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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Ok thanks. Was the GEN1 more protective because it had more armour? As I asked before, how did Cortana get the nanobots inside the cryotube? Were they alredy in there?
  2. Yeah hopefully they will do something similar to this in Halo 5.
  3. It wouldn't make it like Call of Duty. Many games have attachments. We already have flashlights and in ODST there were silenced SMG's and Pistols. No one called it Call of Duty then.
  4. From the album: Halo

  5. Ranger Intel

    Halo 4 Cover

    From the album: Halo

  6. Ranger Intel


    From the album: Halo

  7. Good idea. Forgot about that. I loved the blue flame. It looked so good in the game. It was one of those features that mad Halo Reach what it was; An epic game.
  8. We are talking about the videogames. Halo in reality would be different in several ways.
  9. I personally love the assault rifle and I find it nowhere near over-powered. I think it's the most balanced weapon in the game.
  10. Yeah true. Most people think that 343 messed it up. I think they have the potential to make Halo 5 a great game though. Hopefully they'll get some of the fans back and get newer ones. If they know what they are doing they won't let us down.
  11. If 343 do the right things in Halo 5, I'm sure people will start liking them and show them more respect.
  12. I haven't ever come across this before, maybe in multiplayer, but no in campaign. All I can say is try restart everything or wait for a couple of days to see if it works. If nothing works and it's really that serious, you might want to call 343. I'm not too sure about anything else though, sorry.
  13. If you are going to post something, make it useful to the forums. This is not the first time you have posted something that doesn't support the discussion. Don't post something with no quality. OP: I agree with what most people have to say. Destiny is being made by Bungie and being published by Activision. It's going to receive population from all ends. Call of duty, Halo, Action lovers, FPS lovers and Sci Fi lovers. It's being strongly advertised with impressive trailers. I'm sure it will have a far higher launch population and overall population than Halo 4. IMO Halo 4 is still a great game though.
  14. There have been many posts on a better ranking system. Many people want a Competitive Skill Rank. One you can actually see in-game. Not like the one we have on Halo 4 that we can only see on Waypoint. If 343 are listening to us then they will have this in Halo 5.
  15. True. They got too much hate from Halo 4. Sure there were a few letdowns, but I think it was still a great game. I want them to do what is right. I want them to do what makes sense. I don't want them to do everything we want. To be honest, they know more than us. I just want them to make Halo 5 a great game and hopefully not do anything to get a lot of hate.
  16. I agree. I don't want 343 to bend the story for us to like it though. I want whatever is meant to happen, to happen. I don't want them to completely mess up the story because of how some fans want it to be. What happens in the Halo Universe is not to be changed.
  17. True. Many people hated the fact that very little skill was required to rank up in Halo 4. It was more dedication than skill. I hope 343 fix this next time.
  18. Those are also some very good points, especially about forge, forge world and the great experience/graphics. You will love First Strike. It's a great book. I'm planning on reading The Cole Protocol after I read Contact Harvest. I haven't read Ghosts of Onyx for almost a week now though. I need to catch up.
  19. I don't think Cortana made any armour modifications to the performance of the armour. I think she just used nano bots to alter his appearance and repair some of the damage from Installation 00 (The Ark). How did she actually the nanobots into the cryotube in first place though? I don't want 343 to make anything that will annoy everyone else. I can't think of a way they could make this without ruining the game.
  20. It feels great to play Halo 3 again. It's a great game and will always be remembered.
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