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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Welcome to the community.

  2. Hey Ardent, where you been? You haven't been forgotten.

  3. Does anyone here study religious education?

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      IDK. I mean I study one religion, kind of... the one that I belong too. xD

    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Nah, I know some of the basics that were forced onto me in grade school. But that's about it.

    3. Guts
  4. Using royalty free music: @@Drizzy_Dan Here is some footage along with those images you requested from MCM London Comic-Con.
  5. Have fun, see you later.
  6. So, my Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (Xbox One) arrived earlier today...

  7. Congrats @@The Director. Nice to see another Moderator, I'm confident this community is in good hands.
  8. I nominate Bnus. Maestro has already been voted for twice. Rule number 7 states: 'No nominating anyone who already has enough nominations to qualify to run'.
  9. How do they affect the neutralizing value in a pos/neg way? Do you have a website link I could use as a source for this information?
  10. Anyone here have/play Final Fantasy Type-0 on Xbox One?

    1. Ash


      I have it on PS4.. >.>

    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i got it on ps4 also :(

  11. How do pH values change when weak acids are neutralised?
  12. Could you elaborate further on this? Do you mean that the calcium and magnesium in the lime cause it to have a good neutralising value and increase pH?
  13. What affects the neutralising value of lime? (Chemistry)
  14. I remember when we had the 'May The Fourth Be With You' event one year ago, good times.

  15. I'm surprised H5f wasn't MoM ages ago, this is very well deserved. Congrats H5f, the staff made a great choice.
  16. Sounds good, nice announcement post Yoshi.
  17. Who here is good (or the best) at computer programming?

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Twin most likely. Maybe GSD, if you can translate the woofs.

    2. Buns


      I can help. I'm not anywhere near the "best" but I'm good enough to understand most concepts and teach/point you in the right direction.

  18. Happy Birthday, nice to have you around.

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Cheers Spartan. nice to be around lol :)

  19. Congrats everyone, well deserved.
  20. Karate Competition went well: http://i.snag.gy/6SfT0.jpg

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Congratulations! I remember doing shotokan Karate for a good 3-4 years. I should start it up again. But congratulations!!

    2. Axilus Prime
  21. See you soon Melody, we're waiting on your return.
  22. Nice to have you with the community. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
  23. So your riddle requires time/money, and because no one spent either you are disappointed? In any context, that's pretty unreasonable. *disgraceful
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