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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. It probably wasn't even a long ban. Try not to quit many games though.
  2. Not sure why. Make sure you have done all missions. If you have, try them again, for me it wasn't that hard. It was actually really fun.
  3. Ranger Intel

    Halo 3

    Wrong. It WAS possible from all the Vidmasters when Bungie were in, not anymore. Keep your opinions to yourself, some people think it is worth it. At least mention it's your opinion. Don't post without knowing. You could mislead someone into believing something false. Always double check before you post or mention that you are not sure.
  4. Try and get your idea big. Post it on as many related websites as possible. If you're lucky, someone might notice and offer you a chance.
  5. I hope they bring an in-game CSR rank in Halo 5 like they had in Halo 3. It's annoying because we have to go onto Waypoint to see our CSR and know one knows how good you really are unless they look on Waypoint.
  6. This isn't 343's website. I don't think they see all the posts on here. If you want advice from 343 themselves, go to Halo Waypoint.
  7. I want to get Windows 8 so I can get Halo Spartan Assault, but it's too expensive. I'll wait for it to get cheaper.
  8. Marines are actually really useful. Not only do they have good aim and infinite ammo, but they are also great distractions! They are really bad at driving though. :/
  9. I never came across this before. Most problems like this are fixed by just resetting your router like what BeckoningZebra said.
  10. Welcome! You'll love this place! Friendliest Halo Community Forum on the Internet.
  11. Like what everyone else said, you must of spent a lot of time on this.
  12. I agree. It is definitely one of my favourite missions...and yes, he did know what the ladies like.
  13. I agree with Jester. The skulls make the game far more challenging and make you better at the game. They improve your skills.
  14. True. Some elites disagreed with the Arbiter when he made a truce with the humans and wanted him dead. They started the Elite Civil War. They made their own faction called the Storm Covenant. They are the elites, grunts, hunters and jackals we are against in Halo 4.
  15. Yeah, I can imagine it being great fun.
  16. In Halo 3 they had drop pods, they also have taken over ships. They could easily find a way to another planet and repopulate there. There are probably already flood on other planets anyway. As, I said before, they are a widely spread disease.
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