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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. This will be real fun. Thanks for the post. My gamertag is: akd8 Add and message me and the party will begin! Be there or be square.
  2. I actually am short sighted so that's a funny coincidence
  3. Yes! I knew Jorge will win. Well, he has to, he is a Spartan-II. I'm begining to really like these polls, this is only my second one. Over I say Yes, Halo 4 was a success in my opinion. It had a few flaws but it was the most selling Halo game. It was great fun at launch, but people began getting bored of it and it's populations dwindled. I think it could have been far better but overall, yes, I think it was successful.
  4. Seems like a great game. Everyone seems to be enjoying it. I won't be getting it but it looks really fun.
  5. Might just be a connection error. Try restarting your router. If this always happens, get in touch with 343, they'll know what to do.
  6. Wise quote. I don't think the website is sexist though. Lol. XD
  7. I think it will go well. Eventually when it comes out, if it turns out to be a good game (I'm sure it will ), people will spread the word on forums and the population will grow bigger and bigger. Are you planning on advertising this?
  8. Yeah I'm with Windows 7. I'm fine with as well. It's working fine. Luckily Halo Spartan Assault will be available on Xbox One and Xbox 360 in December so I don't have to get it anymore. (By the way if you were curious, I'm getting Spartan Assault on Xbox 360. )
  9. In the cutscenes, it shows him/her like that before we customize him/her. He did have Mjolnir Mark V armour though.
  10. Really! I didn't see that much. If only there were more on the Mythic game modes...
  11. Good point, but I don't like it because of almost no skilled required, and the numbers. The numbers don't seem creative and I don't feel like I've accomplished something when I go up by one number. When I'm promoted to a military rank higher with a new emblem, I feel like I achieved it. It's also far more realistic in my opinion. That's one of the reasons why I liked Halo 3's and Halo Reach's ranks more.
  12. I agree. That would be really fun and reduce the conflict between Xbox and Playstation. I doubt Microsoft and Sony will do this though. They are too competitive and I don't think they really care about their gamers.
  13. I agree, but I wouldn't say the Spartan-II'd had emotions. They had to learn to contol emotional outbursts. The closest thing they got to showing their emotions was the Spartan "Smile". http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Spartan_Signals I agree that some of them might show up at the end to fight this huge war. Probably in Halo 6. I've had that theory for a long time.
  14. Congratulations! Now we are both purple! Yay! Nice work Forum Weasel.
  15. It's only been 5 years after being glassed in Halo 4. Halo 4 is set in 2557 and Reach is glassed 2552. Does that mean when it showed Reach after it recovered it was showing us many years later, or only a few years later?
  16. Yeah. Who knows what the upcoming Halo's will bring?
  17. I would love to join. I don't have any maps or gametypes either, does that matter? I might only be on for an hour though because in GMT it starts at 9PM. Are they usually always at this time because if they are I might not be able to go to some of them? I will probably be at this one though. GT: akd8
  18. I personally disagree with you on many things. Although i do agree that Halo 5 should be far better than Halo 4 is. I think the gameplay is great fast. I love how Halo 4 is much more fast paced than some of the other Halo's. I don't think it is necessary for loadouts to be removed. I just think they need to be slightly changed to become more interesting. You still do find all the GOOD weapons scattered around the maps and get them from ordnance drops. I agree that firefight would be fun if it returned. Lots of people have the idea of promethean firefight. Unless they add more promethean classes, it will seem really repetitive. Overall, I agree that it would be fun for firefight to return. There was already a post on Armour abilities being CHANGED not REMOVED. There is no reason for them to be removed but they would be far better if slightly altered or some taken out and replaced with something better. Finally I agree that a beta is necessary for 343 to give those final improvements to the game. It won't be as good without player feedback. Keep in mind, these are all my opinions.
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