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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. What do you mean by Minus Green?
  2. For a first post, this is impressive. It seems you put a lot of effort into this. It did interest me when you referred to the Halo: The Fall of Reach book. Good use of referencing. I think this will be a great idea but I can't see it working out. It takes advanced consoles to do this. Maybe the Xbox One is capable but it might frustrate many players because the Kinect might accidentally take in the wrong command or not do what the player commands it to do. It might also be too late because I don't think anyone can say it fast enough before taking damage or the console might not be quick enough. Overall I still think this is a very creative idea. I hope 343 can somehow find a way to implement this into Halo 5 or 6 without annoying anyone. Good work.
  3. Isn't there a communication number or e-mail on there website?
  4. Was Cortana really a Forerunner A.I? I though she was based of Dr.Halsey. That is an interesting ship though. To be honest, I don't pay much attention to the terminals but I should because they tell us a lot about the story line.
  5. This sounds interesting but I would feel bad going against the UNSC. It wouldn't feel like real Halo when you are not playing as a Spartan or ODST. We can play as Elites for a bit of Campaign or Multiplayer, but playing as one through out the whole campaign killing UNSC...I would feel disgraceful. We would get obliterated when we have to face a Spartan though. It's still a creative idea.
  6. You are making my man tears come out. I have never felt so proud to be called smelly by you before. Congratulations and enjoy your month. Since I joined on October 02 2013, you have been one of the amazing members I come across everyday on this forum. You are always joking around with all the other friendly members and supporting everyone. You always keep things positive. You deserve this, enjoy it.
  7. It looks great to me. I haven't actually played ACIII but I've played ACII, Brotherhood and Revelations and ACIV looks far much better.
  8. I agree. What they did with Halo 4 isn't really working well in my opinion. Still good game though. Just needs a better ranking system.
  9. It looks great! I hope you are enjoying it. I probably won't be getting the game any time soon but it looks like people are really liking it.
  10. Die? Didn't you know? Spartans never die.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ranger Intel
    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      They're just missing in action while they respawn.

    4. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      That makes much more sense

  11. Thanks. I was going to ask what would it be used for. I don't think the Storm Covenant would have a chance against the UNSC though. Imagine in the last Halo, Reach is attacked again but far worse than in 2552, the UNSC and other enemies that attack Reach have the biggest battle in Human history and at the end Chief has a moment similar to Noble Team's. That would kind of repeat the story again but it would be interesting to think of it and it can be changed to seem less repetitive. What if Reach takes on another big role in Halo?
  12. Yeah, I want them to focus mainly on the skulls. Did you try and Private Message them? I hope they get this idea into Halo 5, if not, then they should attempt to implement it into Halo 6. I just want to see it come true. It would be so fun in my opinion.
  13. Congratulations!!! You deserve this. Enjoy it!
  14. Ranger Intel

    Max 06

    From the album: My Chihuahua Max

  15. Ranger Intel

    My Chihuahua Max

    Pictures of my long haired male Chihuahua Max. He is currently 4 years old. :)
  16. Ranger Intel

    Max 05

    From the album: My Chihuahua Max

  17. Ranger Intel

    Max 04

    From the album: My Chihuahua Max

  18. Ranger Intel

    Max 03

    From the album: My Chihuahua Max

  19. Ranger Intel

    Max 02

    From the album: My Chihuahua Max

  20. Ranger Intel

    Max 01

    From the album: My Chihuahua Max

  21. Yeah, it felt like the in-game us was dying. It was sad. The actual Noble 6 obviously wasn't how we wanted him to look. He was how is originally was in the game. Black Mjolnir Mark V helmet and Mjolnir Mark V armour.
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