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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Yeah, if you post this on the Halo Waypoint forums, it is possible that it might be viewed by a 343 employee. It is more likely to get noticed if it's really big/popular. If a lot of people view it and reply to it, there is more of a chance that 343 will see it.
  2. Lol. I think that there are more somewhere further away from the rings that have been growing and spreading for a long time. It will be even harder to get rid of them next time, but the UNSC's technology has been advancing so they shouldn't be as hard to take on as last time...or are they even worse?
  3. I agree. You're one of those people that want to make Halo a better game for everyone no matter what. I was also going to say that I've seen some people hating on Halo5follower because apparently he doesn't credit everyone for all their ideas and acts like they're his own. I'm glad you don't care about credit, you just want it in the game. Don't stop or give up until it is. You have our support all the way.
  4. I'm starting to think that Halo will be better of without attachments. There will be lots of arguments and hate on 343 if they put them in. There's always going to be that group of people that are going to be screaming in 343's faces telling them that they messed up Halo. This could be avoided if they don't include attachments. Honestly, I don't mind as long as the game is good and everyone's happy. If there is going to be conflict, they're better of without them.
  5. Yeah we should. I hope they do. If they do ignore it...I'm sure they'll regret it because this is an idea they will never think of themselves.
  6. Halo 4 takes more dedication than skill to rank up. It's about how much you play, not how well you play. In Halo 3, there was an in-game True Skill Rank, so you could tell the difference between the people that are good at the game and the people that are not.
  7. Do you think it will have new achievements or will they be the same as the original ones?
  8. Ok thanks. That makes much more sense to me. Now I definitely agree with all of your points. They would make it a good Halo game.
  9. I think it's the exact same thing. It's coming with the same DLC, Operation Hydra, so I think the story is the same. I hope there are more missions though, that would be great.
  10. Yeah I loved finding the skulls in Campaign in Halo 3 and Halo CE Anniversary. It was really fun and it would be even better if they did it in Multiplayer and/or Forge. I also agree that the idea of different types of skulls is very creative and imaginative. This would be really fun if they put it in a Halo game.
  11. Fair enough. They are probably busy so they might not have saw your messages yet. I think they will like them when they read them though.
  12. That's what I was saying at the start, and yes, this did go of topic. I agree but I don't know what you mean by balanced maps. I personally think that the weapons are balanced. I completely agree on points 1,2 and 3 though.
  13. I knew they would eventually release it on Xbox! After all those posts, it's finally happening! I haven't got Windows 8 so i couldn't get it, but this December I can! Thanks for the post. I'm getting it on Xbox 360 because I might get an Xbox One next summer and I don't want to wait that long. Will it be exactly the same as the other versions on phones and tablets?
  14. Really nice pictures. I like the capes/hoods. Reminds me of Star Wars and the Halo 5 E3 trailer. I think the new content will be a new gameplay footage or trailer.
  15. Good ideas. I like the one about combining forge and firefight together. They really need to bring a UNSC aircraft for the next Halo. I think the Falcon is really fun to pilot but it looks behind in technology. In the year 2557 I think they would have some better aircrafts. It was, in my opinion, one of the best vehicles though. I also loved the Hornet. I hope they manage to some how innclude the Pelican again. I loved Mission 6 (I think it was called Shutdown) in Halo 4 because of it. By the way this isn't 343's website, it is a fan made community. Go to Halo Waypoint if you want a response from 343.
  16. I think to have a signature you have to have at least 5 posts. After you get the posts you should be able to add one.
  17. True, but it still looks cool anyway.
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