
  16. Sorry I can't make it. It was only announced yesterday and I didn't know.
  17. I don't think I'll make it. If this was posted earlier I might've been able to spend at least an hour. I'll try to fit in a couple of games though.
  18. Yeah I can't wait either. It's going to be real fun. I haven't played Halo 3 Custom games for a couple of years so this will be great!
  19. All of these pictures look amazing! You must be really dedicated. It certainly looks like you've spent a lot of time on these. Impresive.
  20. Exactly what Caboose said. Some of them are taken off, then another one is featured the next week.
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