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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. You are not proving a point here. You say they could be good and could be terrible. No explanation for why? If you are going to post something, give a good point and an explanation. This post can't really be discussed. :/
  2. Please elaborate on your posts. Give more information or detail. At least explain why or which ones you like. Most of your posts don't have very good quality. But yes, I also like most of the Armour Abilities too. They can be really useful. I've been using the jetpack more than I used to in Halo 4. Jetpack and BR, boltshot and frag grenades make a great combo for a loadout.
  3. Exactly. They mentioned this a while ago. Any unusual prices are probably not the real price of the game.
  4. Halo is like what we are living in right now, but we don't know if we will come across an alien alliance known as the covenant that attack one of our planets in 2525. In 2013 in Halo, things are probably just the same. They probably did have knowledge of dinosaurs. I agree that they are probably reptiles.
  5. I also agree. Especially when you mention a longer Campaign. I would like to know more about the story so a longer Campaign would be great. At least 10 missions would be nice. I agree with you that Campaign is better than multiplayer in Halo. Halo has one of the most interesting storylines I've ever seen. A long campaign would make me love the game even more.
  6. Sorry but I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. If you are not than I disagree because Elites are a huge part of the Halo Universe. They matter a lot and are allies with the UNSC. I'm sure we will eventually see more of them. If you are being sarcastic then, yes, I agree.
  7. I agree with you guys. It can't be that expensive. I mean, we all know how much Microsoft want their money, but they wouldn't go that far. It's probably just a placeholder price like the cover.
  8. There would not be an argument in first place if you just accept the fact that some people may have different opinions to you. There are no arguments on this forum. If you are going to post here, learn to respect what other users think. This forum has a reputation for friendly users. I think it's far better than the Halo Waypoint forum. Don't let the community down. If you disagree with someone else's opinion, tell them why. Don't tell them they are wrong.
  9. I haven't played AC for I while. I think ACVI is going to be a great game though. I've finished AC revelations, AC brotherhood and ACII. Great games.
  10. Midnight is not a troll. He is actually a very good member of this community. You just need to learn to accept other people's opinions.
  11. There might be promethean vehicles. If there are, then it has to make sense because there weren't any in Halo 4. Unless you count the Cryptum or the Mantle's Approach.
  12. Yeah, the older Halo players knew the game well. Now the newer people joining aren't as educated in Halo. There were some good player in Halo 3 and Halo Reach.
  13. Yeah, you're probably right. When I said I'm used to them, I meant all Machinimas overall, not the "The Lives of" series.
  14. There are so many vehicles, but obviously we are not going to get them all. A few things I would like that weren't in Halo 4 are the Scarab, Hornet/Falcon (any UNSC aircraft), Locust (maybe) and any older vehicle such as the Spectre from Halo 2 or the Revenant from Halo Reach. Hopefully they will bring at least one thing we like into Halo 5. I feel there are going to be quite a few new vehicles in Halo 5.
  15. True. I love some of the Halo 4 Machinimas, especially "The Lives of Prometheans". I love the "The Lives of" series. I'm just more used to the Halo 3 and Halo Reach ones because there we more of them and they were more popular back then. Probably because Halo used to have a bigger population.
  16. Yeah true. Master Chief has no reason to fight the Arbiter. The Arbiter and the UNSC have formed an alliance and fight beside eachother, not against eachother.
  17. I know how you feel. Usually Big Team Slayer gets chosen anyway though so I'm not too worried.
  18. Yes, I agree. I said "I think" so people know that it's my opinion. Thank for noticing.
  19. I'm not blaming 343. I'm just saying that I think they were better in Halo 3 and Halo Reach.
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