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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. The first lobby was great fun! There was only three of us though. I though more people could make it. F1ZM the amazing and Edward Elric showed up. We had a blast on the Halo 4 Birthday Fiesta game mode. I hope the next lobby enjoy it too. Unfortunately there weren't as many people as I expected but I completely understand that the time wasn;t suitable for everyone. I hope to have more of these fun events. See you guys in the next one!
  2. Happy Halo 4 one year anniversary! :)

  3. Great! The first one is starting in an hour and a half from now.
  4. This would actually be a really good idea. I would love to see the new brutes. They seemed to have wiped out with the original Covenant. If they return it would make sense for them to be in the Covenant Storm. It would make the story kind of repetitive though but it would be great fun.
  5. Have you got Gold now? It's really cheap, nothing like it used to be. I get my gold of Amazon.
  6. I remember when I used to use the Halo Waypoint forums...horrible times. When I began using this one, I felt much happier. All the users here are friendly and accept each others opinions. There are rarely any arguments here and when there are they are ended instantly. I give all my support to this forum. In my opinion it is far better than all the others.
  7. I just finished Season 10. Onl the last episode, does The Director kill himself? How does he die by shutting down the place? Why does he ask for the pistol? To commit suicide? Why did he give up on recreating Tex? He said he just needed more time. How could he recreate Tex?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ranger Intel
    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      I am not sure on many things but I can confirm he is dead he committed suicide

    4. Ranger Intel
  8. Exactly how I usually feel about games like Mass Effect or Fable 3. I went with neutral though because I sometimes disagree with what the "good" option is. Just because it says it's good or paragon (Mass Effect), it doesn't make it the right thing to do.
  9. Honestly, I began giving up on the story after Brotherhood. It began getting too confusing in my opinion. I just love the gameplay. I only focus on how well the game is made and how entertaining is is when played.
  10. True. For me, Halo 3 was great because it was nothing like how Halo 4 is. I love the game, but not the ranks and ranking system.
  11. I go with neutral. I do what I think is right. Not what other people say is right.
  12. True, they can be precise with shooting, but I still see them as idiots because as soon as you knock their armour off...do I really have to say more? I still don't think that makes the Jetpack over powered. As soon as they get in the air they are still risking being shot at.
  13. I preferred Halo Reach's Forge because there was a UNSC aircraft and there was forge world. I also like Forge islands on Halo 4 though, but not as much.
  14. I loved Halo 2 and Halo 3's multiplayer. They were fun even with out a ranking system.
  15. Ok thanks. I did think they were real I just wasn't sure of it. I would love to dive into the forerunner series eventually but I am currently reading Ghosts of Onyx. Great books!
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