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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I didn't say I want them in, I asked what you guys think will happen. I always say that we ask for too much and I'm not being hypocritical. I can imagine them in Halo 6 when Chief has some epic battle between the UNSC and maybe elites against prometheans/covenant or even flood. If they return one day it will be for a good reason. I have a feeling that if they do, they will be killed of one by one like Noble team and leave Chief, broken, at then end. I don't want them to do a whole Halo Reach thing again. I also want them to have a good A.I, not like "Let me drive you of this mountain"-Kat, "Let me shoot at that tank that's really far away with my shotgun"-Emile and "Oh, your trying to be stealthy? I just shoot this really loud sniper and reveal your position"-Jun. At least the cutscenes will be epic though.
  2. I agree that we probably won't but it would be awesome in my opinion. I also haven't seen anyone request a Mark IV armour set before but I'd like to see what everyone says. Yeah I did say that they don't need it and are more advance, but come on, it's multiplayer. I see multiplayer as something completely different to the campaign. It would be kind of cool to see it in there for a bonus armour set maybe? Yeah, you got to love them. They all looked great in my opinion. I personally loved each one.
  3. Borens Syndrome is fake. It was a cover up by ONI so the Spartan Program stays hidden. I know you read that in the book but that's because people don't know about it. He was resistant to being infected because he was augmented. The Spartan-III's didn't sign up. They were taken as orphans when their parents were killed by the Covenant. They had one thing the Spartan-II's didn't, motivation. They were desperate for revenge. I prefer the Spartan-II's though.
  4. I used to think that when I first played Halo CE and Halo 2, but when you get more into the story, you learn so much more.
  5. This seems like a good weapon. It sounds similar to something I've seen before. I can imagine it as a new UNSC weapon. It can lock on just like how the Missile Pod and Rocket Launcher used to. I could be a mix between the two. Good point about making it a vehicle only weapon. They could make it like it doesn't lock on to Spartans or other enemies unless they are in vehicles. You are right that it isn't really overpowered if it takes long to lock on and fire. As other people said, it doesn't seem unique but it seems really creative though, well done.
  6. I can't wait to see the Arbiter return. I would love to see how the brutes look now. Honestly, I really want to see the brutes but I don't really think it would make much sense. Considering the original covenant is completely messed up, why would the brutes return? Maybe they have a stronger empire that built up during the time they had between 2552-2557. I guess we just have to wait and see.
  7. Hi everyone. Do you guys think that we will ever see all or most of the remaining Spartan II's reunite and form the incredible Blue Team. I've read Halo: The Fall of Reach, Halo: The Flood and Halo: First Strike. I'm currently reading Halo: Ghosts of Onyx. In these books we learn so much about the Spartan-II's and Spartan-III's. Although the Spartan-III's were great soldiers, I would prefer to see the Spartan-II's back in action. We know that there are still a few Spartan-II's out there and some have been aboard the UNSC Infinity, but will Chief ever see them again? I can imagine that being an epic moment. So far Chief and the other Spartan-II's don't even know if each other are alive. What do you guys think? Please NO SPOILERS, thanks.
  8. The three Spartan-II's we see in Halo Wars are wearing Mjolnir Mark IV armour. We only play as Chief when he is suited in his Mark V and Mark VI armour. Do you think we will ever get Mjolnir Mark IV armour in Multiplayer? Obviously the UNSC is now far more advanced and don't even need it, but just for the appearance, do you think it will ever show up? I think it looks slightly better than the Mark V. It isn't as good in performance though but so far in Multiplayer the armour you wear doesn't affect your abilities. I don't think that 343 will even be bothered to implement it into the game, but do you guys think they will? We already have some information from them in the books. Honestly I don't know much about the Mark VII armour but I do know that Spartan-II Naomi is equipped with a light blue set in the Halo: The Thursday War book. I haven't read it so PLEASE NO SPOILERS. Thank you. I know it was created/designed by Dr.Halsey. So what does everyone think? Will we ever see any of these armour sets? Why?
  9. I loved the SMG dual wielded. I agree that the Falcon was one of the best teamwork vehicles. I loved flying it in Invasion on The Spire in Halo Reach Multiplayer. Good times. The crawlers really annoyed me but they are fun to assassinate as you said. I also love assassinating the Watchers. Hard to do but I've managed it a few times.
  10. Yeah. I can't imagine many people using it in multiplayer. It would be too hard considering how fast the game would be going. We don't even have A.I's in Multiplayer but we do in Campaign so good point.
  11. I don't think they'd spend all that time on Halo 4. It's too late in my opinion. I think that all the time spent on that won't be worth the amount of players they will receive from it. They are trying to spend most of their time perfecting Halo 5. We have to be patient with them. We can't keep asking for things.
  12. I did say the Xbox One and Kinect are probably capable of it. Good point though, why? I think it will just make the game a bit more realistic and it would be fun and useful in my opinion.
  13. Sounds great! This would be a very good storyline in my opinion. I don't think it will all fit into Halo 5 though, some of it will be great in Halo 6. I can see some of this actually happening.
  14. I think the last Precursor was the Gravemind, also know as The Timeless One. He stated to be a Precursor and he was killed in Halo 3. The Flood could be building another Gravemind on another planet but I don't think it will count as a Precursor. It is possible for the Flood to be out there though so we might see them in a later Halo game, probably not Halo 5 though.
  15. Yeah the ship is probably originally a forerunner ship that has been redesigned and used by the Humans. Keep in mind the Precursors may not be real, they are only a belief. I personally think they are real but the Precursor-Forerunner War happened so long ago that the Ur-Didact doesn't even know they were real. I think it is most likely a Forerunner ship being used by Humans. Forerunners and Humans were allies so it would make sense for the Humans to have a Forerunner-like ship.
  16. Then why is he pink? Oh, I heard this once before. Is minus green basically another way of saying Pink?
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