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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I can't see it happening. The HUD would need a completely different appearance. I think they should just stick to Spartans and Elites. If they try to make Brutes, they might mess something up and get a lot of hate like they did with Halo 4. I see Halo 4 as a good game though. Don't get me wrong, playing as a brute would be awesome, especially with their armour. I just don't want 343 to mess up.
  2. From the album: Halo

    I chose this because it looks amazing and it represents Master Chief in Halo 4.
  3. Ok thanks. Will I be notified about it or do I check?
  4. As many people say, this is a fan community forums website. I don't think it belongs to 343. Maybe they look at the posts though. The Machinimas in Halo 3 and Halo Reach were great. There aren't as many good ones in Halo 4. Things have changed a lot.
  5. This sounds like a good idea, but will take far too long to make considering the amount of time 343 have left. It might be possible in Halo 6 or after.
  6. You have great ideas. That would be amazing. I hope 343 do something like this.
  7. Those are some really interesting ideas for skulls! Hopefully they will bring them back and you will be able to unlock some special armour set like Haybusa. It was really fun in Halo 3.
  8. I'm going to be reading Halo Contact Harvest after I'm done with Ghosts of Onyx. Sounds good.
  9. Some people that Chief will use Mendicant Bias as his A.I to find Cortana. Honestly, I think she will return, she has to.
  10. Elites have always been an important part of Halo. I wouldn't be too disappointed if they weren't in multiplayer, but I want to see them in the campaign. Not the Storm elites, the separatists. It was really fun in Halo Reach. I really want to see them in Campaign because if we don't, it would really affect the storyline. It would seem like 343 is not bothered to bring them back. I say it will affect the story line because they are still on the UNSC's side, why wouldn't we have them as allies.
  11. Spartan-II's-Children abducted at the age of 6. Had intense training. Later given augmentations for bones, strength, speed, sight, agility, hearing and reflexes. They had a black body suit, than Mark IV Mjolnir armour, then Mark V Mjolnir armour, then Mark VI Mjolnir armour and a few had Mark VII Mjolnir armour. IMO the best Spartans. Master Chief was one of them. Known as Spartan-117. There was funding for 300 Spartan-II's. It was later reduced to 150 of them. It was reduced once again to 75. Some are still alive. Very disciplined Spartan III's-Orphans taken and trained by Kurt-051, a Spartan-II, and CPO Mendez, trainer of Spartan-II's. Less extreme augmentations. Used SPI (Semi Powered Infiltration) armour. Some used Mark V armour, such as Noble Team during the fall of reach. (BTW Jorge in Noble Team was a Spartan-II, the other five were Spartan III's). There were more of these spartans but they were "disposable". They were sent on extreme tactical suicide missions and had a 90% chance of death. They weren't as good as the Spartan-II's but were great soldiers. Some are still alive. Spartan IV's are adults that volunteer to join.They use Mark VII Mjolnir Gen2 armour. They have less severe augmentations and aren't as powerful as Spartan-II'' or Spartan-III's. They aren't as disciplined as the other Spartans. I personally don't like them as much. There are many of them aboard the UNSC Infinity. Spartan I's are just normal augmented humans. It was a failed project. Sgt. Johnson was one of them. That's why he is resistant to the flood and can't be infected. Mjolnir Gen 2 armour is any model from Mark VII and onward, I think. The suit that master chief has is the first Gen. It looks different in Halo 4 for two reasons. 1) New artwork 2) Whilst Chief was in Cryo sleep, Cortana used nanobots to slightly modify his armour. Hope this helped
  12. In Halo 2 I saw them as the "good guys". They left the Covenant because they knew about the Prophets lies. Some elites were too blind to know what was really happening and stayed with the Covenant even though the heretics tried to persuade them. The Arbiter only killed the Heretic leader because it was his mission. I don't think he knew that the Prophets were lying.
  13. Did you know that Sgt. Johnson was a Spartan-I?
  14. Are these still going on. If yes, I would love to join. I haven't played Halo Wars multiplayer in a while now. Unfortunately my mic stopped working a couple of days ago. I can hear people talk but when I talk no one can hear me. I can follow orders though.
  15. I can image him returning in Halo 6. Halo 5 can build up to getting Cortana back and defeating the Didact once and for all. I think he's still alive. We hear him talking at the end of Halo 4. I'm not sure if it's only on legendary campaign but we here him talking about how humanity is one of the Universe's biggest threats and anyone who disagrees with that must be blind. (Something like that). I'm pretty sure he is still out there somewhere.
  16. I agree. Thel was following Master Chief on The Pillar of Autumn when they discovered Installation 04. The Halo ring seen in Halo CE. I think Thel's mission from then on was to stop Master Chief from destroying the ring. He failed and was stripped of his rank, armour and pride. He was then offered to become the Arbiter and destroy the Heretics. I don't want to go too overboard, but this is what I remember. If I'm wrong about something than please correct me. Basically, like what most others said, he wasn't on Reach during the death of Noble 6.
  17. We can't just go around building Mammoths and Pelicans because the UNSC have one thing we don't have enough of today, the resources. We are getting lower and lower on resources day by day. In Halo, they have inhabited life on other planets and could mine for more resources, we only have Earth which will eventually run out of resources. Sure we've got a quad bike which is almost a Mongoose, but a Pelican will take to much energy to power. I don't think they are behind on technology, they have shields and slip space. You are right about the weapons though, they could at least fire lasers. I like the weapons though, I feel more realistic firing a human weapon instead of a covenant or promethean weapon. I think we will have advanced to some sort of plasma/laser/hard light weaponry by then though.
  18. I agree, those are some very good points. Halo Reach was very entertaining and still has a strong population. Hopefully some of these features will appear in Halo 5.
  19. I don't think you can do it in game. You can check commendations but not medals. I think Halo Waypoint on the internet is the only way.
  20. I think she's alive. Chief probably feels that she's still alive. He knows her almost as much as Dr. Halsey. She must be out there...
  21. I'm confused about all these awards that people have. Some of them require you to participate in something, how? Do you get invited or are you notified about it? I liked 343's page on Facebook and for some reason I don't have the Facebook award. Why? Did I like the wrong page? Can someone please help? Thank you.
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